Explore projects
LOFAR Initial Calibration Pipeline, previously known as prefactor
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DP3: streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data
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A standalone client for the Telescope Manager Specification System (TMSS)
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The EveryBeam library is a library that provides the antenna response pattern for several instruments, such as LOFAR (and LOBES), SKA (OSKAR), MWA, JVLA, etc.
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A fork of https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/cobalt, with only the Beamformer kernel code and tests. Refactored to make the code 'stand-alone' as much as possible, while still being somewhat compatible with the original code. Since the original repository is over 500 Mb, all large files have been pruned from the history.
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LOFAR 2.0 APSCT Translator: Monitor and control I2C devices via OPC-UA variables
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Complex CUDA GEMM Library provides complex GEMM kernels for complex data.
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Common functions used in DP3, EveryBeam, WSClean. Like AOCommon but AOCommon is header-only and schaapcommon is not.
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Stuff written to support building/running the Rapthor pipeline on different platforms.
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ATDB implementation for the LDV (LOFAR Data Valorization) initiative.
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