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erko_howto_tools.txt 62.7 KiB
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Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Flash and reboot unb2
* Flash and reboot on L2TS using tunnel to SDPTR
* RadioHDL issues
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* SDP HW tests (SDPTR, upe_gear, tcpdump)
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* LaTeX
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Remote access
* Remote access using step
* Regression test
* License server
* Screen to run a terminal session without ssh connection
* Quartus Qsys IP files in GIT
* Quartus version
* Quartus issues
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Linux
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* ICT diensten
* Python
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Numpy, matplotlib.pyplot
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Jupyter
* Graphana
* Zenodo DOI
* Install OpenSCAD
* DTS-lab unb2c
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Flake8, black

* RadioHDL with GIT

# Setup vendor specific environment variables in .bashrc

  * bashrc defines root directories that contain one or more versions of tool installations
    - define MENTOR_DIR : modelsim installations
    - define ALTERA_DIR : altera installations

    - LM_LICENSE_FILE=<our_license@our_compagny>

# Setup RadioHDL development environment for hdl/. The hdl/libraries, hdl/boards and hdl/applications are
# developed simultaneously and therefor in one git hdl/ repository

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
> cd git
  alias initsdp='cd $HOMEDATA/git/hdl;. ./;cd ../upe_gear;. ./;cd ../sdptr;. ./;cd ..'

> . ./
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
  * defines:
    - RADIOHDL_WORK directory for where the source code resides
    - HDL_BUILD_DIR directory for where the targets will be build
    - HDL_IOFILE_SIM_DIR=${HDL_BUILD_DIR}/sim for simulating with Modelsim using file IO
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
  * init_hdl copies git user_components.ipx into Altera dir's
    - cp ${RADIOHDL_WORK}/hdl_user_components.ipx $altera_dir/ip/altera/user_components.ipx
  * automatically also sources ../radiohdl/ if necessary
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
  * automatically also sources ../args/ if necessary

source also radiohdl tools
. ../radiohdl/

  * defines:
    - RADIOHDL_GEAR directory of where the is located
    - HDL_BUILD_DIR = ${HDL_BUILD_DIR}/build if not already defined
    - RADIOHDL_CONFIG = ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/config if not already defined
  * extends:
    - PATH with ${RADIOHDL_GEAR}/core
> compile_altera_simlibs unb1   # creates build/unb1/hdl_libraries_ip_stratixiv.txt
                                # creates build/quartus/<tool version> simulation models that need to be moved
> generate_ip_libs unb1         # creates build/unb1/qmegawiz/
                                # creates build/unb1/quartus_sh --> empty dir, why is it there?
> quartus_config unb1           # creates build/unb1/quartus/<hdllib libraries> for synthesis
                                # creates build/unb1/quartus/technology_select_pkg.vhd
> modelsim_config unb1          # creates build/unb1/modelsim/<hdllib libraries> for simulation
                                # creates build/unb1/modelsim/modelsim_project_files.txt for Modelsim
                                # creates build/unb1/modelsim/technology_select_pkg.vhd
> run_qsys unb1 unb1_minimal_qsys   # creates QSYS block in build/unb1/quartus/unb1_minimal_qsys
> run_qcomp unb1 unb1_minimal_qsys  # creates
Questasim had Exit code 5 = "Cannot create/open/find/read/write a design library"
during tb simulation load --> fixed by "sudo chmod a+w -R modelsim_altera_libs/18.0".
> run_quartus unb1 &

# Modify QSYS
> quartus_config unb2c
> run_quartus unb2c &
 - Open project
 - Tools/Platform Designer
   . Platform designer system choose qsys from build
 - In system view:
   . remove components
   . add components from Uniboard library (double click avs_common_mm or use green +)
     use qsys_unb2c_test_ prefix in component name ip file, but rename component without prefix
   . use periperal names that match the upe_gear default name + instance scheme
     double click export name to change it, none for default
   . System/assign base addresses
     System/assign interrupt numbers
     if needed do: Sync system infos button
   . copy component from Generate/Show instance template --> qsys_unb2c_test_pkg.vhd
   . no need to generate HDL
 - Ignore warning about avs_eth_0 IP parameterization
 - File save.
> Copy qsys and ip files to the quartus dir of the mother design.

