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  • lofar2.0/tango
  • mckenna/tango
2 results
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Commits on Source (61)
......@@ -710,6 +710,19 @@
"SST": {
"LTS": {
"SST": {
"LTS/SST/1": {
"properties": {
"SST_Port": [
"StatsCrosslet": {
"CS997": {
"StatsCrosslet": {
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"Statistics": {
"SST": {
"1": {
"SST": {
"LTS/SST/1": {
from struct import unpack, calcsize
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import numpy
__all__ = ["StatisticsPacket"]
def get_bit_value(value: bytes, first_bit: int, last_bit:int=None) -> int:
""" Return bits [first_bit:last_bit] from value, and return their integer value. Bit 0 = LSB.
For example, extracting bits 2-3 from b'01100' returns 11 binary = 3 decimal:
get_bit_value(b'01100', 2, 3) == 3
If 'last_bit' is not given, just the value of bit 'first_bit' is returned. """
# default last_bit to first_bit
if last_bit is None:
last_bit = first_bit
return value >> first_bit & ((1 << (last_bit - first_bit + 1)) - 1)
class StatisticsPacket(object):
Models a statistics UDP packet from SDP.
Packets are expected to be UDP payload only (so no Ethernet/IP/UDP headers).
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.packet = packet
# Only parse valid packets
if self.marker not in 'SBX':
raise ValueError("Invalid SDP statistics packet: packet marker (first byte) is '{}', not one of 'SBX'.".format(self.marker))
def marker(self) -> str:
""" Return the type of statistic:
'S' = SST
'B' = BST
'X' = XST
raw_marker = unpack("c",self.packet[0:1])[0]
return raw_marker.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# non-ascii (>127) character, return as binary
# this is typically not visible to the user, as these packets are not SDP statistics packets,
# which the constructor will refuse to accept.
return raw_marker
def version_id(self) -> int:
""" Return the version of this packet. """
return unpack("B",self.packet[1:2])[0]
def observation_id(self) -> int:
""" Return the ID of the observation running when this packet was generated. """
return unpack("<I",self.packet[2:6])[0]
def station_id(self) -> int:
""" Return the number of the station this packet was generated on. """
return unpack("<H",self.packet[6:8])[0]
def source_info(self) -> int:
""" Return a dict with the source_info flags. The dict contains the following fields:
_raw: raw value of the source_info field in the packet, as an integer.
antenna_band_index: antenna type. 0 = low band, 1 = high band.
nyquist_zone_index: nyquist zone of filter:
0 = 0 -- 1/2 * t_adc Hz (low band),
1 = 1/2 * t_adc -- t_adc Hz (high band),
2 = t_adc -- 3/2 * t_adc Hz (high band).
t_adc: sampling clock. 0 = 160 MHz, 1 = 200 MHz.
fsub_type: sampling method. 0 = critically sampled, 1 = oversampled.
payload_error: 0 = data is ok, 1 = data is corrupted (a fault was encountered).
beam_repositioning_flag: 0 = data is ok, 1 = beam got repositioned during packet construction (BST only).
subband_calibrated_flag: 1 = subband data had subband calibration values applied, 0 = not
reserved: reserved bits
gn_index: global index of FPGA that emitted this packet. """
bits = unpack("<H",self.packet[8:10])[0]
return {
"_raw": bits,
"antenna_band_index": get_bit_value(bits, 15),
"nyquist_zone_index": get_bit_value(bits, 13, 14),
"t_adc": get_bit_value(bits, 12),
"fsub_type": get_bit_value(bits, 11),
"payload_error": get_bit_value(bits, 10),
"beam_repositioning_flag": get_bit_value(bits, 9),
"subband_calibrated_flag": get_bit_value(bits, 8),
"reserved": get_bit_value(bits, 5, 7),
"gn_index": get_bit_value(bits, 0, 4),
def reserved(self) -> bytes:
""" Reserved bytes. """
return self.packet[10:11]
def integration_interval_raw(self) -> int:
""" Returns the integration interval, in blocks. """
