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Apache License 2.0LOFAR 2.0 APSCT Translator: Monitor and control I2C devices via OPC-UA variables
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ResearchAndDevelopment / idg
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyImage Domain Gridding (IDG) is a fast method for convolutional resampling (gridding/degridding) of radio astronomical data (visibilities). Direction-dependent effects (DDEs) or A-tems can be applied in the gridding process.
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ASTRON SDC / lofar_stager_api
Apache License 2.0This repo contains a Python module that provides an API for the LOFAR stager.
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ASTRON SDC / atdb-ldv
Apache License 2.0ATDB implementation for the LDV (LOFAR Data Valorization) initiative.
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LOFAR2.0 / Cryptocoryne
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ASTRON SDC / stageit
Apache License 2.0New implementation for the LOFAR stager in the Django framework.
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Cristina Cordun / lofar-station-calibration
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ResearchAndDevelopment / dool_plugins
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Corné Lukken / loafty
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ResearchAndDevelopment / radler
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Data size and processing time calculator for LOFAR
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LOFAR2.0 / AttributeWrapper
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This is a fork of https://github.com/benvanwerkhoven/energy_experiments, where only the kernel tuner scripts for some selected radio astronomy kernels have been maintained. The rest of the history is pruned.
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Aleksandar Shulevski / apub
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ResearchAndDevelopment / LSMTool
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyLOFAR Local Sky Model Tool
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A fork of https://git.astron.nl/lofar2.0/cobalt, with only the Beamformer kernel code and tests. Refactored to make the code 'stand-alone' as much as possible, while still being somewhat compatible with the original code. Since the original repository is over 500 Mb, all large files have been pruned from the history.
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ResearchAndDevelopment / schaapcommon
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCommon functions used in DP3, EveryBeam, WSClean. Like AOCommon but AOCommon is header-only and schaapcommon is not.
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Stuff written to support building/running the Rapthor pipeline on different platforms.