Explore projects
This project is a fork of the original GPU De-dedispersion library (https://github.com/ajameson/dedisp/), intended to be used/modified for the FDD project.
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DP3: streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data
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ATDB implementation for the LDV (LOFAR Data Valorization) initiative.
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Script to compare contents of duplicate tarballs inside an LTA tarball and remove all duplicate files
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This repo contains a Python module that provides an API for the LOFAR stager.
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Image Domain Gridding (IDG) is a fast method for convolutional resampling (gridding/degridding) of radio astronomical data (visibilities). Direction-dependent effects (DDEs) or A-tems can be applied in the gridding process.
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This is a fork of https://github.com/benvanwerkhoven/energy_experiments, where only the kernel tuner scripts for some selected radio astronomy kernels have been maintained. The rest of the history is pruned.
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This is a custom spack repository for the software that was originally in schaap-stack (custom scripts to install software), and other common software used by ASTRON that are not included in the built-in Spack repository.
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