thrownewPlotterDataAccessException("An invalid amount of parameters ("+constraintsArray.length+" instead of "+this.requiredDataConstraints+") were passed to the ParmDB Data Access Interface");
thrownewPlotterDataAccessException("No results were found in the ParmDB table(s) using the given parameter name filter ( "+constraintsArray[0]+" )");
* This method updates an already existing Plotter compliant dataset using
* the constraints provided by the PlotPanel, and to do that, it uses the
* jParmFacade interface to get the data.
* @param currentData The current data set to be updated.
* @param constraints The update constraints provided by the PlotPanel.
* @return the data set generated
* @throws PlotterDataAccessException will be thrown if anything goes wrong
PlotterDataAccessExceptionexx=newPlotterDataAccessException("The jParmFacade interface could not be initiated. Please check that you have the jParmFacade/ParmDB library somewhere in the java library path");
PlotterDataAccessExceptionexx=newPlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getNames() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());
PlotterDataAccessExceptionexx=newPlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getRange() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());
PlotterDataAccessExceptionexx=newPlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getValues() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());