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Resolve L2SDP-1013

Merged Eric Kooistra requested to merge L2SDP-1013 into master
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@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@
-- the required circular buffer size just enough, such that the next power
-- of two is only a few blocks larger, instead of almost a factor two
-- larger. This then can save a significant amount of block RAM.
-- For example: The circular buffer size c_buffer_nof_blocks is 1 + the
-- sum of bsn latencies at each node. Therefor if g_nof_aligners_max = 16
-- (a power of two) and g_bsn_latency_max = 2, then the circular buffer
-- becomes true_log_pow2(1 + 16 * 2) = 64 blocks, so almost twice as large
-- as needed. If the first input stream does not have active remote input,
-- or is disabled via stream_en_arr, then choose g_bsn_latency_first_node
-- = 1, to get a buffer size of true_log_pow2(1 + 15 * 2 + 1) = 32 blocks.
-- . In case of a chain of aligners then the circular buffer size depends on
-- the latency of local input. The most remote input will only use a
-- fraction of the buffer. Therefore more block RAM can be saved by using
@@ -65,14 +72,8 @@
-- the local stream. Streams index > 0 is for remote streams. The
-- remote streams arrive later than the local stream, but within
-- g_bsn_latency_max or within an integer multiple of g_bsn_latency_max.
-- . g_bsn_latency_max: maximum travel latency of a remote block in number
-- of block periods T_blk.
-- . g_nof_aligners_max: Number of dp_bsn_align_v2 aligners in a chain.
-- = 1 when only align at last node, or
-- > 1 when align at every intermediate node in a chain of nodes, and then
-- g_nof_aligners_max should equal the number of nodes for
-- chain_node_index range. The g_nof_aligners_max is the number of
-- nodes in the chain including the first node.
-- . g_bsn_latency_max: >= 1, maximum travel latency of a remote block in
-- number of block periods T_blk.
-- . g_bsn_latency_first_node: typically <= g_bsn_latency_max of the other
-- nodes in a chain. Use g_bsn_latency_first_node = 0 for immediate
-- output from first node in a chain of nodes. Only used when
@@ -81,6 +82,12 @@
-- size of the circular buffer. If the circular buffer is large enough
-- anyway, then the g_bsn_latency_first_node setting is don't care,
-- assuming that a little extra latency is don't care.
-- . g_nof_aligners_max: Number of dp_bsn_align_v2 aligners in a chain.
-- = 1 when only align at last node, or
-- > 1 when align at every intermediate node in a chain of nodes, and then
-- g_nof_aligners_max should equal the number of nodes for
-- chain_node_index range. The g_nof_aligners_max is the number of
-- nodes in the chain including the first node.
-- Inputs:
-- . chain_node_index: Node index in chain of nodes. First node has index 0.
@@ -104,6 +111,13 @@
-- APERTIF. Main differences are that the old component uses FIFO buffers,
-- timeouts and states, and v2 does not, which makes v2 simpler and more
-- robust.
-- . The g_bsn_latency_first_node = 0 should also be feasible, but does not
-- work and is not investigated further, because g_bsn_latency_first_node =
-- 1 in combination with g_bsn_latency_max = 2 is sufficient to reduce the
-- circular buffer size when g_nof_aligners_max is a power of two.
-- . Using a circular buffer with optimum size, that does not have to have a
-- power of two number of blocks, makes the circular buffer control and
-- access more complicated and is not investigated further.
library IEEE,common_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
@@ -115,7 +129,7 @@ use work.dp_stream_pkg.all;
entity dp_bsn_align_v2 is
generic (
g_nof_streams : natural := 2; -- >= 2, number of input and output streams
g_bsn_latency_max : natural := 2;
g_bsn_latency_max : natural := 2; -- >= 1
g_bsn_latency_first_node : natural := 2; -- default use same as g_bsn_latency_max
g_nof_aligners_max : positive := 16;
g_block_size : natural := 1024; -- > 1, g_block_size=1 is not supported
@@ -153,7 +167,7 @@ entity dp_bsn_align_v2 is
end dp_bsn_align_v2;
architecture rtl of dp_bsn_align_v2 is
-- Circular buffer per stream, size is next power of 2 that fits
-- Circular buffer per stream, size is next power of two that fits
constant c_buffer_nof_blocks : natural := sel_a_b(g_nof_aligners_max = 1,
true_log_pow2(1 + g_bsn_latency_max),
true_log_pow2(1 + g_bsn_latency_max * (g_nof_aligners_max - 1) + g_bsn_latency_first_node));
@@ -165,7 +179,7 @@ architecture rtl of dp_bsn_align_v2 is
nof_dat => c_ram_size,
init_sl => '0');
-- Use +1 to ensure that g_block_size that is power of 2 also fits in c_block_size_slv
-- Use +1 to ensure that g_block_size that is power of two also fits in c_block_size_slv
constant c_block_size_w : natural := ceil_log2(g_block_size + 1);
constant c_block_size_slv : std_logic_vector(c_block_size_w - 1 downto 0) := TO_UVEC(g_block_size, c_block_size_w);
constant c_blk_pointer_w : natural := ceil_log2(c_buffer_nof_blocks);