Required changes for supporting 2 (or more) subracks
In the config file:
- add all the new devices under the "STAT/DEVICE/2" name with the correct IP addresses, ports and other properties. This includes: APSCT, APSPU, RECV, UNB2.
- Put the new devices in the "Device_Names" list for the boot devices
- Set the first 8 bools in "STAT/SDP/1" ... "TR_fpga_mask_RW_default" to True (instead of the first 4 with 1 subrack). This enables the new FPGA's
- The AntennaField will likely also need some changes, but this has been tested in DTS outside.
In the jupyter startup script
- Change all "STAT/DEVICE/1" device variable names to end with "_1"
- Add all new "STAT/DEVICE/2" devices with their names inding in "_2"
- update the devices list with the new devices and changed names