Asynchronous logic to cross clock domains, typically from IO to internal logic.
. single signal --> FF in series strobes
. parallel word --> FF in series for strobes that transfer the data
. streaming data --> FIFO using gray encoding for wr and rd address comparision, use one
wide FIFO for all data inputs in parallel to preserve their relative
Reset : asynchronous or synchronous ?
Digital logic: Ik noem logic zonder klok vaak "combinatorial logic". Deze term is op zich correct, maar de meer gangbare term is "combinational logic", zie . Ik zal dat aanpassen in de documentatie. De logic met klok wordt "sequential logic" genoemd. Tesamen heet het "digital logic".
@@ -36,7 +48,7 @@ Idea / rule: Distinguish beteen state registers and pipeline registers.
. Components that do need input flow control can OR their input flow control with the external flow control
and wire that to the input_siso.
@@ -72,6 +84,8 @@ Ik zie twee niveaus:
dat de packets die binnenkomen van buiten de FPGA correct zijn (bijv. mbv CRC ok) dan is de
block processing foutloos (dwz what you want is what you get). Dan kunnen we er intern steeds
van uitgaan dat de blokken data correct zijn en hoeven we dus intern geen checks meer te doen.
De processing moet wel bestand zijn tegen missende blocken, bijv. tgv data loss aan een input
of uit en aan zetten van een input.
Design steps:
@@ -97,6 +111,11 @@ Implementation steps:
SIGNAL r : t_reg;
SIGNAL nxt_r : t_reg;
. -- Memoryless signals in p_comb (wires used as local auxiliary variables)
SIGNAL s : t_comb;
. -- Structural signals (wires used to connect components and IO)
. -- Pipeline registers
SIGNAL in_data_p : ...
@@ -131,11 +150,24 @@ Implementation steps:
-- next state
nxt_r <= v;
-- memory less signals, only for view in wave window
s <= d;
. -- Pipelining
- TB: Test the functionality of the DUT:
. Every component should have a tb (= unit test)
. The tb should be self checking and self stopping, so that it can be part of a
regression test.
. Only test the added functionality of the DUT, do not test lower level component
instances, because these have been tested already in detail at their level. E.g
for an MMP interface component, only check that the MM access is wired correctly.
. if possible also create the dual component, e.g. tx --> rx, encoder --> decoder
multiplexer --> demultiplexer (see dp, diag examples). This makes tb verification
easier, because expected results are in the same format as the stimuli and
because it yields the dual component, which can be useful for future applications.
. start with easiest, default use case,
. then verify the additional functions and features,
. then verify the corner cases (e.g. 0, 1, some prime value, smallest, largest),