@@ -101,9 +106,9 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_disturb2_unb2b_sdp_station_full_wg IS
-- WG
CONSTANTc_bsn_start_wg:NATURAL:=2;-- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
-- . ampl
CONSTANTc_wg_ampl_sp_0:NATURAL:=NATURAL(7.0/c_beamlet_scale);-- choose < 8.0 to have no beamlet output overflow with unit weights and unit beamlet scale
CONSTANTc_wg_ampl_sp_2:NATURAL:=c_wg_ampl_sp_0/2;-- use different ampl for sp_0 and sp_2 to distinghuis them
CONSTANTc_wg_ampl_sp_2:NATURAL:=c_wg_ampl_sp_0/3;-- use different ampl for sp_0 and sp_2 to distinghuis them
-- . phase
CONSTANTc_subband_phase:REAL:=0.0;-- wanted subband phase in degrees = WG phase at sop
CONSTANTc_wg_latency:INTEGER:=c_diag_wg_latency-0;-- -0 to account for BSN scheduler start trigger latency
@@ -406,14 +411,12 @@ BEGIN
-- Read 3 packets to make sure we get 1 from each beamset. It can happen that two packets
-- (but not three) from the same beamset are received back to back.