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Add static rendering of input output objects

Merged Mattia Mancini requested to merge remove_javascript_to_format_json into master
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Description: Business logic for ATDB. These functions are called from the views (
from django.db.models import Q,Sum
from django.db.models import Q, Sum
import logging
from .common import timeit
from ..models import Task, LogEntry, Workflow
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ DJANGO_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_size(status_list, type):
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ def get_size(status_list, type):
:return: summed sizes
""""get_size("+str(status_list)+")")"get_size(" + str(status_list) + ")")
if type == 'processed':
field = 'size_processed'
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ def convert_logentries_to_html(log_entries):
for log in log_entries:
line = "<tr><td><b>" + str(log.service) + '</b></td>'
line += "<td><b>" + str(log.step_name) + '</b></td>'
line +='<td class="' + log.status + '" >' + log.status + "</td>"
line += '<td class="' + log.status + '" >' + log.status + "</td>"
line += "<td>" + str(log.timestamp.strftime("%m-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S")) + "</td>"
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ def convert_logentries_to_html(log_entries):
line += "<td>" + str(log.cpu_cycles) + "</td>"
line += "<td>" + str(log.wall_clock_time) + "</td>"
if log.url_to_log_file!=None:
if log.url_to_log_file != None:
link = "<a href=" + '"' + str(log.url_to_log_file) + '" target="_blank">' + "logfile" + "</a>"
link = "-"
@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ def convert_logentries_to_html(log_entries):
results += "</tbody>"
except Exception as err:
results = "<tr><td>"+str(err)+"</td></tr>"
#results = "<tr><td>no data</td></tr>"
results = "<tr><td>" + str(err) + "</td></tr>"
# results = "<tr><td>no data</td></tr>"
return results
@@ -85,10 +86,10 @@ def convert_list_of_dicts_to_html(my_blob):
for my_dict in my_list:
# iterate through the dict of key/values
for key,value in my_dict.items():
for key, value in my_dict.items():
if "://" in value:
link = "<a href=" + '"' + value + '">' + key +"</a>"
link = "<a href=" + '"' + value + '">' + key + "</a>"
value = link
@@ -100,6 +101,48 @@ def convert_list_of_dicts_to_html(my_blob):
return results
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from typing import Union, List, Dict
def _generate_html_from_json_tree(json_blob: Union[List, Dict], element: ElementTree.Element):
if isinstance(json_blob, list) or isinstance(json_blob, tuple):
if element.tag != 'tbody':
sub_table = ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'table')
sub_table = element
for item in json_blob:
row = ElementTree.SubElement(sub_table, 'tr')
element = ElementTree.SubElement(row, 'td')
_generate_html_from_json_tree(item, element)
elif isinstance(json_blob, dict):
if element.tag != 'tbody':
sub_table = ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'table')
sub_table = element
for key, value in json_blob.items():
row = ElementTree.SubElement(sub_table, 'tr')
key_element = ElementTree.SubElement(row, 'td')
bold_key = ElementTree.SubElement(key_element, 'b')
bold_key.text = key
value_element = ElementTree.SubElement(row, 'td')
_generate_html_from_json_tree(value, value_element)
value = ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'td', attrib={"style": "max-width:25rem"})
value.text = str(json_blob)
def convert_json_to_nested_table(json_blob):
root_element = ElementTree.Element('tbody')
_generate_html_from_json_tree(json_blob, root_element)
return ElementTree.tostring(root_element, method='xml').decode()
def convert_config_to_html(querylist):
results = ""
@@ -111,12 +154,13 @@ def convert_config_to_html(querylist):
if "://" in value:
link = "<a href=" + '"' + value + '">' + key +"</a>"
link = "<a href=" + '"' + value + '">' + key + "</a>"
value = link
line = "<tr><td><b>" + str(filter) + "</b></td> <td><b>" + str(key) + "</b></td><td>" + str(value) + "</td></tr>"
line = "<tr><td><b>" + str(filter) + "</b></td> <td><b>" + str(key) + "</b></td><td>" + str(
value) + "</td></tr>"
results = results + line
results = "<tr><td>no data</td></tr>"
@@ -126,7 +170,6 @@ def convert_config_to_html(querylist):
# aggregate information from the tasks table per workflow per status
def aggregate_resources_tasks(selection):
workflow_results = []
my_workflows = []
@@ -140,7 +183,7 @@ def aggregate_resources_tasks(selection):
# construct the list of workflows (cheap)
for w in active_workflows:
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id = w['workflow'])
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id=w['workflow'])
@@ -209,7 +252,7 @@ def aggregate_resources_logs(selection):
# construct the list of workflows (cheap)
for w in active_workflows:
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id = w['workflow'])
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id=w['workflow'])
@@ -226,8 +269,8 @@ def aggregate_resources_logs(selection):
record = {}
# aggregate logentries per step for all active statusses (expensive)
logs = LogEntry.objects.filter(status=status)\
logs = LogEntry.objects.filter(status=status) \
.filter(task__status__in=settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES) \
sum_cpu_cycles = logs.aggregate(Sum('cpu_cycles'))
@@ -242,13 +285,12 @@ def aggregate_resources_logs(selection):
workflow_result['records_per_status'] = record_per_status
return workflow_results
