- Nov 10, 2006
Ruud Overeem authored
Weekly update after a week of testing the controller chain.
Ruud Overeem authored
Weekly update. Control chain is working pretty good now. One small defect: calibrationController does not get a RELEASE message. Next task is checking the monitoring info in PVSS.
wierenga authored
Use correct constants. Use 8000 as default gain.
wierenga authored
Use single MAX_N_RCUS definition from MEPHeader
wierenga authored
Use common definition of MEPHeader::MAX_N_RCUS
wierenga authored
Fixed problem with exception that would be thrown when compiled with optimised flags: setrcu.rcumask.to_ulong() would throw an exception because number of bits (256) is larger than nof bits in a long.
wierenga authored
Used single definition of MEPHeader::MAX_N_RCUS
wierenga authored
Use single definition from MEPHeader::MAX_N_RCUS
wierenga authored
Checkin comment for previous (mistaken) checkin. Allow specification of negative --integration. This is handy to allow saving statistics during a long period with an interval > 1 sec but without integration: E.g. ./rspctl --statis=beamlet --select=0,1 --duration=3600 --integration=-10 Would save beamlet statistics every 10 seconds for a period of 3600 seconds (360 spectra are saved). The spectrum is sampled/saved every 10 seconds without integrating over the 10 second period.
wierenga authored
Reduce INFO logging.
Ruud Overeem authored
Weekly update.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added masks for KeyValueLogger executables.
Ruud Overeem authored
- Nov 09, 2006
Ruud Overeem authored
Simple program that produces a logmessage every 10 seconds to test the log-chain to PVSS.
- Nov 08, 2006
wierenga authored
Copy the positions array when creating a new SubArray from a parent AntennaArray. This is needed because the constructor of the SubArray class compacts (modifies) the positions array when certain continguous sections of receivers are not selected.
wierenga authored
Added 'DisableACMProxy' configuration variable to stop CalServer from controlling the cross-correlation subband. This is sometimes needed for testing purposes.
wierenga authored
Fix construction of position and rcuindex array of a subarray. The fixed code now also allows e.g. subarrays of only Y-receivers or X-receivers.
wierenga authored
Commit comment for previous commit (1.4 to 1.5). Make constant for start delay. Delay now set to 30.0 seconds.
wierenga authored
Comment for previous commit (from 1.8 to 1.9): Only set weight when the receiver is selected (destrcu >= 0).
wierenga authored
Previous commit (from 1.27 to 1.28) fixed missed deadline problems. It introduces a LEANIN_TIME. Weights are sent this many seconds ahead of wall clock time.
wierenga authored
logPointing is no longer used.
wierenga authored
Added some debugging statements. Station location is now specified in WGS84 radians/meters.
wierenga authored
Combine write() and write_force() transition into one transition. The new write() transition allows transition from IDLE and from CHECK to WRITE. The previous more restricted transition (only from IDLE) was causing some writes not to happen, most notably writing of WG registers.
wierenga authored
Use new namespace for constants that were moved to MEPHeader.h. Use new register state flags for each write to a hardware register. Replace write_force() calls by write() calls.
wierenga authored
Fixed range error. This was causing writing of subband selection to overwrite cross-correlation subbands selection settings.
wierenga authored
Fix range. Crosslet weights are handled separately now in XWWrite.cc
wierenga authored
Fixed WG angle setting.
wierenga authored
Fix XC_FILL option. Both indices (antenna and polarization need to be swapped).
wierenga authored
Port.conf is not used anymore.
wierenga authored
Move some much used constants from EPA_Protocol.prot to MEPHeader.h Change code to use the new context of the constants.
wierenga authored
Now keeping separate states on each individual write to following registers: DIAG_WG SST XST CDO This is important to make sure any changes are written correctly from cache to hardware.
wierenga authored
Some test scripts to test beamformer en correlator.
Marcel Loose authored
Merged relevant changes of the BBS-CDR branch into the main development line. A detailed ChangeLog file can be found in the LOFAR root directory on the LOFAR-BBS-CDR-branch.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added debugging and some extra errornumbers.
Ruud Overeem authored
Control chain is now working. Needs several fine-tuning before releasing.
wierenga authored
Cleanup. Use new -q options to rsuctl to prevent delay checking for running RSPDriver.
wierenga authored
Add new -1 options to prevent delay caused by check for running RSPDriver. Used by crsuctl.sh (cluster rsuctl) to speed it up.