Use this mode if you want to run ESAP in Docker containers on your own machine in 'production mode'.
* this will install ESAP locally. You can ESAP-GUI in your browser at 'localhost/esap-gui'.
* there is no need to register your instance at IAM, you can use our default registration.
## prerequisites
* git
* Docker & docker-compose
* curl
## Installation
### STEP 1 (automatic) - install_esap.sh
curl -fsSL https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/raw/master/esap/deploy/install_esap.sh -o install_esap.sh && chmod +x install_esap.sh && ./install_esap.sh
This creates 2 directories:
`~/esap_root` contains the source code
`~/esap_shared` contains shared configuration and configuration databases
### STEP 2 (manual configuration)
Your ESAP-GUI frontend needs to know where your ESAP-API backend is before the frontend is compiled into a Javascript bundle.
nano ~/esap_root/esap-gui/src/contexts/GlobalContext.js
Look for this snippet of code in [GlobalContext.js](https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-gui/-/blob/master/src/contexts/GlobalContext.js) and make sure that the `api_host` of production is
set correctly.
const api_host =
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
? "http://localhost:5555/esap-api/"
: "http://localhost:8000/esap-api/";
#### Registering at IAM
A development ESAP client is already registered as a service at IAM for the 'localhost' redirect url.
But you can also choose to register your own ESAP client and get your own `OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID` and `OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET`. See [Register at IAM](https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/wikis/Build-&-Deploy-ESAP/Production-mode-(server)#registering-at-iam) for that procedure.
### Fill in OIDC settings
Fill in`OIDC_RP_CIENT_ID` and `OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET` that you received from us, or from your own IAM registration.
nano ~/esap_shared/oidc.env
### STEP 3 (automatic) - run_esap.sh
curl -fsSL https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/raw/master/esap/deploy/run_esap.sh -o run_esap.sh && chmod +x run_esap.sh && ./run_esap.sh
This builds the frontend and spins up the Docker containers
### STEP 4 (manual) - adding a superuser for the admin app
You can use the Django admin app to change the configuration of ESAP. (See the 'ESAP configuration' documentation). But you need to create a 'superuser' with admin rights for that.
Execute the following docker command to create a superuser with admin rights and follow the instructions on screen. Note that this is not your IAM account, it is recommended to create a user 'admin' for this.
docker exec -it esap_api_gateway python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=esap.settings.docker
You should now be able to login with the superuser that you just created:
* admin app: `<your_host>/esap-api/admin/`

## Testing:
`docker container ls` should show the 2 containers
26439ee6c80d esap_gui:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes>80/tcp esap_gui
e3d8162e444a esap_api_gateway:latest "/bin/sh -c 'exec gu…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes 8000/tcp esap_api_gateway
* frontend: [http://localhost/esap-gui](http://localhost/esap-gui)
* backend : [http://localhost:8000/esap-api/query/](http://localhost:8000/esap-api/query/)

## Updates
If you want to update your ESAP installation then you can rerun the two script commands.
This will not override your databases and configuration in the `~/esap_shared` directory, unless you first delete them manually.
curl -fsSL https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/raw/master/esap/deploy/install_esap.sh -o install_esap.sh && chmod +x install_esap.sh && ./install_esap.sh
curl -fsSL https://git.astron.nl/astron-sdc/esap-api-gateway/-/raw/master/esap/deploy/run_esap.sh -o run_esap.sh && chmod +x run_esap.sh && ./run_esap.sh
## Shutting down
When you have finished working on ESAP, you can shut down the running system as follows:
cd ~/esap_shared
ESAP_SHARED=~/esap_shared ESAP_ROOT=~/esap_root docker-compose down
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