Please note that the previously running instance of ESAP at is unsupported and has been put offline. This documentation describes the software and how to run your own instance.
ESAP is a suite of online data discovery tools that have been developed for the ESCAPE Science Analysis Platform (ESAP). ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) brings together the astronomy, astroparticle and particle physics communities to establish a single collaborative cluster of next generation facilities to build the astronomy and particle physics cell of the European Open Science Cloud.
ESAP is designed to be flexible and extensible with a modular structure that encapsulates its different functional components. The ESAP backend is written in Python using the Django framework and communicates with a Javascript front-end via a REST API.
One of the core components of the ESAP is a generic interface that enables discovery of Virtual Observatory (VO) resources by querying the VO registry. Once suitable VO resources have been discovered, ESAP provides a flexible interface to select and retrieve specific subsets of data and stage them for interactive or batch data analysis.
The ESAP data discovery framework also enables support for non-VO data archives with minimal developer effort.
External Links
Papers and Conference Proceedings
- ESAP: The ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform, proceedings of ADASS XXXI
- Discovering data with the ESCAPE Science Analysis Platform, proceedings of ADASS XXX