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added tb for disturb design

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4 4 hdl_lib_uses_sim = eth
5 5 hdl_lib_technology = ip_arria10_e1sg
6 6
7 synth_files =
7 synth_files =
8 8 disturb2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg.vhd
9 tb_disturb2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg.vhd
  • 361 -- Write scheduler BSN to trigger start of WG at next block
    362 v_bsn := TO_UINT(current_bsn_wg) + 2;
    363 ASSERT v_bsn <= c_bsn_start_wg REPORT "Too late to start WG: " & int_to_str(v_bsn) & " > " & int_to_str(c_bsn_start_wg) SEVERITY ERROR;
    364 v_bsn := c_bsn_start_wg;
    365 mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, v_bsn, tb_clk); -- first write low then high part
    366 mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 1, 0, tb_clk); -- assume v_bsn < 2**31-1
    368 -- Wait for enough WG data and start of sync interval
    369 mmf_mm_wait_until_value(c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg, 0, -- read BSN low
    370 "UNSIGNED", rd_data, ">=", c_nof_block_per_sync*2, -- this is the wait until condition
    371 c_sdp_T_sub, tb_clk);
    373 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    374 -- Read 10GbE Stream
    375 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    376 FOR BS IN 0 TO 2 LOOP -- Read 1 block from both beamsets.
  • 81 CONSTANT c_pps_period : NATURAL := 1000;
    83 CONSTANT c_tb_clk_period : TIME := 100 ps; -- use fast tb_clk to speed up M&C
    84 CONSTANT c_cable_delay : TIME := 12 ns;
    86 CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync : NATURAL := 16;
    87 CONSTANT c_nof_clk_per_sync : NATURAL := c_nof_block_per_sync*c_sdp_N_fft;
    88 CONSTANT c_wpfb_sim : t_wpfb := func_wpfb_set_nof_block_per_sync(c_sdp_wpfb_subbands, c_nof_block_per_sync);
    89 CONSTANT c_wpfb_complex_sim : t_wpfb := func_wpfb_map_real_input_wpfb_parameters_to_complex_input(c_wpfb_sim);
    91 CONSTANT c_percentage : REAL := 0.05; -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value
    92 CONSTANT c_lo_factor : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage; -- lower boundary
    93 CONSTANT c_hi_factor : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage; -- higher boundary
    95 -- WG
    96 CONSTANT c_full_scale_ampl : REAL := REAL(2**(14-1)-1); -- = full scale of WG
  • 93 CONSTANT c_hi_factor : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage; -- higher boundary
    95 -- WG
    96 CONSTANT c_full_scale_ampl : REAL := REAL(2**(14-1)-1); -- = full scale of WG
    97 CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg : NATURAL := 2; -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
    98 CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0 : NATURAL := 2**(c_sdp_W_adc-1) / 2; -- in number of lsb
    99 CONSTANT c_wg_subband_freq_unit : REAL := c_diag_wg_freq_unit/REAL(c_sdp_N_fft); -- subband freq = Fs/1024 = 200 MSps/1024 = 195312.5 Hz sinus
    100 CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
    101 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0 : REAL := 102.0; -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz
    102 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_1 : REAL := 99.5; -- Select subband at index 99.5 = 99.5/1024 * 200MHz = 19.43359375 MHz
    103 CONSTANT c_wg_ampl_lsb : REAL := c_diag_wg_ampl_unit / c_full_scale_ampl; -- amplitude in number of LSbit resolution steps
    104 CONSTANT c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := REAL(c_ampl_sp_0**2)/2.0 * REAL(c_sdp_N_fft*c_nof_block_per_sync);
    106 -- WPFB
