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  • HPR-158
  • L2SDP-1082
  • master default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Jun131265430May1615148762130Apr18171643229Mar262120191814131211865129Feb2827222120141312876131Jan2518171110521Dec201918730Nov2423222120151413128762131Oct26252423222019171611109543228Sep272625212019181413126531Aug3029282524222118171615141098731Jul27262565427Jun21Correct design_fir_low_pass_filter_adjust() for large stop band weights.Use design_fir_low_pass_filter_adjust().Add design_fir_low_pass_filter_adjust().Correct plot_magnitude_spectrum().Add z-transform properties.Improve frequency axis.Clarify w_pbRead beamlet output siso MP.Just commit.Add Nyquist filter and ref to pm_remez library.Correct VHDLWHIZ ref.Added Noble identities.Add domains and transforms map.Merge branch 'L2SDP-885' into 'master'Connect missing siso to mms_dp_bsn_monitor_v2.ssh bastionFilter design with fcutoff gain 0.5 or sqrt(0.5).Add functions to find specific frequency or gain value in transfer function.Workaround for fcutoff with firls.Correct comment header for BF beamlet output.Added reference for oversampling and noise shaping DACExplain oversampling and noise shaping for ADC and DACMerge branch 'RTSD-271b' into 'master'Move single into ../rtdsp package with separate sub modules.How to flash FW on L2TSMerge branch 'RTSD-271' into 'master'Merge branch 'master' into RTSD-271Merge branch 'master' of L2TSMerge branch 'L2SDP-1043' into 'master'Free space on filesystem root.Read more JESD registers in tb.Add raised cosine and half cosine windows.PFB code from others.Two times oversampled PFB by Wessel Lubberhuizen.Add WG noise and SNR measure.Rename file.Improve legends.Rename beta.Rename beta.