- Jan 08, 2015
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Define t_mem_ctlr_mosi/miso in common_mem_pkg, to use that instead of the records defined in tech_ddr_pkg. Also remove t_tech_ddr_addr record because it is not needed.
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Check UNSIGNED(wr_fifo_usedw) < c_dp_factor, because a mixed width FIFO cannot always be flushed completely empty, which is ok.diff
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jan 07, 2015
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jan 06, 2015
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Use ctlr slv address instead of record address. Separate p_burst_size into wr and rd process and define burstsize as positive. Assign ctlr_mosi.burstsize directly using wr/rd_burst_size, no need for ctlr_mosi_burstsize.
Eric Kooistra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jan 05, 2015
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Added io_ddr_cross_domain.vhd to handle dvr_clk and ctlr_clk domains in case they are different clock domains.
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
. Quartus 14.1 . Modelsim 10.4 . Modelsim 6.6c path now includes '6.6c' as subdir. -Note: dop233 has local mods that point to its own install dirs.
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored