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Poster and associated proceedings on ESAP for ADASS 2021
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Klaas Kliffen / Celery Worker Types
Apache License 2.0Test with different types of workers for Celery tasks
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LOFAR2.0 / SKA TANGO Grafana Exporter
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA mirror of https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/TANGO-grafana.git.
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Sanity checker for hipslists. This tool simply checks if all HiPSes linked in the hipslist have keys that are consistent with the keys in the hipslist.
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Database dumper helper script and combination script used to generate the input files for ARTS DR1 from ALTA.
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Script used to obtain the json files corresponding to the visibility-only data from APERTIF DR1. This script also is a demonstrator of how to use the extended ALTA library to quey the ALTA REST API.
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LOFAR2.0 / Wind Farm Monitor
Apache License 2.0Updated -
SSW-KSP / h5_to_fits
Apache License 2.0Updated -
RTSD / apertif_matlab
Apache License 2.0Matlab files used to model the DSP operations in APERTIF. Original source: https://svn.astron.nl/UniBoard_FP7/RadioHDL/trunk/applications/apertif/matlab/
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Frits Sweijen / LINC
Apache License 2.0LOFAR Initial Calibration Pipeline, previously known as prefactor