   board unb2c
   . cp build/unb2c/quartus/unb2c_test_1GbE_I/ip/qsys_unb2c_test/*.ip boards/uniboard2c/designs/unb2c_test/quartus/ip/qsys_unb2c_test/
   . cp build/unb2c/quartus/unb2c_test_1GbE_I/qsys_unb2c_test.qsys boards/uniboard2c/designs/unb2c_test/quartus

   lofar2 unb2c
   . cp build/unb2c/quartus/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full/ip/qsys_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/*.ip applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/quartus/ip/qsys_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/
   . cp build/unb2c/quartus/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full/qsys_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station.qsys applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station/quartus

   lofar2 unb2b
   . cp build/unb2b/quartus/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg/ip/qsys_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/*.ip applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/quartus/ip/qsys_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/
   . cp build/unb2b/quartus/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg/qsys_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station.qsys applications/lofar2/designs/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station/quartus

> Edit the hdllib.cfg of each revision to include the new peripheral ip files
> The hdllib.cfg of each revision design will copy the qsys and ip files to each
  revision build quartus dir, so all revisions use the same qsys.

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# Run command line synthesis for unb2c_test revision
quartus_config unb2c
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed --avalon -d unb2c_test -r unb2c_test_1GbE_I
run_reg unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_I
run_qcomp unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_I --clk=CLK
run_rbf unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_I
==> All in one: build_image unb2c unb2c_test --rev=unb2c_test_1GbE_I --seed=1,2
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
quartus_config unb2c
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed --avalon -d unb2c_test -r unb2c_test_1GbE_II
run_reg unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_II
run_qcomp unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_II --clk=CLK
run_rbf unb2c unb2c_test_1GbE_II
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
==> All in one: build_image unb2c unb2c_test --rev=unb2c_test_1GbE_II --seed=1,2
quartus_config unb2c
run_qsys_pro unb2c unb2c_test_ddr_16G --avalon -d unb2c_test -r unb2c_test_ddr_16G
run_reg unb2c unb2c_test_ddr_16G
run_qcomp unb2c unb2c_test_ddr_16G --clk=CLK
run_rbf unb2c unb2c_test_ddr_16G
==> All in one: build_image unb2c unb2c_test --rev=unb2c_test_ddr_16G --seed=1,2

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# Run command line synthesis for dts
quartus_config unb2c
run_qsys_pro unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full --avalon -d lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
run_reg unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
run_qcomp unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full --clk=CLK
run_rbf unb2c lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# Run command line synthesis for sdp-arts
quartus_config unb2b
run_qsys_pro unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg --avalon -d lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg
run_reg unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg
run_qcomp unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg --clk=CLK
run_rbf unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg

> quartus_config unb2b; run_qsys_pro unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; --avalon -d lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station -r lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; run_reg unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg; run_qcomp unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg --clk=CLK; run_rbf unb2b lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* scp from regtest =
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
mkdir hdl_build_results/20230108
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/quartus_build_images_cron.log hdl_build_results/20230108/
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/git/hdl/build/unb2c/quartus/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full hdl_build_results/20230108/
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/git/hdl/build/unb2b/quartus/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg hdl_build_results/20230108/
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/git/hdl/build/unb2c/quartus/disturb2_unb2b_sdp_station_full hdl_build_results/20230108/
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/git/hdl/build/unb2c/quartus/disturb2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg hdl_build_results/20230108/
mkdir hdl_build_results/20230827
cd hdl_build_results/20230827
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-08-26T22u04_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg_216MHz .
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-08-26T18u53_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full_204MHz .

