Explore projects
The adex-data-scraper is a pip installable runnable package that can be used to import data from our archives (primarily astron-vo) into the ADEX backend.
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The EveryBeam library is a library that provides the antenna response pattern for several instruments, such as LOFAR (and LOBES), SKA (OSKAR), MWA, JVLA, etc.
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DP3: streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data
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LDV Specification Application. For filling ATDB-LDV with processing tasks for LOFAR data
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An example repository of an CI/CD pipeline for building, testing and deploying a python package
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LOFAR Initial Calibration Pipeline, previously known as prefactor
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A standalone client for the Telescope Manager Specification System (TMSS)
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A simple python library extending the alta python functionality to support obtaining large(ish) queries from ALTA.
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LOFAR station statistics gather and dump utility, writes station statistics continuously to the local S3 based object storage.
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LOFAR 2.0 APSCT Translator: Monitor and control I2C devices via OPC-UA variables