# Top level .py file for python parametersetinterface
# ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy)
# P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
# This file is part of the LOFAR software suite.
# The LOFAR software suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# The LOFAR software suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with the LOFAR software suite. If not, see <>.
from ._pyparameterset import PyParameterValue
from ._pyparameterset import PyParameterSet
""" Create the parametervalue object.
The parameter value as a string.
True = remove leading/trailing whitespace from value.
if _copyObj == True:
# Copy constructor
PyParameterValue.__init__ (self, value)
PyParameterValue.__init__ (self, value, trim);
def expand(self):
"""Expand the value."""
return parametervalue(self._expand(), _copyObj=True)
def getVector(self):
"""Get the value as a vector of values."""
return [parametervalue(v, _copyObj=True) for v in self._getVector()]
def getRecord(self):
"""Get the value as a record (as a parameterset object)."""
return parameterset (self._getRecord(), _copyObj=True)
def __init__(self, filename=None, caseInsensitive=False, _copyObj=False):
"""Create a parameterset object.
If a filename is given, the object is filled from that parset file.
If a bool is given, it is treated as argument caseInsensitive.
If a dict is given, it is a set of parameter values.
True = parameter names are case insensitive
if _copyObj == True:
# Copy constructor
PyParameterSet.__init__ (self, filename)
elif filename==None:
PyParameterSet.__init__ (self, caseInsensitive, 0, 0);
# Here filename argument means caseInsensitive
PyParameterSet.__init__ (self, filename, 0, 0);
elif isinstance(filename, dict):
# Here filename argument means caseInsensitive
PyParameterSet.__init__ (self, caseInsensitive, 0, 0);
self.adoptDict (filename)
def __len__(self):
"""Get the number of parameters."""
return self.size()
return parametervalue (self._get(key), _copyObj=True)
def makeSubset (self, baseKey, prefix=''):
"""Return a subset as a new parameterset object.
The leading part of the parameter name denoting the subset.
A trailing period needs to be given.
The baseKey parameter name part is replaced by this new prefix.
The default new prefix is empty.
For example::
newps = ps.makeSubset ('p1.p2.', 'pr.')
creates a subset of all keys starting with `p1.p2.` and replaces
that prefix by `pr.`.
ps = self._makeSubset (baseKey, prefix)
def getVector(self, key):
"""Get the value as a vector of values."""
return [parametervalue(v, _copyObj=True) for v in self._getVector(key)]
def getRecord (self, key):
"""Get the value as a record."""
ps = self._getRecord (key)
return parameterset (ps, _copyObj=True)
def dict(self, removeQuotes=False):
for key in list(self.keys()):
s = self.get(key).get()
if removeQuotes:
if len(s) >= 2 and s[0] in ['"',"'"] and s[0] == s[-1]:
s = s[1:-1]
d[key] = s
def adoptArgv(self, argv):
for arg in argv:
kv = arg.split('=', 1)
if len(kv) == 2:
self.replace (kv[0], kv[1])
for (k,v) in list(parms.items()):

Pieter Donker
self.replace (str(k), str(v)) # k, v always type string
def fromString(parset_string):
'''Create a parset from a plain text string.
Splits the string in lines, and parses each '=' seperated key/value pair.
lines = [l.strip() for l in parset_string.split('\n')]
kv_pairs = [tuple(l.split('=')) for l in lines if '=' in l]
parset_dict = dict(kv_pairs)
return parameterset(parset_dict)
# type: (object) -> object
return parametervalue (self._get(key), _copyObj=True)
def getBoolVector(self, key, default=None, expandable=False):
"""Get the value as a list of boolean values.
Parameter name
Default value to be used if parameter is undefined.
If None is given, an exception is raised if undefined.
True = ranges and repeats (.. and *) are expanded first.
if default==None:
return self._getBoolVector1 (key, expandable)
if isinstance(default, bool):
return self._getBoolVector1 (key, default)
return self._getBoolVector2 (key, default, expandable)
def getIntVector(self, key, default=None, expandable=False):
"""Get the value as a list of integer values.
Parameter name
Default value to be used if parameter is undefined.
If None is given, an exception is raised if undefined.
True = ranges and repeats (.. and *) are expanded first.
if default==None:
return self._getIntVector1 (key, expandable)
if isinstance(default, bool):
return self._getIntVector1 (key, default)
return self._getIntVector2 (key, default, expandable)
def getFloatVector(self, key, default=None, expandable=False):
"""Get the value as a list of floating point values.
Parameter name
Default value to be used if parameter is undefined.
If None is given, an exception is raised if undefined.
True = ranges and repeats (.. and *) are expanded first.
if default==None:
return self._getFloatVector1 (key, expandable)
if isinstance(default, bool):
return self._getFloatVector1 (key, default)
return self._getFloatVector2 (key, default, expandable)
def getDoubleVector(self, key, default=None, expandable=False):
"""Get the value as a list of floating point values.
Parameter name
Default value to be used if parameter is undefined.
If None is given, an exception is raised if undefined.
True = ranges and repeats (.. and *) are expanded first.
if default==None:
return self._getDoubleVector1 (key, expandable)
if isinstance(default, bool):
return self._getDoubleVector1 (key, default)
return self._getDoubleVector2 (key, default, expandable)
def getStringVector(self, key, default=None, expandable=False):
"""Get the value as a list of string values.
Parameter name
Default value to be used if parameter is undefined.
If None is given, an exception is raised if undefined.
True = ranges and repeats (.. and *) are expanded first.
if default==None:
return self._getStringVector1 (key, expandable)
if isinstance(default, bool):
return self._getStringVector1 (key, default)
return self._getStringVector2 (key, default, expandable)
def __str__(self):
""":returns the parset in a human readable string (lines of key=value, sorted by key)"""
return '\n'.join("%s=%s" % (key, self[key]) for key in sorted(self.keys()))