# This field is 3 bytes, little endian, so we need to append a 0 to parse it as a 32-bit integer.
return unpack("<I", self.packet[11:14] + b'0')[0]
def integration_interval(self) -> float:
""" Returns the integration interval, in seconds. """
# Translate to seconds using the block period
return self.integration_interval_raw * self.block_period()
def data_id(self) -> int:
""" Returns the generic data identifier. """
return unpack("<I",self.packet[14:18])[0]
def nof_signal_inputs(self) -> int:
""" Number of inputs that were used for constructing the payload. """
return unpack("<B",self.packet[18:19])[0]
def nof_bytes_per_statistic(self) -> int:
""" Word size for the payload. """
return unpack("<B",self.packet[19:20])[0]
def nof_statistics_per_packet(self) -> int:
""" Number of data points in the payload. """
return unpack("<H",self.packet[20:22])[0]
def block_period_raw(self) -> int:
""" Return the block period, in nanoseconds. """
return unpack("<H",self.packet[22:24])[0]
def block_period(self) -> float:
""" Return the block period, in seconds. """
return self.block_period_raw / 1e9
def block_serial_number(self) -> int:
""" Block index since epoch (1970). """
return unpack("<Q",self.packet[24:32])[0]
def timestamp(self) -> datetime:
""" Returns the timestamp of the data in this packet. """
return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.block_serial_number * self.block_period(), timezone.utc)
def header(self) -> dict:
""" Return all the header fields as a dict. """
return {
"marker": self.marker,
"version_id": self.version_id,
"observation_id": self.observation_id,
"station_id": self.station_id,
"source_info": self.source_info,
"reserved": self.reserved,
"integration_interval_raw": self.integration_interval_raw,
"integration_interval": self.integration_interval(),
"data_id": self.data_id,
"nof_signal_inputs": self.nof_signal_inputs,
"nof_bytes_per_statistic": self.nof_bytes_per_statistic,
"nof_statistics_per_packet": self.nof_statistics_per_packet,
"block_period_raw": self.block_period_raw,
"block_period": self.block_period(),
"block_serial_number": self.block_serial_number,
"timestamp": self.timestamp(),
def payload_sst(self) -> numpy.array:
""" The payload of this packet, interpreted as SST data. """
if self.marker != 'S':
raise Exception("Payload of SST requested of a non-SST packet. Actual packet marker is '{}', but must be 'S'.".format(self.marker))
# derive which and how many elements to read from the packet header
bytecount_to_unsigned_struct_type = { 1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'I', 8: 'Q' }
format_str = "<{}{}".format(self.nof_statistics_per_packet, bytecount_to_unsigned_struct_type[self.nof_bytes_per_statistic])
return numpy.array(unpack(format_str, self.packet[32:32+calcsize(format_str)]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse one packet from stdin
import sys
import pprint
# read all of stdin, even though we only parse the first packet. we're too lazy to intelligently decide when
# the packet is complete and can stop reading.
data =
packet = StatisticsPacket(data)
# print header & payload
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Statistics project
# This file is part of the SST project
# Distributed under the terms of the APACHE license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.
""" Statistics Device Server for LOFAR2.0
""" SST Device Server for LOFAR2.0
# PyTango imports
from tango.server import run
from tango.server import device_property
from tango.server import device_property, attribute
from tango import AttrWriteType
# Additional import
from clients.sst_client import sst_client
from clients.sst_client import sst_client, SST_collector
from util.attribute_wrapper import attribute_wrapper
from util.hardware_device import hardware_device
from util.lofar_git import get_version
from util.lofar_logging import device_logging_to_python, log_exceptions
......@@ -43,13 +44,37 @@ class SST(hardware_device):
