- Mar 30, 2015
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Eric Kooistra authored
- Mar 27, 2015
Shoshkov authored
Zanting authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
-Reverified and -validated dp_offload_tx.
Eric Kooistra authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
-Added optional post_split FIFO.
- Mar 26, 2015
Eric Kooistra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Read back BG settings after it has been enabled, to check that BG enable is recognized in the dp_clk domain.
Eric Kooistra authored
- Mar 25, 2015
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Use external DDR memory model in top level test bench, instead of the internal DDR memory model in tech_ddr.
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Excluded libs are not compiled but are mapped to work to avoid compile error when mentioned in the LIBRARY clause.
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
-merged transpose generics in g_reorder_seq
Pepping authored
- removed unused constants
Pepping authored
- Added record for transpose generics - Added reset signal for reference reset for DDR - Added ppsh registermap to ctrl_unb1_board
Eric Kooistra authored
Ported tc_mmf_wpfb_unit.py and tc_mmf_wpfb_unit_functional.py to RadioHDL because of used data file paths.
Eric Kooistra authored
SVN copied tb_mmf_wpfb_unit.vhd and used modelsim_copy_files to copy the data files to the build directory.
Eric Kooistra authored
- Mar 24, 2015
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
longer inserted by dp_offload_tx.
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored
Pepping authored