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Resolve RTSD-265

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% Code : John Bunton, CSIRO
% Comment : Eric Kooistra, ASTRON
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% B = fircls1(N, WO, DEVP, DEVS)
% LPF FIR filter design by constrained least-squares
% . N is filter order, so length(B) = N + 1 is number of coefficients
% . W0 is LPF cutoff frequency between 0 and 1 = fNyquist = fs/2
% . DEVP maximum linear deviation (ripple) in pass band
% . DEVS maximum linear deviation (ripple) in stop band
% Parameter values:
% . length(c) = 192 coefs
% . W0 ~= fNyquist / 16. For 1/Kfft = 1/16 power at 0.5 bin is -5.941 dB, so
% gain is 10^(-5.941 / 20) = 0.5046. For 1/15.3 gain is 10^(-3.362 / 20) =
% 0.6790. Probably adjusted W0 to have gain = sqrt(0.5) = 0.7071, so that
% analysis LPF and synthesis LPF together have gain 0.5 at 0.5 bin. Use
% 1/15.19 to have gain is 10^(-3.012 / 20) = 0.7070. However from the
% magnitude response of bin 0 and 1 it shows that 1/15.19 does yield gain
% 1 at 0.5 bin, but with a raise in average ripple level at the bin edges.
% With 1/15.3 the average ripple level is almost constant 1 from one bin
% to the next.
% . The DC gain is slightly > 1.0. Do not normalize the DC gain by sum(B),
% because fircls1() yields such a DC gain that the LPF pass band power
% level is equivalent to that of an ideal (brick wall) LPF with W0.
Kfft = 16; % FFT block size
Ntaps = 12; % number of FFT blocks
Kcoefs = Kfft * Ntaps;
Norder = Kcoefs - 1;
W0 = 1 / 15.3;
%W0 = 1 / 15.19;
c = fircls1(Norder, W0, .02, .0003);
subplot(3, 1, 1)
k = Kcoefs - 1;
plot((0:k) / k * Ntaps, c)
xlabel('Time in units of FFT length','FontSize',10)
title('Filter impulse response')
% Use DTFT as fft with zero padding for factor R = 4 finer frequency
% resolution. Number of frequency point per bin is Kcoefs / Kfft =
% Ntaps, so with R = 4 this yields 12 * 4 = 48 frequency points per bin.
R = 4;
dtft_c = fft([c c*0 c*0 c*0]);
subplot(3, 1, 2)
% db(volt) = 10 * log10(volt^2) = 20 * log10(volt)
%plot((0:48)/48, db(dtft_c(1:49)))
plot(((0:96)-48)/48, [db(dtft_c(49:-1:2)), db(dtft_c(1:49))])
hold on
%plot((48:-1:0)/48, db(dtft_c(1:49)), '.')
plot(((0:96)-48)/48, db(dtft_c(97:-1:1)), '.')
xlabel('Frequency (FFT bins)', 'FontSize', 10)
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)', 'FontSize', 10)
title('Response of Bin 0 and 1 to monochromatic source')
hold off
axis([-1 1 -80 10])
subplot(3, 1, 3)
% Plot magnitude squared response, to have correlator (power) response.
% Alternatively this also accounts for combined magntiude response of analysis
% LPF and synthesis LPF in case of reconstruction.
plot((0:48)/48, abs(dtft_c(1:49).^2) + abs(dtft_c(49:-1:1).^2))
%axis([0 1 0.98 1.04])
xlabel('Frequency (FFT bins)','FontSize',10)
title ('Sum of correlator responses for Bin 0 and 1')
% The FIR filter design does not converge for large Kcoefs, therefore use
% interpolation to create longer FIR filter cl, with Ncoefs = Kcoefs * Q =
% 2304, using Q = 12. The number of FFT blocks remains Ntaps = 12, because
% the shape of cl is the same as for c. The FFT block size now becomes Nfft =
% Kfft * Q = 16 * 12 = 192.
Q = 12;
% Y = interpft(X, N) returns a vector Y of length N obtained by interpolation
% in the Fourier transform of X.
cl = interpft(c, length(c) * Q) / Q;
dc_gain_c = sum(c);
dc_gain_cl = sum(cl);
Ncoefs = Kcoefs * Q;
Nfft = Kfft * Q;
fft_cl = fft(cl);
% Plot magnitude frequency response from DC = 0 to m bins
m = 2;
Nppb = Ntaps * R; % number of frequency points per bin
plot((0:m*Nppb)/Nppb, db(dtft_c(1:m*Nppb + 1)), 'b')
hold on
Nppb = Ntaps; % number of frequency points per bin
plot((0:m*Nppb)/Nppb, db(fft_cl(1:m*Nppb + 1)), 'r')
legend('c', 'cl')
xlabel('Frequency (FFT bins)','FontSize',10)
title ('Response of fircls1 filter c and interpolated cl')