# ----------
# Attributes
# ----------
# --------
# SST client annotation consists of a dict that contains the parameter name that needs to be read.
# Example: comms_annotation={"parameter": "this_value_R"}
packet_count_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"parameter": "packet_count_R"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
last_packet_timestamp_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"parameter": "last_packet_timestamp_R"}, datatype=numpy.int64)
queue_percentage_used_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"parameter": "queue_percentage_used_R"}, datatype=numpy.double)
version_R = attribute(dtype = str, access = AttrWriteType.READ, fget = lambda self: get_version())
# number of UDP packets that were received
nof_packets_received_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "nof_packets_received"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# number of UDP packets that were dropped because we couldn't keep up with processing
nof_packets_dropped_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "nof_packets_dropped"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# last packet we processed
last_packet_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "last_packet"}, dims=(9000,), datatype=numpy.uint8)
# when last packet was received
last_packet_timestamp_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "udp", "parameter": "last_packet_timestamp"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# number of UDP packets that were processed
nof_packets_processed_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_packets"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# queue fill percentage, as reported by the consumer
queue_fill_percentage_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "queue", "parameter": "fill_percentage"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# number of invalid (non-SST) packets received
nof_invalid_packets_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_invalid_packets"}, datatype=numpy.uint64)
# last packet that could not be parsed
last_invalid_packet_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "last_invalid_packet"}, dims=(9000,), datatype=numpy.uint8)
# number of packets with valid payloads
nof_valid_payloads_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_valid_payloads"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64)
# number of packets with invalid payloads
nof_payload_errors_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "nof_payload_errors"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64)
# latest SSTs
sst_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "sst_values"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_SUBBANDS, SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS), datatype=numpy.uint64)
# reported timestamp for each row in the latest SSTs
sst_timestamp_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "sst_timestamps"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.uint64)
# integration interval for each row in the latest SSTs
integration_interval_R = attribute_wrapper(comms_annotation={"type": "sst", "parameter": "integration_intervals"}, dims=(SST_collector.MAX_INPUTS,), datatype=numpy.float32)
# --------
# overloaded functions
......@@ -89,13 +114,13 @@ class SST(hardware_device):
# Run server
# ----------
def main(args=None, **kwargs):
"""Main function of the Statistics Device module."""
"""Main function of the SST Device module."""
from util.lofar_logging import configure_logger
import logging
return run((Statistics,), args=args, **kwargs)
return run((SST,), args=args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import struct
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
__all__ = ["StatisticsPacket", "SSTPacket", "XSTPacket", "BSTPacket"]
def get_bit_value(value: bytes, first_bit: int, last_bit:int=None) -> int:
""" Return bits [first_bit:last_bit] from value, and return their integer value. Bit 0 = LSB.
For example, extracting bits 2-3 from b'01100' returns 11 binary = 3 decimal:
get_bit_value(b'01100', 2, 3) == 3
If 'last_bit' is not given, just the value of bit 'first_bit' is returned. """
# default last_bit to first_bit
if last_bit is None:
last_bit = first_bit
return value >> first_bit & ((1 << (last_bit - first_bit + 1)) - 1)
class StatisticsPacket(object):
Models a statistics UDP packet from SDP.
Packets are expected to be UDP payload only (so no Ethernet/IP/UDP headers).
The following fields are exposed as properties & functions. The _raw fields come directly
from the packet, and have more user-friendly alternatives for intepretation:
marker_raw packet marker as byte.
marker() packet marker as character. 'S' = SST, 'X' = XST, 'B' = BST
version_id packet format version.
observation_id observation identifier.
station_id station identifier.
source_info: bit field with input information, encoding several other properties.
antenna_band_index: antenna type. 0 = low band, 1 = high band.
nyquist_zone_index: nyquist zone of filter:
0 = 0 -- 1/2 * t_adc Hz (low band),
1 = 1/2 * t_adc -- t_adc Hz (high band),
2 = t_adc -- 3/2 * t_adc Hz (high band).
t_adc: sampling clock. 0 = 160 MHz, 1 = 200 MHz.
fsub_type: sampling method. 0 = critically sampled, 1 = oversampled.
payload_error: 0 = data is ok, 1 = data is corrupted (a fault was encountered).
beam_repositioning_flag: 0 = data is ok, 1 = beam got repositioned during packet construction (BST only).
subband_calibrated_flag: 1 = subband data had subband calibration values applied, 0 = not.
gn_index: global index of FPGA that emitted this packet.
data_id: bit field with payload information, encoding several other properties.
nof_signal_inputs: number of inputs that contributed to data in this packet.
nof_bytes_per_statistics: word size of each statistic.
nof_statistics_per_packet: number of statistic data points in the payload.
integration_interval_raw: integration interval, in block periods.
integration_interval(): integration interval, in seconds.
block_period_raw: block period, in nanoseconds.
block_period(): block period, in seconds.
block_serial_number: timestamp of the data, in block periods since 1970.
timestamp(): timestamp of the data, as a datetime object.