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
cd ~/hdl_build_result
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-01-29T01u45_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full_191MHz hdl_build_result
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-01-29T04u36_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg_211MHz hdl_build_result
scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-01-29T04u36_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg_211MHz/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg-e0f332504.rbf hdl_build_result

scp -rp regtest@dop349:/home/regtest/hdl_build_result/2023-02-19T04u37_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg_215MHz/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg-c17ad5759.rbf hdl_build_result
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

scp -rp kooistra@dop436:/home/kooistra/git/hdl/build/unb2b/quartus/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg ~/hdl_build_result

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
du -h -d 2
df -h /home
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
Synthesis neemt onegeveer 4GB voor Disturb image en 3GB voor SDP image, dus
ongeveer 14GB / weekend. De regtest machine heeft nog 500GB vrij, dus we
kunnen nog ongeveer 35x opslaan, voordat we moeten deleten.
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
* Flash and reboot unb2
# Copy rbf image to machine
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
scp -rp build/unb2c/quartus/unb2c_test_1GbE_I/unb2c_test_1GbE_I.rbf kooistra@dop421:/home/kooistra/git/upe_gear

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# On dop386 of sdp-arts (regtest dop349 =
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
scp -rp regtest@ /home/kooistra/hdl_build_result

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# On dop421 of dts-lab (regtest dop349 =
scp -rp regtest@ /home/kooistra/hdl_build_result

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
build/unb2c/quartus/unb2c_test_1GbE_I/unb2c_test_1GbE_I.rbf kooistra@dop421:/home/kooistra/git/upe_gear
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# Flash and reboot with UPE_GEAR --unb2 0 --pn2 0:3 -v 5 -n 9  # load factory image from flash --unb2 0 --pn2 0:3 -v 5 -n 4 -s unb2c_test_1GbE_I.rbf  # write rbf into flash --unb2 0 --pn2 0:3 -v 5 -n 7 -s unb2c_test_1GbE_I.rbf  # write rbf into flash and verify --unb2 0 --pn2 0:3 -v 5 -n 8  # load user image from flash --unb2 0 --pn2 0:3 -v 3 -n 2

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# Flash and reboot with SDPTR on DTS-lab
#   RPi4 is
#   port 4840 for DTS-lab
#   port 4842 for sdp-arts
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
cd ../sdptr/
. ./ --host -r firmware_version --host -n 0:3 --reboot --image FACT --host -r firmware_version --host -n 0:3 --write --image USER --file ../upe_gear/unb2c_test_1GbE_I.rbf --host -r firmware_version --host -n 0:3 --reboot --image USER --host -r firmware_version
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version --host --port 4842 -n 64:79 --reboot --image FACT --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version --host --port 4842 -n 64:79 --write --image USER --file /home/kooistra/hdl_build_result/lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg.rbf --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version --host --port 4842 -n 64:79 --reboot --image USER --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# MTU wijzigen (when statistics packets get lost, show as Rx error in ifconfig)
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
sudo ifconfig enp67s0f1 netmask mtu 9000 up

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
# When dop386 with sdp-arts has no ip address do:
sudo ifconfig enp5s0
sudo ifconfig enp5s0 netmask

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
Last SDPFW version used in 2022:
  kooistra@dop386:~/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version
  read firmware_version:
  node 64:  2022-11-06T02.45.36_e6769e2e3_lofar2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg

* Flash and reboot on L2TS using tunnel to SDPTR

4 sept 2023
How to reach the SDP Translators on LCU2 in CS001? I got this from Reinier and Pieter to tunnel to the SDPTR, so that I can run the flash commands:

ssh -C -N -L 4840: & is de raspberrypi waar de sdp translator op draait op poort 4840 is dop491
Op de PC waar je dit ssh commando uitvoert kun je je dan de sdp translator bereiken op (localhost, poort 4840)
De eerste 4840 in het commando mag ook een andere waarde hebben
Instead of dop491 I need to fill in LCU2. And how do I then distinguish between the different SDPTR instances?

