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ATDB-LDV is the Django backend application for LDV. It's main purpose is to hold the state of all the tasks that are in progress for LDV. ATDB does not control the flow itself, that is handled by a cloud of micro services. Communication is done through the REST API.

Micro Services (in separate repo)

Project Documentation

Confluence Page:


These diagrams roughly serves as the specifications for adapting ATDB for LDV.


Workflow/Status Diagram:

GUI implementation

Deployed Instances

Main GUI:

Admin interface:

REST API (prod)



Return the sum the sizes of all tasks with a given list of statuses

Build & Deploy

Deployment Diagram:

CI/CD (semi) automatic deploy in Docker

A gitlab CI/CD pipeline will automatically build after every commit. Branches can be deployed to sdc-dev (test) Master can be deployed to sdc-dev (test) or sdc (production)

Manual deploy in Docker (alternative to CI/CD)


> cd ~/my_docker
> cd atdb-ldv
> git clone


> export DOCKER_BUILD_DIR=$HOME/my_docker/atdb-ldv/atdb-ldv/atdb
> git pull
> docker build -t atdb-ldv:latest .
> docker-compose -p atdb up -d

Database changes and migrations

When the is changed, then the database must be migrated. This is the procedure for that.

on CI/CD page:

- when automatic build is finished, push >> to deploy

on '' (sdc@dop814) and '' (sdco@dop821) machine's:

> docker exec -it atdb-ldv python makemigrations --settings atdb.settings.docker_sdc
  (this should say 'No changes detected', but do this step anyway as a check) 
> docker exec -it atdb-ldv python migrate --settings atdb.settings.docker_sdc

CI tests

Tests are executed in the CI pipeline through the test stage in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. For running the tests in the CI pipeline, the settings file atdb/settings/ is used.

Local development

Set up

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Install Postgres and make a database:
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev python3-dev
    sudo -u postgres psql
    The following database credentials should be identical to those in atdb/atdb/settings/
    CREATE DATABASE atdb_ldv_12jan2024;
    CREATE USER atdb_admin WITH PASSWORD 'atdb123';
    ALTER ROLE atdb_admin SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
    ALTER ROLE atdb_admin SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
    ALTER ROLE atdb_admin SET timezone TO 'UTC';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE atdb_ldv_12jan2024 TO atdb_admin;
    CREATE ROLE ldvstats;
    Import the database dump atdbdb.sql from its parent directory:
    sudo pg_restore -h localhost -U atdb_admin -d atdb_ldv_12jan2024 < atdbdb.sql
    Note: The required password here is atdb123, not your sudo password.

  3. Make sure you have Python installed. Then go to the atdb directory (not the second atdb/atdb) - it's where the lives. Create a virtual environment and install dependencies:
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    python -m pip install -r requirements/dev.txt 
    python migrate

Start the server

To start the server, run:

python runserver

However, if you need to login to the local server, then you will need some environment variables for Keycloak. In atdb directory where the file lives, duplicate it and rename it Fill in the Keycloak client secret, you can find that in the Keycloak dashboard. Do not commit this file. Then you can start the server by running the file: source ./


When the is changed, then the database must be migrated. In the atdb directory, run:

python makemigrations
python migrate

Then add and commit the resulting migration file.

Running tests

To run tests, you can spin up a dedicated test database locally with docker. This test database will not interfere with your local development database.

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose-test-local.yml up -d
python test --settings atdb.settings.test_local

Dedicated settings for running the tests are provided in the atdb/settings/ file. For convenience, test.bat is provided to run the above command (Windows only).