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.packet = packet
# Only parse valid statistics packets from SDP, reject everything else
if self.marker_raw not in b'SBX':
raise ValueError("Invalid SDP statistics packet: packet marker (first byte) is {}, not one of 'SBX'.".format(self.marker))
def unpack(self):
""" Unpack the packet into properties of this object. """
# format string for the header, see unpack below
self.header_format = ">cBL HHB BHL BBH HQ"
self.header_size = struct.calcsize(self.header_format)
# unpack fields
# reserved byte
# integration interval, in block periods. This field is 3 bytes, big endian -- combine later
self.block_serial_number) = struct.unpack(self.header_format, self.packet[:self.header_size])
self.integration_interval_raw = (integration_interval_hi << 16) + integration_interval_lo
except struct.error as e:
raise ValueError("Error parsing statistics packet") from e
# unpack the fields we just updated
def unpack_source_info(self):
""" Unpack the source_info field into properties of this object. """
self.antenna_band_index = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 15)
self.nyquist_zone_index = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 13, 14)
self.t_adc = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 12)
self.fsub_type = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 11)
self.payload_error = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 10)
self.beam_repositioning_flag = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 9)
self.subband_calibrated_flag = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 8)
# self.source_info 5-7 are reserved
self.gn_index = get_bit_value(self.source_info, 0, 4)
def unpack_data_id(self):
""" Unpack the data_id field into properties of this object. """
# only useful in specialisations (XST/SST/BST)
def expected_size(self) -> int:
""" The size this packet should be (header + payload), according to the header. """
return self.header_size + self.nof_statistics_per_packet * self.nof_bytes_per_statistic
def marker(self) -> str:
""" Return the type of statistic:
'S' = SST
'B' = BST
'X' = XST
return self.marker_raw.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# non-ascii (>127) character, return as binary
# this is typically not visible to the user, as these packets are not SDP statistics packets,
# which the constructor will refuse to accept.
return self.marker_raw
def integration_interval(self) -> float:
""" Returns the integration interval, in seconds. """
# Translate to seconds using the block period
return self.integration_interval_raw * self.block_period()
def block_period(self) -> float:
""" Return the block period, in seconds. """
return self.block_period_raw / 1e9
def timestamp(self) -> datetime:
""" Returns the timestamp of the data in this packet.
Returns datetime.min if the block_serial_number in the packet is not set (0),
Returns datetime.max if the timestamp cannot be represented in python (likely because it is too large). """
return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.block_serial_number * self.block_period(), timezone.utc)
except ValueError:
# Let's not barf anytime we want to print a header
return datetime.max
def header(self) -> dict:
""" Return all the header fields as a dict. """
header = {
"marker": self.marker,
"version_id": self.version_id,
"observation_id": self.observation_id,
"station_id": self.station_id,
"source_info": {
"_raw": self.source_info,
"antenna_band_index": self.antenna_band_index,
"nyquist_zone_index": self.nyquist_zone_index,
"t_adc": self.t_adc,
"fsub_type": self.fsub_type,
"payload_error": self.payload_error,
"beam_repositioning_flag": self.beam_repositioning_flag,
"subband_calibrated_flag": self.subband_calibrated_flag,
"gn_index": self.gn_index,
"data_id": {
"_raw": self.data_id,
"integration_interval_raw": self.integration_interval_raw,
"integration_interval": self.integration_interval(),
"nof_signal_inputs": self.nof_signal_inputs,
"nof_bytes_per_statistic": self.nof_bytes_per_statistic,
"nof_statistics_per_packet": self.nof_statistics_per_packet,
"block_period_raw": self.block_period_raw,
"block_period": self.block_period(),
"block_serial_number": self.block_serial_number,
"timestamp": self.timestamp(),
return header
class SSTPacket(StatisticsPacket):
Models an SST statistics UDP packet from SDP.
The following fields are exposed as properties & functions.
signal_input_index: input (antenna polarisation) index for which this packet contains statistics
payload[nof_statistics_per_packet]: SST statistics, an array of amplitudes per subband.
def __init__(self, packet):
# We only parse SST packets
if self.marker != 'S':
raise Exception("Payload of SST requested of a non-SST packet. Actual packet marker is '{}', but must be 'S'.".format(self.marker))
def unpack_data_id(self):
self.signal_input_index = get_bit_value(self.data_id, 0, 7)
def header(self):
header = super().header()
header["data_id"]["signal_input_index"] = self.signal_input_index
return header
def payload(self) -> numpy.array:
""" The payload of this packet, interpreted as SST data. """
# derive which and how many elements to read from the packet header
bytecount_to_unsigned_struct_type = { 1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'I', 8: 'Q' }
format_str = ">{}{}".format(self.nof_statistics_per_packet, bytecount_to_unsigned_struct_type[self.nof_bytes_per_statistic])
return numpy.array(struct.unpack(format_str, self.packet[self.header_size:self.header_size + struct.calcsize(format_str)]))
class XSTPacket(StatisticsPacket):
Models an XST statistics UDP packet from SDP.
