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Resolve RTSD-265

Merged Eric Kooistra requested to merge RTSD-265 into master
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@@ -8,47 +8,65 @@
% Correct = 1 applies the correction filter to the reconstructed signal
% outData
% John Bunton 2015
% Usage from README.txt:
% . first run Gen_filter12 to create prototype lowpass filter cl
% . then run reconstruct with ImpulseResponse = 1 and Correct = 1 to calculate
% an impulse response and a correction filter for the analysis PFB and
% synthesis PFB transfer function error
% . then rerun reconstruct with ImpulseResponse = 0 and Correct = 0 or 1
% . use rng('default') to check SNR results, comment rng() to experiment with
% new noise input evry rerun
close all
% Uncomment rng() line or run rng() line first in shell, to produce same random
% numbers as with MATLAB restart, to verify the SNR results for Correct = 0, 1.
ImpulseResponse = 0; % set to 1 to calculate correction filter
Correct = 1; % set to 1 to allow correction filter to be applied
len = 5000;
z = rand(len,1);
z = z > 0.5;
z = 2 * (z - 0.5);
% cl is the prototype lowpass filter
Ncoefs = length(cl); % = 2304
Ntaps = 12;
Nfft = Ncoefs / Ntaps; % = 192
% Input data
% 1) random block wave signal
% Create random block wave signal with block size Nhold = 16 samples, first
% insert 16-1 zeros between every sample in z. This yield length
% (len - 1) * 16 + 1. Then convolve with ones(16, 1) to replicate each value
% of z instead of the zeros. The length of conv(A, B) is length(A) +
% length(B) - 1, so length of inData becomes ((len - 1) * 16 + 1) + (16 - 1) =
% len * 16 = 80000.
len = 5000;
z = rand(len,1);
z = z > 0.5;
z = 2 * (z - 0.5);
clear inData
Nhold = 16;
inData(1:Nhold:len*Nhold) = z;
inData = conv(inData, ones(Nhold, 1));
k = len * Nhold; % = length(inData)
k = length(inData); % = len * Nhold
% 2) random normal noise signal
%inData = randn(1, k); % yields similar SNR as random block wave signal
%inData = cos(((1:k).^2 ) * len / (k)^2); % comment out these two line to have random signal input
% 3) sine wave signal
%inData = cos(((1:k).^2 ) * len / (k)^2);
%inData = cos(2*pi*(1:k) * 0.031 / 16);
% 4) impulse signal
if ImpulseResponse == 1
inData = inData .* 0; % for testing impulse response of system
inData(k / 2) = 1; % and allows calculation of correction filter
inData = inData .* 0; % for testing impulse response of system
inData(k / 2) = 1; % and allows calculation of correction filter
% Set up parameters for the analysis and synthesis filterbank
Ros = 32 / 24;
% fix() rounds to nearest integer towards zero.
Nstep = fix(Nfft / Ros); % = 144
% these is the actual analysis and synthesis operations
outBins = polyphase_analysis(inData, cl, Nfft, Nstep);
@@ -62,8 +80,8 @@ adjust = adjust * Nfft; % normalize gain per bin for synthesis LPF
outData = adjust * outData;
if ImpulseResponse == 1
% correction filter to fix frequency response error, also
% corrects gain because input inData has unit level
% correction filter to fix frequency response error, also
% corrects gain because input inData has unit level
correct = real(ifft(1./fft(outData)));
@@ -78,7 +96,7 @@ corr = correct;
% Correct for time shift for transfer function correction filter
corr(1+k:length(corr)) = corr(1:length(corr)-k);
% Correct for errror in transfer function
% Correct for error in transfer function
if Correct == 1
outData = ifft(fft(outData) .* fft(fftshift(corr)));
@@ -87,10 +105,16 @@ end
diff = outData - inData(1:length(outData));
% First do rng('default') to reset the random number generator, then
% run reconstruct. The original code by John Bunton then yields:
% First do rng('default') to reset the random number generator, then run
% reconstruct. The original code by John Bunton for the random block wave wave
% input signal then yields:
% . rng('default'); reconstruct, with Correct = 0: SNR = 30.56 dB
% . rng('default'); reconstruct, with Correct = 1: SNR = 62.24 dB
% Note:
% . With the impulse data input the SNR = 304.46 dB, so perfect.
% . For other input data there is still some error, due to the limited stopband
% attenuation of the prototype LPF (can be seen using DEVS = 0.003 instead of
% 0.0003 in Gen_filter12).
SNR = 10 * log10(sum(abs(inData(10000:70000) .^ 2)) / sum(abs(diff(10000:70000) .^ 2)));
sprintf('SNR = %6.2f [dB]', SNR)