    107 CONSTANT c_wb_leakage_bin : NATURAL := c_wpfb_sim.nof_points / c_wpfb_sim.wb_factor; -- = 256, leakage will occur in this bin if FIR wb_factor is reversed
    108 CONSTANT c_exp_sp_beamlet_power_ratio : REAL := 1.0/8.0; -- depends on internal WPFB quantization and FIR coefficients
  • 83 CONSTANT c_tb_clk_period : TIME := 100 ps; -- use fast tb_clk to speed up M&C
    84 CONSTANT c_cable_delay : TIME := 12 ns;
    86 CONSTANT c_nof_block_per_sync : NATURAL := 16;
    87 CONSTANT c_nof_clk_per_sync : NATURAL := c_nof_block_per_sync*c_sdp_N_fft;
    88 CONSTANT c_wpfb_sim : t_wpfb := func_wpfb_set_nof_block_per_sync(c_sdp_wpfb_subbands, c_nof_block_per_sync);
    89 CONSTANT c_wpfb_complex_sim : t_wpfb := func_wpfb_map_real_input_wpfb_parameters_to_complex_input(c_wpfb_sim);
    91 CONSTANT c_percentage : REAL := 0.05; -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value
    92 CONSTANT c_lo_factor : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage; -- lower boundary
    93 CONSTANT c_hi_factor : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage; -- higher boundary
    95 -- WG
    96 CONSTANT c_full_scale_ampl : REAL := REAL(2**(14-1)-1); -- = full scale of WG
    97 CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg : NATURAL := 2; -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
    98 CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0 : NATURAL := 2**(c_sdp_W_adc-1) / 2; -- in number of lsb
  • 89 CONSTANT c_wpfb_complex_sim : t_wpfb := func_wpfb_map_real_input_wpfb_parameters_to_complex_input(c_wpfb_sim);
    91 CONSTANT c_percentage : REAL := 0.05; -- percentage that actual value may differ from expected value
    92 CONSTANT c_lo_factor : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage; -- lower boundary
    93 CONSTANT c_hi_factor : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage; -- higher boundary
    95 -- WG
    96 CONSTANT c_full_scale_ampl : REAL := REAL(2**(14-1)-1); -- = full scale of WG
    97 CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg : NATURAL := 2; -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
    98 CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0 : NATURAL := 2**(c_sdp_W_adc-1) / 2; -- in number of lsb
    99 CONSTANT c_wg_subband_freq_unit : REAL := c_diag_wg_freq_unit/REAL(c_sdp_N_fft); -- subband freq = Fs/1024 = 200 MSps/1024 = 195312.5 Hz sinus
    100 CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
    101 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0 : REAL := 102.0; -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz
    102 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_1 : REAL := 99.5; -- Select subband at index 99.5 = 99.5/1024 * 200MHz = 19.43359375 MHz
    103 CONSTANT c_wg_ampl_lsb : REAL := c_diag_wg_ampl_unit / c_full_scale_ampl; -- amplitude in number of LSbit resolution steps
    104 CONSTANT c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := REAL(c_ampl_sp_0**2)/2.0 * REAL(c_sdp_N_fft*c_nof_block_per_sync);
  • 92 CONSTANT c_lo_factor : REAL := 1.0 - c_percentage; -- lower boundary
    93 CONSTANT c_hi_factor : REAL := 1.0 + c_percentage; -- higher boundary
    95 -- WG
    96 CONSTANT c_full_scale_ampl : REAL := REAL(2**(14-1)-1); -- = full scale of WG
    97 CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg : NATURAL := 2; -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
    98 CONSTANT c_ampl_sp_0 : NATURAL := 2**(c_sdp_W_adc-1) / 2; -- in number of lsb
    99 CONSTANT c_wg_subband_freq_unit : REAL := c_diag_wg_freq_unit/REAL(c_sdp_N_fft); -- subband freq = Fs/1024 = 200 MSps/1024 = 195312.5 Hz sinus
    100 CONSTANT c_wg_freq_offset : REAL := 0.0/11.0; -- in freq_unit
