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Resolve RTSD-265

Merged Eric Kooistra requested to merge RTSD-265 into master
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@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def design_fir_low_pass_filter(method,
. Method 'firls' does not support zero BW at fcutoff. With single fcutoff point error occurs: 'bands must be
monotonically nondecreasing and have width > 0'. Work around: use a very narrow band cutoffBW at fcutoff.
The cutoffBW band has to be much smaller than the transition band transistionBW, to avoid a flattened gain
around fcutoff, but also not too small, to because then the cutoffGain at fcutoff is not achieved.
around fcutoff, but also not too small, because then the cutoffGain at fcutoff is not achieved.
Default force cutoffBW = transistionBW / 10 for 'firls' when input cutoffBW=0. For 'remez' method the
cutoffBW=0 effectively, without work around, because 'remez' does support single fcutoff value specification.
@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ def design_fir_low_pass_filter_adjust(method,
kaiserBeta=0, fs=1.0, resolution=1e-4, verbosity=1):
"""Derive FIR coefficients for low pass filter for exact fcutoff
Uses design_fir_low_pass_filter() but achieves cutoffGain at fcutoff by adjusting fpass or fstop, and
fpass < fcutoff < fstop.
Uses design_fir_low_pass_filter() but achieves cutoffGain at fcutoff by iteratively adjusting
fpass or fstop, and fpass < fcutoff < fstop.
. resolution: Resolution measure for frequency and for gain. It appears that at some fine resolution