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  • HPR-158
  • L2SDP-1082
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Mar128Feb25242322211716151411108765432131Jan2827262521201918171413121110765417Dec16151413109876230Nov2926252423191815121195432128Oct27262522211918151413121187654130Sep2928272423222120171615109876321starting with tbddrctrl_repack.vhd worksRenamed subband_calibrated_flag into weighted_subbands_flag.ready for review!Merge branch 'L2SDP-639' into L2SDP-644ready for reviewfunctionally readyMerge branch 'L2SDP-639' into L2SDP-644ready for review?Merge branch 'master' into L2SDP-562Readback current active WG ctrl via mon_ctrl. Verified mon_ctrl in tb_diag_wg_wideband.vhd.ready for reviewspaces or tabs?spaces or tabs?Merge branch 'L2SDP-639' into L2SDP-644ready for revieuwwork in processwork in processRevert to master version. Keep ctrl as it is already refelcting the current WG state.Added some verification of wg-ctrl_act.Added wg_ctrl_act.MM readback the currently active crosslets info, instead of the initial MM written crosslets_info_reg.MM write ctrl_interval_size and MM read actual active mon_output_interval_size.added bsn monitors to sdp_statistics_offloadMerge branch 'L2SDP-639' into L2SDP-644ready for revieuwready for revieuwupdated unb2c sdp station full imageMerge branch 'master' into L2SDP-639initial commitMerge branch 'L2SDP-639' into L2SDP-644commit for revieuwMerge branch 'L2SDP-342' into 'master'Merge branch 'master' into L2SDP-342added icmp checksum calculationtest commitMerge branch 'L2SDP-560-B' into 'master'initial commit WIP (Work In Progress)L2SDP-560-B, updated gold.yamlMerge branch 'master' into L2SDP-560-B