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  • HPR-158
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Jan201615139619Dec1712119528Nov262118141311731Oct30231715143Sep230Aug29282622212019141386131Jul2523181710943226Jun252420131265430May1615148762130Apr18171643229Mar262120191814131211865129Feb2827222120141312876131Jan2518171110521Dec201918730Nov2423222120151413128762131Oct26252423222019171611109543228Sep2726Add TBuf MM registers.Add TBuf MM registers.Add TBuf packet header.Add sdp_tbuf_output.vhdSLV() --> slv().Fixed minor comment issue.Add c_dp_xonoff_reg_adr_w = 1.Rename REG_STROBE_TOTAL_COUNT_TBUF.Add MM registers for TBuf in qsys, mmm and yaml.Merge branch 'L2SDP-1059b' into 'L2SDP-LIFT'Merge branch 'L2SDP-LIFT' into L2SDP-1059bMerge branch 'master' into L2SDP-LIFTAdd note on licenses.Clarify io_ddr status register and driver register.Rename core --> status for io_ddr register.Use g_cross_domain_dvr_ctlr = true to use dp_clk in TBuf.Draft node_sdp_transient_buffer.vhd with reg_tbuf and reg_io_ddr_core.Add io_ddr lib dependency for TBuf.Add constants W_ant, W_bsn, W_rsn.Define separate io_ddr_core and io_ddr_driver peripherals.Improve layout of entity IO.Merge branch 'L2SDP-1059' into 'L2SDP-LIFT'Clarify even and odd lanes in ring. Use c_ring_nof_mac_ip = 9 (instead of 12).Added missing r-6, r-9 items in tech_10gbase_r_component_pkg.vhd and ip_arria10_e1sg/altera_libraries/altera_xcvr_native_a10_180/compile_ip.tclSupport phy_10gbase_r and transceiver_reset controller instances for array with 6 or 9 10GbEqsys-generate_ip_files uses .ip instead of .qsys for Quartus 18 with unb2bPrepare IP for 6 and 9 tr_10gbe phys in unb2b.Add 10GbE IP for 6 and 9 instances, to prepare for SDP extensions LIFT and QuickBlitz.Merge branch 'master' into L2SDP-1059Prepare for SDPFW revisions with TBuf.Add location of crontab file.Add crontab list of regtest machine.Update ignores.Merge branch 'L2SDP-1060' into 'master'Fit line length in 120 charFit 120 char lines. Correct prefixes.Fix prefixes.Merge branch 'L2SDP-1056' into 'master'Add REG_SDP_TBUF in vhdl and in yaml.keep FIR file.