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Contains WSRT data pipeline for old data as originally created by Adriaan Renting. Also contains some scripts to decode the headers of magnetic tape files
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ResearchAndDevelopment / Tensor-Core Correlator
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Mattia Mancini / Ska Sdp Benchmark Tests
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Microcontroller program on LOFAR 2.0 RCU2 to translate between i2c and three HBATs, implemened on PIC24F.
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ResearchAndDevelopment / radler
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Jan David Mol / Python Udp Receiver
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Apache License 2.0LOFAR 2.0 APSCT Translator: Monitor and control I2C devices via OPC-UA variables
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RadioObservatory / LOFAR
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
LOFAR2.0 / L2HBAT_pico
Apache License 2.0Raspberry pi pico code to control LOFAR high-band antenna tiles
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ResearchAndDevelopment / idg
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyImage Domain Gridding (IDG) is a fast method for convolutional resampling (gridding/degridding) of radio astronomical data (visibilities). Direction-dependent effects (DDEs) or A-tems can be applied in the gridding process.
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This project is a fork of the original GPU De-dedispersion library (https://github.com/ajameson/dedisp/), intended to be used/modified for the FDD project.
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ResearchAndDevelopment / RECRUIT / ccglib
Apache License 2.0Complex CUDA GEMM Library provides complex GEMM kernels for complex data.