Jan David Mol
LCU2 is cs001c.control.lofar (
LBA translator loopt op poort 4840, HBA0 op 4842, HBA1 op 4844

ssh -C -N -L 4840:
yes (accept fingerprint), ctrl-z, bg

:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4840 -r firmware_version
read firmware_version:
node  0:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  1:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  2:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  3:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  4:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  5:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  6:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  7:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  8:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  9:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 10:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 11:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 12:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 13:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 14:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 15:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version
read firmware_version:
node 16:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 17:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 18:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 19:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4844 -r firmware_version
read firmware_version:
node 20:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 21:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 22:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 23:  2023-04-15T18.27.13_c9dfeffb9_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full

:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4840 -r global_node_index
read global_node_index:
node  0:  0
node  1:  1
node  2:  2
node  3:  3
node  4:  4
node  5:  5
node  6:  6
node  7:  7
node  8:  8
node  9:  9
node 10:  10
node 11:  11
node 12:  12
node 13:  13
node 14:  14
node 15:  15
:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4842 -r global_node_index
read global_node_index:
node 16:  16
node 17:  17
node 18:  18
node 19:  19
:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4844 -r global_node_index
read global_node_index:
node 20:  20
node 21:  21
node 22:  22
node 23:  23

# HBA-1 --host --port 4844 -r firmware_version --host --port 4844 --reboot --image FACT
sleep 60 --host --port 4844 -r firmware_version --host --port 4844 --write --image USER --file /dop466_0/kooistra/hdl_build_results/20230902/2023-09-02T18u54_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full_215MHz/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full-e3ec2b2bb.rbf --host --port 4844 --reboot --image USER
sleep 60 --host --port 4844 -r firmware_version

# HBA-0 --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version --host --port 4842 --reboot --image FACT
sleep 60 --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version --host --port 4842 --write --image USER --file /dop466_0/kooistra/hdl_build_results/20230902/2023-09-02T18u54_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full_215MHz/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full-e3ec2b2bb.rbf --host --port 4842 --reboot --image USER
sleep 60 --host --port 4842 -r firmware_version

# LBA --host --port 4840 -r firmware_version --host --port 4840 --reboot --image FACT
sleep 60 --host --port 4840 -r firmware_version --host --port 4840 --write --image USER --file /dop466_0/kooistra/hdl_build_results/20230902/2023-09-02T18u54_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full_215MHz/lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full-e3ec2b2bb.rbf --host --port 4840 --reboot --image USER
sleep 60 --host --port 4840 -r firmware_version

:kooistra@dop466:/dop466_0/kooistra/git/sdptr$ --host --port 4840 -r firmware_version
read firmware_version:
node  0:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  1:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  2:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  3:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  4:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  5:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  6:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  7:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  8:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node  9:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 10:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 11:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 12:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 13:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 14:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full
node 15:  2023-09-02T18.27.22_e3ec2b2bb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_full

This is the image with time transposed order of beamlets data to CEP (L2SDP-961).
* RadioHDL with SVN

echo "Uniboard trunk is selected"
export SVN=${HOME}/svnroot/UniBoard_FP7
#Setup RadioHDL environment for UniBoard2 and and new Uniboard1 applications
. ${SVN}/RadioHDL/trunk/tools/
# Support old UniBoard environment (including Aarfaac and Paasar)
. ${SVN}/RadioHDL/trunk/tools/

* RadioHDL issues

1) may 2020 PD unb2b failed
Error : Unavailable library ip_arria10_e1sg_altera_jesd204_180 at 'hdl_lib_uses_sim' key is not disclosed at 'hdl_lib_disclose_library_clause_names' key in library ['ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e3sge3_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e1sg_fractional_pll_clk125', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk200', 'ip_arria10_e2sg_fractional_pll_clk125']

Temporary fix commented line 4,5 in:

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

Alternative: SystemRDL ?

