@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This directory contains the sources for our custom Tango devices.
If a new device is added, it will (likely) need to be referenced in several places. Adjust or add the following files (referenced from the repository root), following the pattern shown by the devices already there:
- Adjust `CDB/LOFAR_ConfigDb.json` to create the device in the Tango device database,
- Adjust `docker-compose/jupyter/ipython-profiles/stationcontrol-jupyter/startup/01-devices.py` to make an alias for it available in Jupyter,
- Adjust `docker-compose/jupyter/ipython-profiles/stationcontrol-jupyter/startup/01-devices.py`and `docker-compose/jupyterlab/ipython-profiles/stationcontrol-jupyter/startup/01-devices.py`to make an alias for it available in Jupyter and Jupyter-Lab,
- Adjust `tangostationcontrol/tangostationcontrol/devices/boot.py` to add the device to the station initialisation sequence,
- Add to `docker-compose/` to create a YaML file to start the device in a docker container. NOTE: it needs a unique 57xx port assigned (current _unused_ port value: 5722), a unique 58xx port for ZMQ events, and a unique 59xx port for ZMQ heartbeat
- Adjust `tangostationcontrol/setup.cfg` to add an entry point for the device in the package installation,