# aggregate information from the logentries table per workflow per status
def aggregate_resources_logs_version1():
records = []
# get all active tasks
@@ -263,18 +305,18 @@ def aggregate_resources_logs_version1():
workflow_result = {}
# extract the workflow object (cheap)
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id = w['workflow'])
workflow = Workflow.objects.get(id=w['workflow'])
# aggregate logentries per step for all active statusses
for status in settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES:
record = {}
record['name'] = str( +' - '+ workflow.workflow_uri
record['name'] = str( + ' - ' + workflow.workflow_uri
# record['name'] = str(
record['status'] = status
# aggregate logentries per step for all active statusses (expensive)
logs = LogEntry.objects.filter(status=status)\
logs = LogEntry.objects.filter(status=status) \
.filter(task__status__in=settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES) \
sum_cpu_cycles = logs.aggregate(Sum('cpu_cycles'))
@@ -344,7 +386,6 @@ def human_readable(size_in_bytes):
def highlight_value(values, value_to_highlight):
# find 'class' left of the value
pos_value = values.find(str(value_to_highlight))
@@ -362,8 +403,8 @@ def highlight_value(values, value_to_highlight):
return values
def construct_tasks_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
def construct_tasks_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
# --- Progress of tasks per active workflow ---
results_tasks = "<p>Progress of tasks per workflow</p>"
@@ -390,7 +431,8 @@ def construct_tasks_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
percentage = round(int(workflow_result['size_processed']) / int(workflow_result['size_to_process']) * 100)
percentage = 0
values += "<td><b>size processed:</b> " + str(human_readable(workflow_result['size_processed'])) + " (<b>"+ str(percentage) + "%</b>) </td>"
values += "<td><b>size processed:</b> " + str(
human_readable(workflow_result['size_processed'])) + " (<b>" + str(percentage) + "%</b>) </td>"
values += "<td><b>processing time:</b> " + str(workflow_result['total_processing_time']) + "</td>"
values += "<td colspan='8'></td></tr><tr>"
@@ -409,7 +451,7 @@ def construct_tasks_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
# distinguish active statusses
style = "inactive"
if key in settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES or key=='active':
if key in settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES or key == 'active':
style = "active"
# bonus: add a query link
@@ -417,15 +459,15 @@ def construct_tasks_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
values += "<td class=" + style + ">" + str(percentage) + "% (" + link + ")</td>"
# add sizes
# values += "<td>" + str(human_readable(workflow_result['size_to_process'])) + "</td>"
# try:
# percentage = round(int(workflow_result['size_processed']) / int(workflow_result['size_to_process']) * 100)
# except:
# percentage = 0
# values += "<td>" + str(human_readable(workflow_result['size_processed'])) + " ("+ str(percentage) + "%) </td>"
# values += "<td>" + str(workflow_result['total_processing_time']) + "</td>"
if max>0:
# values += "<td>" + str(human_readable(workflow_result['size_to_process'])) + "</td>"
# try:
# percentage = round(int(workflow_result['size_processed']) / int(workflow_result['size_to_process']) * 100)
# except:
# percentage = 0
# values += "<td>" + str(human_readable(workflow_result['size_processed'])) + " ("+ str(percentage) + "%) </td>"
# values += "<td>" + str(workflow_result['total_processing_time']) + "</td>"
if max > 0:
values = highlight_value(values, max)
results_tasks += "</tr><tr>" + values + "</tr>"
@@ -448,7 +490,7 @@ def construct_logs_per_workflow_html_version1(log_records):
style = "active"
line = "<tr><td><b>" + record['name'] + "</b></td>" \
'<td class="' + style + '" >' + record['status'] + \
'<td class="' + style + '" >' + record['status'] + \
"</td><td>" + str(record['cpu_cycles']) + \
"</td><td>" + str(record['wall_clock_time']) + "</td><tr>"
@@ -475,25 +517,25 @@ def construct_logs_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
for status in records_per_status:
record = records_per_status[status]
# distinguish active statusses
style = ""
if status in settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES or status=='active':
record = records_per_status[status]
# distinguish active statusses
style = ""
if status in settings.ACTIVE_STATUSSES or status == 'active':
style = "active"
# show the values (done with a weird ternary operator)
if record['cpu_cycles']:
cpu_cycles = str(record['cpu_cycles'])
cpu_cycles = '0'
# show the values (done with a weird ternary operator)
if record['cpu_cycles']:
cpu_cycles = str(record['cpu_cycles'])
cpu_cycles = '0'
if record['wall_clock_time']:
wall_clock_time = str(record['wall_clock_time'])
wall_clock_time = '0'
if record['wall_clock_time']:
wall_clock_time = str(record['wall_clock_time'])
wall_clock_time = '0'
value = cpu_cycles + '/' + wall_clock_time
values += "<td class=" + style + ">" + value + "</td>"
value = cpu_cycles + '/' + wall_clock_time
values += "<td class=" + style + ">" + value + "</td>"
results += "<tr>" + values + "</tr>"
@@ -502,7 +544,6 @@ def construct_logs_per_workflow_html(request, workflow_results):
def construct_dashboard_html(request, selection):
# gather and construct the dashboard based on the requested selection
# --- Progress of tasks per active workflow ---
@@ -515,5 +556,4 @@ def construct_dashboard_html(request, selection):
log_records = aggregate_resources_logs(selection)
results_logs = construct_logs_per_workflow_html(request, log_records)
return results_tasks,results_logs
return results_tasks, results_logs