    101 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_0 : REAL := 102.0; -- Select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz
    102 CONSTANT c_subband_sp_1 : REAL := 99.5; -- Select subband at index 99.5 = 99.5/1024 * 200MHz = 19.43359375 MHz
    103 CONSTANT c_wg_ampl_lsb : REAL := c_diag_wg_ampl_unit / c_full_scale_ampl; -- amplitude in number of LSbit resolution steps
    104 CONSTANT c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := REAL(c_ampl_sp_0**2)/2.0 * REAL(c_sdp_N_fft*c_nof_block_per_sync);
    106 -- WPFB
    107 CONSTANT c_wb_leakage_bin : NATURAL := c_wpfb_sim.nof_points / c_wpfb_sim.wb_factor; -- = 256, leakage will occur in this bin if FIR wb_factor is reversed
    180 SIGNAL eth_clk : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    181 SIGNAL eth_txp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2b_board_nof_eth-1 downto 0);
    182 SIGNAL eth_rxp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2b_board_nof_eth-1 downto 0);
    184 SIGNAL sens_scl : STD_LOGIC;
    185 SIGNAL sens_sda : STD_LOGIC;
    186 SIGNAL pmbus_scl : STD_LOGIC;
    187 SIGNAL pmbus_sda : STD_LOGIC;
    189 SIGNAL SA_CLK : STD_LOGIC := '1';
    190 SIGNAL si_lpbk_0 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_unb2b_board_tr_qsfp.bus_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
  • 309 tb_clk <= NOT tb_clk AFTER c_tb_clk_period/2; -- Testbench MM clock
    311 p_mm_stimuli : PROCESS
    312 VARIABLE v_bsn : NATURAL;
    313 VARIABLE v_sp_power_sum_0 : REAL;
    314 VARIABLE v_sp_beamlet_power : REAL;
    315 VARIABLE v_sp_subband_power : REAL;
    316 VARIABLE v_W, v_T, v_U, v_S, v_B : NATURAL; -- array indicies
    317 VARIABLE v_beamlet_index_offset : NATURAL;
    318 BEGIN
    319 -- Wait for DUT power up after reset
    320 WAIT FOR 1 us;
    322 proc_common_wait_until_hi_lo(ext_clk, ext_pps);
  • 132 SIGNAL sim_done : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    133 SIGNAL tb_clk : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    134 SIGNAL rd_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_32-1 DOWNTO 0);
    136 -- WG
    137 SIGNAL dbg_c_exp_wg_power_sp_0 : REAL := c_exp_wg_power_sp_0;
    138 SIGNAL sp_samples : t_integer_arr(0 TO c_mon_buffer_nof_samples-1) := (OTHERS=>0);
    139 SIGNAL sp_sample : INTEGER := 0;
    140 SIGNAL sp_power_sum : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0);
    141 SIGNAL current_bsn_wg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_dp_stream_bsn_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
    143 -- WPFB
    144 SIGNAL sp_subband_powers_arr2 : t_slv_64_subbands_arr(c_sdp_N_beamsets*c_sdp_N_pol-1 DOWNTO 0); -- [sp][sub]
    146 SIGNAL sp_beamlet_powers_arr2 : t_slv_64_subbands_arr(c_sdp_N_beamsets*c_sdp_N_pol-1 DOWNTO 0); -- [sp][sub]
    147 SIGNAL sp_beamlet_power_0 : REAL;
  • 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 --
    3 -- Copyright 2020
  • 27 -- MM control actions:
    28 --
    29 -- 1) Enable calc mode for WG via reg_diag_wg with:
    30 -- 1.
    31 -- freq = 19.921875MHz (subband 102)
    32 -- ampl = 0.5 * 2**13
    33 -- 2.
    34 -- freg = 19.43359375 MHz (subband 99.5)
    35 -- ampl = 0.5 * 2**13
    36 --
    37 -- 2) Read current BSN from reg_bsn_scheduler_wg and write reg_bsn_scheduler_wg
    38 -- to trigger start of WG at BSN.
    39 --
    40 -- 3) Verify 10GbE output.
    41 --
    42 --
  • added 1 commit

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  • Eric Kooistra mentioned in commit 090e35b0

    mentioned in commit 090e35b0

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