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
1) Synthesis flow
cd ~/git/hdl
. ./
compile_altera_simlibs unb2b
generate_altera_simlibs unb2b
sudo mv $RADIOHDL_WORK/build/quartus/18.0  /home/software/modelsim_altera_libs

run_qsys_pro unb2b unb2b_minimal

# Overwrite rom_system_info with mmap, using -a to have base addresses from QSYS --fpga unb2b_minimal --avalon
run_reg unb2b unb2b_minimal

run_qcomp unb2b unb2b_minimal
run_rbf unb2b unb2b_minimal

2) Create mmap --fpga unb2b_minimal   # using ARGS base addresses
                                       # result in build/unb2b/args/unb2b_minimal/c

3) Create document --fpga unb2b_minimal  # result in build/unb2b/args/unb2b_minimal/doc/

* GIT references

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

difftool ?
mergetool ?

* Pro Git book by Scott Chacon:
* YouTube : David Mahler part 1,2,3

Part 1:

# After GIT install
git version
git config --global "EricKooistra"
git config --global ""
git config --list
touch .gitignore       # create .gitignore if it does not already exist
.gitignore # file with working tree dirs and files to ignore, must also be commited

# To start a repo
cd ~/git
git init  # start new repo at this dir, creates .git/
git clone # get and start with existing repo
git clone
git clone

git status # what is in stage area and what is modified
git status -uno  # skip unversioned files

Three areas:
* working tree # local directory tree
| git add
* staging area (index)
v git commit
* history # .git repository with entire commit graph

# To use a repo
git add <dir>/<file>       # add to stage area, set for commit. Cannot add empty dir, need empty file in it
git add .                  # add all new and modified to stageing area
git diff                   # diff between file in working tree and staging area
git diff --staged          # diff between file in staging area and history
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
git difftool -t meld       # GUI frontend for git diff, with --no-prompt to avoid Y/n prompt request to launch meld
git difftool -t meld --no-prompt   # e.g. define alias gitmeld
git rm <filename>          # remove file from working tree and stage the delete
git checkout -- <filename> # revert a working tree change
git reset                  # clear stage area
git reset HEAD <filename>  # revert staged change
git log -- <filename>      # show history of file
git checkout <version hash> -- s2 # retrieve file from history into staged area and working tree

Part 2:

git commit -m ""           # commit what is in stage area
git commit -a -m ""        # add to stage area and commit what is in stage area
alias graph="git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph"
git branch <branch name>   # creat branch
git branch # show branches
git checkout <branch name> # change working tree and stage area to branch
git checkout master
git merge <branch name> # Fast forward merge of branch name to master if there is a direct path
                        # by moving master to branch name, this is when there have been no updates
                        # on the master branch since the branch was created.
                        # Three way merge combine the differences of the branch and the master
                        # compared to their common version, this can lead to merge conflicts if
                        # changes on both branches occur at same parts of a file.
git branch --merged # show branches that have been merged to master
git branch -r
git branch -a # show all local and remote branches

git branch -d <branch name> # remove branch
git checkout <commit hash> # detached HEAD because it points to a version not a branch
git branch <branch name> # start a branch from the commit hash, HEAD is attached again

# Stash area to store working tree
git stash save "comment" # store working tree and stage area to get a clean
git stash list # show all stashes
git stash apply <label> # restore stash
git stash apply # restore last stash

Part 3: Remote repositories (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, ...)

create repo on Github # md = mark down
git clone <url:.../<repo name>.git> # get copy from url
cd <repo name>
git config --local "EricKooistra"
git config --local ""
git remote # origin
git remote -v # full url

# To align with remote repo
# update from remote
git status # shows also origin/master, but not live
git fetch origin
git status # shows also origin/master, now with latest remote
git merge origin/master
git pull # get latest from remote repo, combines fetch and merge

# upload to remote
git push
git push origin master  # put local repo to remote repo

# On Github fork is a copy of the a repo in Github to get a repo on your account
git clone <url of fork> # get copy of fork repo, will be origin
git remote add upstream <url of original repo on Github> # will be upstream
git fetch upstream
git status
# commit local change on branch
# git push origin <branch name> # push to my fork repo on Github
# pull request on Github
# delete branch and fetch npstream if the pull request was accepted
git remote remove <remote name> # remove a remote repo