The following fields are exposed as properties & functions.
subband_index: subband number for which this packet contains statistics.
baseline: antenna pair for which this packet contains statistics.
def __init__(self, packet):
# We only parse XST packets
if self.marker != 'X':
raise Exception("Payload of XST requested of a non-XST packet. Actual packet marker is '{}', but must be 'X'.".format(self.marker))
def unpack_data_id(self):
self.subband_index = get_bit_value(self.data_id, 16, 24)
self.baseline = (get_bit_value(self.data_id, 8, 15), get_bit_value(self.data_id, 0, 7))
def header(self):
header = super().header()
header["data_id"]["subband_index"] = self.subband_index
header["data_id"]["baseline"] = self.baseline
return header
class BSTPacket(StatisticsPacket):
Models an BST statistics UDP packet from SDP.
The following fields are exposed as properties & functions.
beamlet_index: the number of the beamlet for which this packet holds statistics.
def __init__(self, packet):
# We only parse BST packets
if self.marker != 'B':
raise Exception("Payload of BST requested of a non-BST packet. Actual packet marker is '{}', but must be 'B'.".format(self.marker))
def unpack_data_id(self):
self.beamlet_index = get_bit_value(self.data_id, 0, 15)
def header(self):
header = super().header()
header["data_id"]["beamlet_index"] = self.beamlet_index
return header
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse one packet from stdin
import sys
import pprint
# read all of stdin, even though we only parse the first packet. we're too lazy to intelligently decide when
# the packet is complete and can stop reading.
data =
packet = SSTPacket(data)
# print header & payload
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import queue
from threading import Thread
import socket
from util.comms_client import CommClient
from clients.StatisticsPacket import SSTPacket
from queue import Queue
......@@ -11,9 +12,11 @@ import socket
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Value, Array
import time
from datetime import datetime
__all__ = ["sst_client", "SST_collector"]
__all__ = ["sst_client"]
logger = logging.getLogger()
class sst_client(CommClient):
......@@ -24,14 +27,14 @@ class sst_client(CommClient):
def start(self):
def __init__(self, host, port, fault_func, streams, try_interval=2, queuesize=1024, buffersize=9000):
def __init__(self, host, port, fault_func, streams, try_interval=2, queuesize=1024):
Create the sst client and connect() to it and get the object node
""" = host
self.port = port
self.timeout = 0.1
self.buffersize = buffersize
self.poll_timeout = 0.1
self.disconnect_timeout = 10.0
self.queuesize = queuesize
super().__init__(fault_func, streams, try_interval)
......@@ -42,34 +45,42 @@ class sst_client(CommClient):
def queue_fill_percentage(self):
return 100 * self.queue.qsize() / self.queue.maxsize if self.queue.maxsize else 0
except NotImplementedError:
# some platforms don't have qsize(), nothing we can do here
return 0
def connect(self):
Function used to connect to the client.
if not self.connected:
self.queue = Queue(maxsize=self.queuesize)
self.udp = UDP_Receiver(, self.port, self.queue, self.streams, self.buffersize, self.timeout)
self.sst = SST(self.queue, self.streams)
return super().connect()
self.udp = UDP_Receiver(, self.port, self.queue, self.poll_timeout, self.disconnect_timeout)
self.sst = SST_collector(self.queue, self.disconnect_timeout)
return super().connect()
def ping(self):
if not self.sst.isAlive():
raise Exception("SST thread died unexpectedly")
if not self.udp.isAlive():
raise Exception("UDP thread died unexpectedly")
def disconnect(self):
# explicit disconnect, instead of waiting for the GC to kick in after "del" below
del self.udp
del self.sst
del self.queue
return super().disconnect()
def _setup_annotation(self, annotation):
This class's Implementation of the get_mapping function. returns the read and write functions
parameter = annotation.get('parameter', None)
if parameter is None:
raise Exception("No SST parameter was given in the annotation: %s", annotation)
return parameter
def setup_value_conversion(self, attribute):
gives the client access to the attribute_wrapper object in order to access all data it could potentially need.
