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Apache License 2.0Authentication views based on Allauth in ASTRON house style
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This is a fork of https://github.com/benvanwerkhoven/energy_experiments, where only the kernel tuner scripts for some selected radio astronomy kernels have been maintained. The rest of the history is pruned.
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ASTRON SDC / Documents / astron-texmf
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Yan Grange / astron-texmf
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Apertif Task Database. This is the original ATDB version as was used for Apertif.
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ASTRON SDC / atdb-ldv
Apache License 2.0ATDB implementation for the LDV (LOFAR Data Valorization) initiative.
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Nico Vermaas / atdb_plot
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latercommandline prototype for ATDB reports and plots
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LOFAR2.0 / AttributeWrapper
Apache License 2.0PyTango attribute wrapper class to enable high level automatic translations of attributes to underlying hardware, or instrumentation. Typically used for translating tango attributes to OPCUA
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A fork of https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/cobalt, with only the Beamformer kernel code and tests. Refactored to make the code 'stand-alone' as much as possible, while still being somewhat compatible with the original code. Since the original repository is over 500 Mb, all large files have been pruned from the history.
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Script to compare contents of duplicate tarballs inside an LTA tarball and remove all duplicate files
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Klaas Kliffen / Celery Worker Types
Apache License 2.0Test with different types of workers for Celery tasks
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Maaijke Mevius / clocktec
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ASTRON Templates / C++ project
Apache License 2.0A cookiecutter template to create a new C++ project with CI/CD pipeline for building, testing and deploying a C++ project.