diff --git a/JAVA/CEP/jParmFacade/src/nl/astron/lofar/java/cep/jparmfacade/PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl.java b/JAVA/CEP/jParmFacade/src/nl/astron/lofar/java/cep/jparmfacade/PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl.java
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index e97e5f84b3450c12a1b821a8005d02a494da3b1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/JAVA/CEP/jParmFacade/src/nl/astron/lofar/java/cep/jparmfacade/PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
- * PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl.java
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 2002-2007
- *  ASTRON (Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy)
- *  P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, seg@astron.nl
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-package nl.astron.lofar.java.cep.jparmfacade;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import nl.astron.lofar.java.gui.plotter.IPlotDataAccess;
-import nl.astron.lofar.java.gui.plotter.PlotConstants;
-import nl.astron.lofar.java.gui.plotter.exceptions.PlotterDataAccessException;
-* This class provides an implementation of IPlotDataAccess for use with LOFAR's
-* jParmFacade interface. It manages connections to that interface, and allows
-* the plotter framework to generate plots of data present in the ParmDB.
-* @see nl.astron.lofar.java.cep.jparmfacade.jParmFacade
-* @created 19-04-2006, 11:00
-* @author pompert
-* @version $Id$
-* @updated 19-apr-2006, 11:00
-public class PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl implements IPlotDataAccess{
-   private static final int requiredDataConstraints = 7;
-   //Location of ParmDB table file(s)
-   private static jParmFacadeInterface parmDB = null;
-    /**
-     *
-     *Creates a new instance of PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl
-     *
-     */
-   public PlotDataAccessParmDBImpl(){
-   }
-    /**
-     *
-     *Cleans up the instance variables
-     *
-     */
-    public void finalize() throws Throwable {
-       parmDB = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * This method, the most important one, makes a Plotter compliant dataset using
-     * the constraints provided by the PlotPanel, and to do that, it uses the
-     * jParmFacade interface to get the data.
-     *
-     * @param constraints The constraints provided by the PlotPanel.
-     * These must be modelled as follows in a String[] :<br><br>
-     * -constraints[0]= the parameter name filter (for example parm*) (String)<br>
-     * -constraints[1]= the startx variable (for example 0) (double)<br>
-     * -constraints[2]= the endx variable (for example 5) (double)<br>
-     * -constraints[3]= the numx variable (for example 5) (int)<br>
-     * -constraints[4]= the starty variable (for example 0) (double)<br>
-     * -constraints[5]= the endy variable (for example 5) (double)<br>
-     * -constraints[6]= the numy variable (for example 5) (int)<br><br>
-     * @return the data set generated
-     * @throws PlotterDataAccessException will be thrown if anything goes wrong
-     * with the ParmDB interface and calls to it.
-     */
-    public HashMap retrieveData(Object constraints) throws PlotterDataAccessException{
-        if(parmDB == null){
-            this.initiateConnectionToParmDB(constraints);
-        }
-        HashMap<String,Object> parameterConstraints = (HashMap<String,Object>)constraints;
-        String[] constraintsArray = (String[])parameterConstraints.get(new String("PARMDBCONSTRAINTS"));
-        HashMap<String,Object> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        LinkedList<HashMap> returnValues = new LinkedList<HashMap>();
-        if(parmDB != null){
-            Vector names = getNames(constraintsArray[0]);
-            if(names != null && names.size()>=1 && constraintsArray.length == this.requiredDataConstraints){
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_NAME,"ParmDB dataset '"+constraintsArray[0]+"'");
-                TimeZone utcZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
-                utcZone.setDefault(utcZone);
-                Calendar aCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(utcZone);
-                Date utcDate = aCalendar.getTime();
-                //Test code to accomplish MJD notation
-                int epoch_unix_to_julian = 2440588;
-                double curDate = utcDate.getTime();
-                double millis = (1000*60*60*24);
-                double floorDivide = (curDate >= 0) ? curDate / millis : ((curDate+1)/millis) -1;
-                double julianDay = epoch_unix_to_julian + floorDivide;
-                double modifiedJulianDay = julianDay - 2400000.5;
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_SUBNAME,"Generated at "+ utcDate.toString() + " MJD: "+modifiedJulianDay);
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XAXISLABEL,"Time");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XAXISUNIT,"not specified");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XAXISTYPE,"SPATIAL");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YAXISLABEL,"Frequency");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YAXISUNIT,"Hz");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YAXISTYPE,"SPATIAL");
-                returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_VALUES,getParmValues(names,constraintsArray));
-            }else if (constraintsArray.length != this.requiredDataConstraints){
-                throw new PlotterDataAccessException("An invalid amount of parameters (" +constraintsArray.length+" instead of " +this.requiredDataConstraints+") were passed to the ParmDB Data Access Interface");
-            }else if (names.size() < 1){
-                throw new PlotterDataAccessException("No results were found in the ParmDB table(s) using the given parameter name filter ( "+constraintsArray[0]+" )");
-            }
-        }
-        return returnMap;
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * This method updates an already existing Plotter compliant dataset using
-     *
-     * the constraints provided by the PlotPanel, and to do that, it uses the
-     *
-     * jParmFacade interface to get the data.
-     *
-     *
-     *
-     * @param currentData The current data set to be updated.
-     *
-     * @param constraints The update constraints provided by the PlotPanel.
-     *
-     * @return the data set generated
-     *
-     * @throws PlotterDataAccessException will be thrown if anything goes wrong
-     *
-     * with the ParmDB interface and calls to it.
