CONSTANTc_adr_w:NATURAL:=func_tech_ddr_ctlr_address_w(g_tech_ddr);-- the lengt of the address vector, for simulation this is smaller, otherwise the simulation would take to long, 27
CONSTANTc_max_adr:NATURAL:=2**(c_adr_w)-1;-- the maximal address that is possible within the vector length of the address
CONSTANTc_bim:NATURAL:=(c_max_adr*c_io_ddr_data_w)/(g_block_size*g_nof_streams*g_data_w);-- the amount of whole blocks that fit in memory.
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ ARCHITECTURE str OF ddrctrl IS
-- the amount of overflow after one block is written
CONSTANTc_of_pb:NATURAL:=(g_block_size*g_nof_streams*g_data_w)-(((g_block_size*g_nof_streams*g_data_w)/c_io_ddr_data_w)*c_io_ddr_data_w);-- amount of overflow after one block is written to memory