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  • HPR-158
  • L2SDP-1082
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Dec30Nov2926252423191815121195432128Oct27262522211918151413121187654130Sep292827242322212017161510987632131Aug2625242320191811109654331Jul30232221201915141397652129Jun25242322211817151411109432131May2827262520191712107654329Apr2823Renamed c_sdp_ram_st_xsq_addr_w into c_sdp_ram_st_xsq_arr_addr_w.Use same port order as on sdp_statistics_offload entity.Use same port order as on sdp_statistics_offload entity. Added g_crosslets_direction => 1.Corrected that enable toggle does not cause a pulse. Improved tb coverage by counting expected number of pulses.Added trigger_en OUT port for convenience.Updated lofar2_unb2b_ring design for synthesis, also createdPrepare for XST header data_id verification.Pipeline gn_index and added rn_index_reg.Use c_sdp_W_statistics_sz. Add func_sdp_get_stat_from_mm_*().Add ring library to calculate source RN for remote crosslets in XST.Define sdp_nof_bytes_per_statistic (without s) via data path in c_sdp_stat_hdr_field_sel.Corrected use and verification of BSN field.Verify bsn via exp_hdr.dp_bsn.Clarified word_align field.Use only func_sdp_verify_stat_header() in p_verify_header.Changed c_sdp_stat_hdr_field_sel: Changed sdp_source_info_reserved and sdp_reserved field in statistics header to MM programmable to support future control (default 0). Changed udp_checksum field in statistics header to data path driven (will be send as default 0).Define c_data_size = 2 and c_nof_data_per_step = 2 using constants from sdp_pkg.vhd.Define and use c_sdp_stat_data_sz = 2 and c_sdp_stat_data_byte_sz = 8.Use g_sim_sdp : t_sdp_sim := c_sdp_sim to overrule default SDP HW parameters in simulation.Use g_sim_sdp : t_sdp_sim := c_sdp_sim to determine statistics g_offload_time for sim and default c_sdp_offload_time on HW. And to determine g_ctrl_interval_size_min for XST in sim and on HW.Use g_sim_sdp : t_sdp_sim := c_sdp_sim to determine statistics g_offload_time for sim and default c_sdp_offload_time on HW.Added eth_src_out to support further external analysis.Removed p_mm_offload because c_udp_src_port, c_ip_src_addr and c_eth_src_mac are set via data path. Use func_sdp_verify_stat_header() and exp_sdp_stat_header in p_verify_header. Use func_sdp_get_stat_* to determine header field parameters.Added tb_sdp_pkg.vhd for sdp test benches.Renamed c_sdp_reg_hdr_dat_addr_w into more precise c_sdp_reg_bf_hdr_dat_addr_w.Added header verification functions for statistics offload and beamlet output.Added t_sdp_sim. Add func_sdp_get_stat_*() functions to determine the header field parameters. Add t_sdp_network_stat_header and t_sdp_network_cep_header with extract functions.Use func_sdp_get_stat_*() functions to determine the header field parameters.Merge branch 'master' into L2SDP-534Merge branch 'L2SDP-544' into 'master'Merge branch 'master' into L2SDP-544Use c_sdp_S_pn = 12 and c_sdp_N_sync_jesd = 4 for JESD data and syncb lines in tb. Use sim for PN = 9.Merge branch 'L2SDP-546' into 'master'Removed unused signal out_siso_arr.Corrected REG_STAT_ENABLE_SST. Simulate only one packet.Use c_sdp_S_pn = 12 and c_sdp_N_sync_jesd = 4 for JESD data and syncb lines in tb.Added comment on JESD serial data and syncb width, no functional change.Explained 'red' signal level in Eth tx serial data.Added remarks on usage.Corrected c_bs_sync_timeout, to avoid NATURAL overflow.