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  1. Feb 19, 2019
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  7. Feb 05, 2015
  8. Aug 26, 2014
  9. Mar 12, 2014
  10. Nov 08, 2013
  11. Dec 09, 2012
  12. Dec 07, 2012
  13. Dec 06, 2012
  14. Nov 27, 2012
  15. Oct 31, 2012
  16. Oct 30, 2012
  17. Jul 05, 2012
  18. May 22, 2012
  19. Jun 30, 2011
  20. Apr 21, 2011
  21. Jan 12, 2011
  22. Sep 29, 2010
  23. Apr 07, 2010
  24. Jan 21, 2010
  25. Nov 18, 2009
  26. Oct 16, 2009
  27. Oct 07, 2009
    • Marcel Loose's avatar
      Bug 1310: · 1ce7c167
      Marcel Loose authored
      - New lofar_package() macro replaces lofar_add_package(). The new macro
        supports recursive addition of LOFAR packages, using the dependencies passed
        as arguments. For example: 
          lofar_package(Blob 1.0 DEPENDS Common) 
        will add the package Common to the build (unless it was already added).
        This new features enables a "top-down" package specification order, which is
        required for building subsystems.
      - New lofar_add_package() macro replaces lofar_add_subdirectory(). This macro
        uses a ${pkg}_SOURCE_DIR variable to locate the source directory of the
        package <pkg>. This information is needed, as we cannot simply include
        actual subdirectories anymore, because dependent package(s) might be located
        in a different directory tree.
      - New file LofarPackageList.cmake, which sets the ${pkg}_SOURCE_DIR variables.
        This file is generated by a script, which must
        be rerun when LOFAR packages are added, moved, or removed.
  28. Jul 08, 2009
  29. Jul 02, 2009
  30. Jun 30, 2009
    • Marcel Loose's avatar
      Bug 1310: Added CEPCU to CMake build. · e3409d2b
      Marcel Loose authored
    • Marcel Loose's avatar
      Bug 1310: · c490144f
      Marcel Loose authored
      * Added CUDaemons to CMake build. 
      * Include path to generated MACIO C++ headers is now added in MACIO's
        CMakeLists.txt file. As a result, dependent packages will now automatically
        pick-up the extra include path(s).
  31. Jun 15, 2009
  32. Jun 12, 2009
  33. Apr 23, 2009
  34. Apr 19, 2009
    • Ruud Overeem's avatar
      Bug 1000: · c332c8eb
      Ruud Overeem authored
      Some major changes are made in GCF/TM:
       1) GCFScheduler replaces all global GCFTask functions and variables.
       2) An event-queue is introduced
       3) Return value NEXT_STATE is added
       4) The function autoOpen is added to TCP ports
       5) 'fast' mode available for low level drivers.
      Ad. 1
      The GCFTask class had a lot of global functions and variables that were 
      not bound to one task but were multi-task items. All these things are 
      moved to a new class GCFScheduler. This class is a singleton class.
      Consequence of this is that 'init', 'run' and 'stop' are not longer 
      connected to the GCFTask class but are now part of the Scheduler.
      old code:
      	GCFTask::init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
      	myTask	a("a");
      	myTasl	b("b");
      new code:
      	GCFScheduler::instance()->init(argc, argv, argv[0]);
      	myTask	a("a");
      	myTasl	b("b");
      In the same the stop function should be called with GCFScheduler::instance()->stop();
      Ad. 2
      The events are now stored in a queue before they are passed to the tasks. 
      This has two benefits:
       - The code does not have to be re-entrant anymore because TRAN drops the 
         F_EXIT and F_ENTRY in the queue in stead of executing them during the TRAN-line.
       - The values for GCFEvent::TResult you return DO MATTER NOW. See Ad 3.
      The disadvantage of the queue is that the scheduler has to make a copy of 
      the event before placing it in the queue. To avoid needless copies all events
      that are NO framework events (F_FSM_PROTOCOL and F_PORT_PROTOCOL) are passed 
      immediately to the task. When the task returns HANDLED we save ourselves the 
      effort of a copy. When anything else is returned the event is treated accordingly. See Ad 3.
      Ad. 3
      Since there is a queue now, the value returned by the task matters:
      HANDLED: event is removed from the queue.
      NEXT_STATE: event is parked on the queue until the task changes state with TRAN(...). 
      After the F_ENTRY event all events that were parked with NEXT_STATE are passed 
      to the task again.
      NOT_HANDLED: this value will become OBSOLETE since it doesn't tell the scheduler 
      what to do. FOR NOW the event will be destroyed.
      Remark: In the future the return values may be extended with values like 
      HOLD_x_SEC or HOLD_x_EVENTS.
      Ad. 4
      To simplify opening or reopening a port the function autoOpen is added to TCPPorts.
      syntax: autoOpen(nrRetries, maxTimeout, reconnectInterval)
      This function does several retries to setup the connection. The user can choose 
      the use the nrRetries and reconnectInterval arguments or use the maxTimeout 
      (and reconnectinterval) arguments:
        nrRetries        : -1 = infinite ; How often to retry the open when it fails.
        reconnectInterval: After how many seconds after a fail a reconnect attempt will be made.
        timeout          : -1 = infinite ; How long the auto-open attempts may last.
      When both nrRetries and timeout are specified the condition that will be met first will 
      stop the auto open sequence.
      When the connection is made an F_CONNECTED events is send like open() does. When the 
      connection can not be made within the given limitations a F_DISCONNECTED is returned.
      Note: autoOpen(0,0) acts the same as open()
      Ad. 5
      Lowlevel drivers like the RSPDriver which heavily lean on FSMs (several 100's)  may 
      not be happy with the eventqueue because statetransitions are handled via the queue. 
      These drivers can call 'disableQueue()' after calling GCFScheduler::instance()->init(..). 
      The queue mechanisme is than completely bypassed and everything works like the 
      old-situation again.
      Internal notes:
      The boolean that the open() function returned was not really straitforward defined 
      and therefor not used anywhere (as far as I know). The value that is returned now is 
      true when a CONNECT or DISCONNECT message in placed in the queue and false when the 
      ServiceBrokerTask needs so more time to give a result.
  35. Apr 16, 2009