-     *
-     *
-     *
-     */
-    public HashMap updateData(HashMap currentData, Object constraints) throws PlotterDataAccessException{
-        if(parmDB == null){
-            this.initiateConnectionToParmDB(constraints);
-        }
-        //try{
-            LinkedList<HashMap> currentValuesInPlot = (LinkedList<HashMap>)currentData.get(PlotConstants.DATASET_VALUES);
-            HashMap<String,Object> operatorsOnDataset = (HashMap<String,Object>)constraints;
-            if(operatorsOnDataset.containsKey(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_ADD)){
-                HashMap<String,Object> addDataSet = (HashMap<String,Object>)operatorsOnDataset.get(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_ADD);
-                String[] constraintsArray = (String[])addDataSet.get("PARMDBCONSTRAINTS");
-                Vector names = getNames(constraintsArray[0]);
-                if(names != null && names.size()>=1 && constraintsArray.length == this.requiredDataConstraints){
-                    //Every parameter
-                    currentValuesInPlot.addAll(getParmValues(names,constraintsArray));
-                }
-            }
-            if(operatorsOnDataset.containsKey(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_MODIFY)){
-                String[] constraintsArray = (String[])operatorsOnDataset.get(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_MODIFY);
-                //TODO: IMPLEMENT
-            }
-            if(operatorsOnDataset.containsKey(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_DELETE)){
-                String[] toBeDeletedValues = (String[])operatorsOnDataset.get(PlotConstants.DATASET_OPERATOR_DELETE);
-                //TODO: IMPLEMENT
-            }
-        //}catch(Exception e){
-        //    PlotterDataAccessException ex = new PlotterDataAccessException("An error occurred while updating dataset "+currentData.hashCode());
-        //    ex.initCause(e);
-        //    throw ex;
-        //}
-        return currentData;
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * This method will check if the jParmFacade ParmDB interface is ready, and if not, it will
-     *
-     * create a new instance of it.
-     *
-     * @throws PlotterDataAccessException will be thrown if the jParmFacade could
-     *
-     * not be started, due to missing native libraries or other errors.
-     *
-     */
-    private static void initiateConnectionToParmDB(Object constraints) throws PlotterDataAccessException{
-        if(parmDB == null){
-            try {
-                HashMap<String,Object> parameterConstraints = (HashMap<String,Object>)constraints;
-                parmDB = (jParmFacadeInterface)parameterConstraints.get(new String("PARMDBINTERFACE"));
-            } catch (Throwable e) {
-                PlotterDataAccessException exx = new PlotterDataAccessException("The jParmFacade interface could not be initiated. Please check that you have the jParmFacade/ParmDB library somewhere in the java library path");
-                exx.initCause(e);
-                throw exx;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private Vector getNames(String namefilter) throws PlotterDataAccessException{
-        Vector names;
-        try{
-            names = parmDB.getNames(namefilter);
-        } catch (Exception ex) {
-            //TODO LOG!
-            PlotterDataAccessException exx = new PlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getNames() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());
-            exx.initCause(ex);
-            throw exx;
-        }
-        return names;
-    }
-    private LinkedList<HashMap> getParmValues(Vector names, String[] constraintsArray) throws PlotterDataAccessException{
-        LinkedList<HashMap> returnList = new LinkedList<HashMap>();
-        for(int n = 0; n < names.size();n++){
-            Vector paramValues;
-            try{
-                paramValues = parmDB.getRange(names.get(n).toString());
-            } catch (Exception ex) {
-                //TODO LOG!
-                PlotterDataAccessException exx = new PlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getRange() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());
-                exx.initCause(ex);
-                throw exx;
-            }
-            double startx = Double.parseDouble(constraintsArray[1]);
-            double endx = Double.parseDouble(constraintsArray[2]);
-            double starty = Double.parseDouble(constraintsArray[4]);
-            double endy = Double.parseDouble(constraintsArray[5]);
-            int numx = Integer.parseInt(constraintsArray[3]);
-            int numy = Integer.parseInt(constraintsArray[6]);
-                        /*
-                        returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XAXIS_RANGE_START,Double.toString(startx));
-                        returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XAXIS_RANGE_END,Double.toString(endx));
-                        returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YAXIS_RANGE_START,Double.toString(starty));
-                        returnMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YAXIS_RANGE_END,Double.toString(endy));
-                         */
-            HashMap<String, Vector<Double>> values = new HashMap<String,Vector<Double>>();
-            try {
-                values = parmDB.getValues((names.get(n)).toString(), startx, endx, numx, starty, endy, numy);
-            } catch (Exception ex) {
-                //TODO LOG!
-                PlotterDataAccessException exx = new PlotterDataAccessException("An invalid getValues() call was made to the ParmDB interface. Please check that all variables seem OK. Root cause: "+ex.getMessage());
-                exx.initCause(ex);
-                throw exx;
-            }
-            //Every parameter value
-            Iterator anIterator = values.keySet().iterator();
-            while(anIterator.hasNext()){
-                HashMap<String,Object> aValueMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
-                String aValue = (String)anIterator.next();
-                //System.out.println("Parameter Value Found: "+aValue);
-                aValueMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_VALUELABEL,aValue);
-                Vector<Double> valueDoubles = (Vector<Double>)values.get(aValue);
-                //System.out.println("Parameter doubles inside " +aValue+": "+valueDoubles.size()+"x");
-                double[] xArray = new double[valueDoubles.size()];
-                double[] yArray = new double[valueDoubles.size()];
-                //Every parameter value double inside the vector
-                for(int i = 0;(i<valueDoubles.size());i++){
-                    xArray[i] = startx + (endx-startx) / valueDoubles.size()*(i+0.5);
-                    yArray[i] = valueDoubles.get(i);
-                }
-                aValueMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_XVALUES,xArray);
-                aValueMap.put(PlotConstants.DATASET_YVALUES,yArray);
-                returnList.add(aValueMap);
-            }
-        }
-        return returnList;
-    }