- Jul 27, 2018
Daniel van der Schuur authored
. Completed data path from inputs to outputs through all stages. Updated arts_unb2b_sc3 such that it compiles in Quartus. . Commented out MMM due to QSYS IP issues . Added IP for 3-channel 10GbE base-R (all mods in technology dir) . Added g_direction generic to unb2b_board_10gbe in anticipation of having to split up the now duplex I/O to . the RX part in the input stage . the TX part in the output stage
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Use latest images FB with nodc LOFAR subband coefficients. BF with clipping, Correlator with channel filter and large output DB. Th batch_test.py regression test went OK.
Eric Kooistra authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
- Jul 24, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
In MArch 2018 the workaround to read BSN monitor twice was fixed by setting g_mesh_sync_timeout = 256 M > 1.024 sec in node_apertif_unb1_fn_beamformer.vhd.
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Store 64 visibility packets in DB output to fit all channels for one beamlet (as supported in r 18616 apertif_unb1_correlator_full).
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jul 20, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
Correlator image 18593 with FIR pre-filter logic, but using cmd 36 bypass to effectively disable it.
- Jul 19, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jul 18, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
- Jul 17, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
- Jul 13, 2018
Kenneth Hiemstra authored
- Jul 12, 2018
Jonathan Hargreaves authored
- Jul 05, 2018
Daniel van der Schuur authored
. Reason: r18172 did not seem to include post-filterbank quantization.
- Jul 04, 2018
Jonathan Hargreaves authored
Daniel van der Schuur authored
Reinier van der Walle authored
- Jul 03, 2018
Pieter Donker authored
Pieter Donker authored
- Jul 02, 2018
Reinier van der Walle authored
Reinier van der Walle authored
similar libraries. This fixed compile errors for unb2
Reinier van der Walle authored
similar libraries. This fixed compile errors for unb2
Reinier van der Walle authored
compiling for unb2
Reinier van der Walle authored
Reinier van der Walle authored
Reinier van der Walle authored
- Jun 21, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored
Eric Kooistra authored
Reinier van der Walle authored
commit, a copy of the stratixiv variant.
Daniel van der Schuur authored
-Added comments.
Pieter Donker authored
- Jun 20, 2018
Eric Kooistra authored