* GIT workflow and review process using Gitlab

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed

We identify two persons in this process:
- the coder
- the reviewer

* Jira ticket defines the work to be done, e.g. L2SDP-26
* Coder works on branch with Jira ticket number as branch name

    git checkout master     # start on up to date master branch
    git pull
    git branch L2SDP-26     # creat branch using Jira ticket number
    git branch              # show branches
    git checkout L2SDP-26   # change working tree and stage area to branch

* Work on branch using git add, commit and push
* Manually run regression test to test the changes (for Casacore SW the merge
  request makes github automatically issue a regression test in the cloud, for
  FW we need to run the relevant testbenches manually. It is not necessary to
  rerun the entire FW regression test, it is sufficient to only run the
  regression test for the HDL libraries that were modified and the HDL
  libraries that could be impacted by the modification)
* Push the branch to the central repository at gitlab

    git push -u origin L2SDP-26   # first time to declare the branch at the remote
* Coder does merge request to reviewer using the central Gitlab GUI
* gitlab will warn if the branch will lead to a merge conflict, the coder then
  first has to fix the merge conflict by merging the master to the branch:
  The merge can use merging or rebasing, Ger typically uses merging. On local
  machine the coder resolves the merge conflict:

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout L2SDP-26
    git merge master
    git status   # to see merge conflicts, edit file to solve merge conflict
    git add file
    git commit
    git push
* In gitlab do merge request to reviewer
* Reviewer reviews the code per line or in general comments in gitlab GUI,
  so reviewer does not need to pull the branch locally and also does not need
  to rerun the regression test.
* Use 'Open in Web IDE' button in gitlab GUI to see max about 10 changes,
  use 'Changes' menu on same page to see all changes. Green is new file,
  orange is change file, + is new lines - is removed lines.
* Coder does updates on branch until both coder and reviewer are ok, they are
  notified by gitlab
* When review is done then the reviewer does the merge.
* The merge automatically deletes the branch (if selected to do so in gitlab)
  locally the coder manually needs to delete the branch:
    git branch
    git checkout master
    git status
    git branch -d L2SDP-26
    git status
* Use Jira tag in commit message to have link between GIT and Jira. The link
  was made via Settings/Intergations/Jira

* In github a merge request is called a pull request
* Default a pull pulls the master. Typically it is not necessary to pull a
  branch because the reviewer does not need to compile and run the code and
  because typically only one coder works on a branch.

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
We hebben nog geen regel over sub-branches wel of niet. Als er geen duidelijk voordeel is dan zou
ik alleen vanaf de master branchen, omdat je de branches dan onafhankelijk houdt van elkaar en
alle branches dan dezelfde referentie hebben. Voordat je een merge request van je branch naar een
bovenliggende branch doet, moet je eerst die bovenliggende branch mergen naar je branch.
* SVN:
svn -diff --diff-cmd='meld' [filepath] -r [revision]

* Confluence:
- space tools menu links onder om secties the ordenen.
- space tools menu, content tools, custom export to PDF --> to export multiple
  pages to PDF and to preserve th ASTRON logo in the export

I notice that in a Confluence document from Gijs that if I try to do a comment
on a text that contains capital charcters it fails, and if I try to place the
comment on text with only small characters it accepts the comment. Strange,
but for me it is an ok workaround.

Sometimes in a Confluence document in edit mode all Figures have collapsed into
small narrow icons. I can recover them by selecting the Figure icon and then
choosing the expand button  in the bar on top or below the Figure. Weird, but
for me it is an ok workaround,
* SDP HW tests (SDPTR, upe_gear, tcpdump):

Remote access using step:

> mystep


> ping
> ping (= dop386)

Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
> ping
> ping (= dop421)

> ssh -X
Eric Kooistra's avatar
Eric Kooistra committed
> ssh -X kooistra@  # dop386 from ASTRON
> sshdop386  # dop386 terminal, alias in .bashrc
> dop386t # dop386 terminal, alias in .bashrc
> ssh -J kooistra@  # dop386 from home
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