- Oct 10, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-828: processed review comment: Made a strict seperation in goals/responsibilities. The PostgresTestDatabaseInstance gives you a running isolated postgres server, and the PostgresTestMixin uses such an instance automagically while unittesting.
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-828: abstracted RADBCommonTestMixin into even more common PostgresTestMixin. adapted t_postgres.py and radb_common_testing.py to new PostgresTestMixin.
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Oct 04, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-826: only insert predecessor/successor links into the radb when needed, thus preventing unneeded error log lines about duplicate keys
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-826: fixed the taskprescheduler by letting it respond to RA.TaskApproved events and by NOT inserting/updating the task into the RADB.
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-826: the taskprescheduler should NOT insert the task into the RADB. Added that requirement to the test, which now fails. Next commit has the fix for this bug.
- Sep 23, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-818: fixed t_trigger_service.py and made sure that Popen is mocked away so the test does not make acual calls to the tbbctl.
- Sep 20, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Sep 19, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: TaskPrescheduler now supplies the Specification class with an RADatabase instance instead of an RADBRPC
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: reused radb connections. Testing showed that opening/closing db connection too quickly in succession can lead to timeouts while waiting for sockets in TCP_WAIT state.
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: implemented truncate trigger which cascades a truncate on resource_claim to resource_usage and resource_usage_delta
- Sep 17, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: improved speed of the RADBCommonTestMixin by only creating a postgres instance upon setUpClass, and applying a fresh radb schema every test via setUp
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Sep 16, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: bonus feature: refactored RADBCommonTest into a RADBCommonTestMixin which takes care of setting up a testing postgres radb instance, and which can be used in conjunction with a unittest.TestCase to do unittests on a fresh RADB instance. By using a mixin instead of chained inheritance we have better seperation of responsibility, and tools like pycharm can handle these tests better as well.
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: modified radb insertSpecificationAndTask into insertOrUpdateSpecificationAndTask. This has the advantage that we do not have to reconnect predecessor relations, and in the webscheduler a re-insert of a task will now be visible as an update on an existing task, instead of a delete (disappear) followed by an insert (reappear). Catch task_predecessor_unique PostgresDBQueryExecutionError in the Specification class of the resourceassigner, so scheduling can continue even on tasks which were already known and already had links to predecessors.
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: added test test_do_assignment_does_not_raise_on_inserting_predecessors which reproduces the bug of SW-816. It fails with a 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint task_predecessor_unique' error from the RABD when scheduling a successor task for the second time.
- Sep 13, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-816: rewrote t_resourceassigner to use a testing-RADB, thereby removing many wrong assumptions made in the mocks. The resource_assgner and its schedulers can still be simplified significantly if we just use the RADB as designed; just insert the claims, and let the RADB check/set the conlict status.
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Sep 11, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Sep 09, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Sep 06, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Aug 30, 2019
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored