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The EveryBeam library is a library that provides the antenna response pattern for several instruments, such as LOFAR (and LOBES), SKA (OSKAR), MWA, JVLA, etc.
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Image Domain Gridding (IDG) is a fast method for convolutional resampling (gridding/degridding) of radio astronomical data (visibilities). Direction-dependent effects (DDEs) or A-tems can be applied in the gridding process.
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Complex CUDA GEMM Library provides complex GEMM kernels for complex data.
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This repository started as a fork of https://github.com/aroffringa/aartfaac2ms, but now also has some more tools for AARTFAAC.
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DP3: streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data
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Data Access Library (DAL) provides access to the HDF5 radio astronomy data produced by the LOFAR telescope, operated by ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy).
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The EveryBeam library is a library that provides the antenna response pattern for several instruments, such as LOFAR (and LOBES), SKA (OSKAR), MWA, JVLA, etc.
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EdgeDP3: to bring DP3 on the edge. Experimental DP3 verion to new features and optimizations.
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