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RadioObservatory / LOFAR
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
ResearchAndDevelopment / idg
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyImage Domain Gridding (IDG) is a fast method for convolutional resampling (gridding/degridding) of radio astronomical data (visibilities). Direction-dependent effects (DDEs) or A-tems can be applied in the gridding process.
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This project will contain all the necessary code to monitor and control the devices on an APS in an easily configurable fashion and then transmit it through the OPC ua protocol.
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This project is a fork of the original GPU De-dedispersion library (https://github.com/ajameson/dedisp/), intended to be used/modified for the FDD project.
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LOFAR2.0 / APS_M_and_C
Apache License 2.0This project contains the embedded monitor and control parts for the microcontroller on the APS.
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Apache License 2.0LOFAR 2.0 APSCT Translator: Monitor and control I2C devices via OPC-UA variables
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Microcontroller program on LOFAR 2.0 RCU2 to translate between i2c and three HBATs, implemened on PIC24F.
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LOFAR2.0 / L2HBAT_pico
Apache License 2.0Raspberry pi pico code to control LOFAR high-band antenna tiles
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ResearchAndDevelopment / Tensor-Core Correlator
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Marcel Loose / Aoflagger
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Contains WSRT data pipeline for old data as originally created by Adriaan Renting. Also contains some scripts to decode the headers of magnetic tape files
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ResearchAndDevelopment / radler
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Alexander Kutkin / apipeline
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Jan David Mol / Python Udp Receiver
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Archived 0Updated
ResearchAndDevelopment / RECRUIT / ACAP-PPF
Apache License 2.0This repository contains the sources and implementations used in the project: Essay (Master): SIGNAL PROCESSING WITH AMD ADAPTIVE COMPUTE ACCELERATION PLATFORM (ACAP) FOR APPLICATIONS IN RADIO ASTRONOMY https://essay.utwente.nl/98354/