......@@ -82,15 +93,24 @@ class sst_client(CommClient):
MANDATORY function: is used by the attribute wrapper to get read/write functions. must return the read and write functions
# process the annotation
SST_param = self._setup_annotation(annotation)
parameter = annotation["parameter"]
# get all the necessary data to set up the read/write functions from the attribute_wrapper
def read_function():
return [self.sst.parameters[SST_param]]
# redirect to right object. this works as long as the parameter names are unique among them.
if annotation["type"] == "sst":
def read_function():
return self.sst.parameters[parameter]
elif annotation["type"] == "udp":
def read_function():
return self.udp.parameters[parameter]
elif annotation["type"] == "queue":
if parameter == "fill_percentage":
def read_function():
return numpy.uint64(self.queue_fill_percentage())
raise ValueError("Unknown queue parameter requested: %s" % parameter)
def write_function(value):
......@@ -105,20 +125,38 @@ class UDP_Receiver(Thread):
This class provides a small wrapper for the OPC ua read/write functions in order to better organise the code
def __init__(self, host, port, queue, streams, buffersize=9000, timeout=0.1):
self.streams = streams
def __init__(self, host, port, queue, poll_timeout=0.1, disconnect_timeout=10.0):
self.queue = queue = host
self.port = port
self.buffersize = buffersize
self.disconnect_timeout = disconnect_timeout
self.parameters = {
# Number of packets we received
"nof_packets_received": numpy.uint64(0),
# Number of packets we had to drop due to a full queue
"nof_packets_dropped": numpy.uint64(0),
# Packets are at most 9000 bytes, the largest payload (well, MTU) of an Ethernet Jumbo frame
"last_packet": numpy.zeros((9000,), dtype=numpy.uint8),
# Timestamp of when the last packet was received
"last_packet_timestamp": numpy.uint64(0),
logger.debug("binding a socket on UDP port {}:{}".format(, self.port))
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Allow binding even if there are still lingering packets in the kernel for a
# previous listener that already died. If not, we get an "Address already in use".
# This is stock socket usage.
self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# specify what host and port to listen on
self.sock.bind((, self.port))
# Make sure we can stop receiving packets even if none arrive.
# Without this, the recvmsg() call blocks indefinitely if no packet arrives.
self.stream_on = True
......@@ -126,57 +164,147 @@ class UDP_Receiver(Thread):
def run(self):
# all variables are manually defined and are updated each time
self.streams.debug_stream("starting UDP thread with port {} and host {}".format(self.port,"Starting UDP thread for {}:{}".format(, self.port))
while self.stream_on:
packet = [bytearray(self.buffersize)]
packet, _, _, _ = self.sock.recvmsg(9000)
self.parameters["nof_packets_received"] += numpy.uint64(1)
self.parameters["last_packet"] = numpy.frombuffer(packet, dtype=numpy.uint8)
self.parameters["last_packet_timestamp"] = numpy.uint64(int(time.time()))
# Forward packet to processing thread
except socket.timeout:
# timeout -- expected, allows us to check whether to stop
except queue.Full:
# overflow -- just discard
self.parameters["nof_packets_dropped"] += numpy.uint64(1)
def __del__(self):"Stopping UDP thread for {}:{}".format(, self.port))
def join(self, timeout=0):
self.stream_on = False
self.join()"Sent shutdown to UDP thread for {}:{}".format(, self.port))
if self.isAlive():
# happens if timeout is hit
# shutdown the socket so that others can listen on this port
def disconnect(self):
if not self.isAlive():
# try to get the thread shutdown, but don't stall forever
class SST(Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, streams):
if self.isAlive():
logger.error("UDP thread not shutting down for {}:{}".format(, self.port))
self.streams = streams
def __del__(self):
class SST_collector(Thread):
# Maximum number of antenna inputs we support (used to determine array sizes)
# Maximum number of subbands we support (used to determine array sizes)
def __init__(self, queue, disconnect_timeout=10.0):
self.queue = queue
self.last_packet = None
self.disconnect_timeout = disconnect_timeout
self.parameters = {
"packet_count_R": numpy.int64(0),
"last_packet_timestamp_R": numpy.int64(0),
"queue_percentage_used_R": numpy.double(100 * self.queue.qsize() / self.queue.maxsize)
