--g_fil_coefs_file_prefix : STRING := "data/run_pfir_coeff_m_fircls1_16taps_1024points_18b_1wb"; -- g_fil_coef_dat_w = 18 bit
g_fil_coef_dat_w:NATURAL:=16;-- = 16, data width of the FIR coefficients
--g_fil_coef_dat_w : NATURAL := 18; -- = 16, data width of the FIR coefficients
g_fil_backoff_w:NATURAL:=0;-- = 0, number of bits for input backoff to avoid output overflow
g_fil_backoff_w:NATURAL:=1;-- = 0, number of bits for input backoff to avoid output overflow
g_fil_in_dat_w:NATURAL:=14;-- = W_adc, number of input bits
g_internal_dat_w:NATURAL:=0;-- = number of bits between fil and fft, use 0 to use maximum default:
@@ -239,8 +239,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_verify_pfb_wg IS
CONSTANTc_nof_channels:NATURAL:=2**c_wpfb.nof_chan;-- = 2**0 = 1, so no time multiplexing of inputs
CONSTANTc_nof_sync:NATURAL:=5;-- nof sync intervals to simulate
CONSTANTc_pfb_sub_scaling:REAL:=2.0**REAL(g_fft_out_dat_w+g_fft_out_gain_w-g_fil_in_dat_w-1);-- expected subband amplitude gain relative to input WG amplitude
-- -1 for divide by 2 in two real input separate (Ampl --> Ampl/2)
-- Expected subband amplitude gain relative to input WG amplitude -1 for divide by 2 in two real input separate (Ampl --> Ampl/2)