"nof_packets": numpy.uint64(0),
# Packet count for packets that could not be parsed as SSTs
"nof_invalid_packets": numpy.uint64(0),
# Full contents of the latest packet we deemed invalid.
"last_invalid_packet": numpy.zeros((9000,), dtype=numpy.uint8),
# Number of packets received so far that we could parse correctly and do not have a payload error
"nof_valid_payloads": numpy.zeros((self.MAX_INPUTS,), dtype=numpy.uint64),
# Packets that reported a payload error
"nof_payload_errors": numpy.zeros((self.MAX_INPUTS,), dtype=numpy.uint64),
# Last value array we've constructed out of the packets
"sst_values": numpy.zeros((self.MAX_INPUTS, self.MAX_SUBBANDS), dtype=numpy.uint64),
"sst_timestamps": numpy.zeros((self.MAX_INPUTS,), dtype=numpy.float64),
"integration_intervals": numpy.zeros((self.MAX_INPUTS,), dtype=numpy.float32),
def run(self):
self.streams.debug_stream("starting SST thread")"Starting SST thread")
while True:
packet = self.queue.get()
self.last_packet = self.queue.get()
if packet is None:
# This is the exception/slow path, but python doesn't allow us to optimise that
if self.last_packet is None:
# None is the magic marker to stop processing
def __del__(self):"Stopping SST thread")
def join(self, timeout=0):
# insert magic marker
self.join()"Sent shutdown to SST thread")
def disconnect(self):
if not self.isAlive():
# try to get the thread shutdown, but don't stall forever
if self.isAlive:
logger.error("SST thread not shutting down")
def process_packet(self, packet):
self.parameters["packet_count_R"] += 1
self.parameters["last_packet_timestamp_R"] = numpy.int64(int(time.time()))
self.parameters["queue_percentage_used_R"] = numpy.double(100 * self.queue.qsize() / self.queue.maxsize)
\ No newline at end of file
self.parameters["nof_packets"] += numpy.uint64(1)
fields = SSTPacket(packet)
# determine which input this packet contains data for
if fields.signal_input_index >= self.MAX_INPUTS:
# packet describes an input that is out of bounds for us
raise ValueError("Packet describes input %d, but we are limited to describing MAX_INPUTS=%d" % (fields.signal_input_index, self.MAX_INPUTS))
input_index = fields.signal_input_index
if fields.payload_error:
# cannot trust the data if a payload error is reported
self.parameters["nof_payload_errors"][input_index] += numpy.uint64(1)
# process the packet
self.parameters["nof_valid_payloads"][input_index] += numpy.uint64(1)
self.parameters["sst_values"][input_index][:fields.nof_statistics_per_packet] = fields.payload
self.parameters["sst_timestamps"][input_index] = numpy.float64(fields.timestamp().timestamp())
self.parameters["integration_intervals"][input_index] = fields.integration_interval()
except Exception as e:
# This is unexpected, so print a stack trace
logging.exception("Could not parse SST UDP packet")
self.parameters["nof_invalid_packets"] += numpy.uint64(1)
self.parameters["last_packet"] = numpy.frombuffer(packet, dtype=numpy.uint8)
......@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
version: '2'
image: device-statistics
image: device-sst
# build explicitly, as docker-compose does not understand a local image
# being shared among services.
context: lofar-device-base
container_name: ${CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX}device-statistics
container_name: ${CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX}device-sst
network_mode: ${NETWORK_MODE}
- 5001:5001/udp
......@@ -33,5 +35,5 @@ services:
- --timeout=30
- --strict
- --
- python3 -u ${TANGO_LOFAR_CONTAINER_DIR}/devices/ LTS -v
- python3 -u ${TANGO_LOFAR_CONTAINER_DIR}/devices/ LTS -v
restart: on-failure
# Create shortcuts for our devices
pcc = DeviceProxy("LTS/PCC/1")
sdp = DeviceProxy("LTS/SDP/1")
sst = DeviceProxy("LTS/SST/1")
# Put them in a list in case one wants to iterate
devices = [pcc, sdp]
devices = [pcc, sdp, sst]