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Commit 9a812b78 authored by Eric Kooistra's avatar Eric Kooistra
Browse files

Add verification of cross subband weights.

parent 6ddbfe8b
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1 merge request!311Correct beamlet output indexing in Verify exact beamlet...
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
-- 2) Read current BSN from reg_bsn_scheduler_wg and write reg_bsn_scheduler_wg
-- to trigger start of WG at BSN.
-- 3) Read subband statistics (SST) via MM and verify with exp_subband_sst at g_subband.
-- 3) Read subband statistics (SST) via MM and verify with exp_sp_subband_sst at g_subband.
-- . use weighted subbands (default selected by MM)
-- . g_use_cross_weight = TRUE, then use g_cross_weight_gain/phase and c_cross_sp
-- . g_use_cross_weight = TRUE, then use g_sp_cross_subband_weight_gain/phase and c_cross_sp
-- . g_use_cross_weight = FALSE, then do not use c_cross_sp, so only use g_sp and
-- g_subband_weight_gain/phase
-- g_co_subband_weight_gain/phase
-- 4) View in wave window
-- . in_sosi.sop and in_data in u_si_arr(g_sp) to check that:
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
-- - WG amplitude = 8191 (is full scale - 1) when wg_ampl = 1.0
-- . pfb_sosi_arr(c_pfb_index).im/re and fsub_sosi_arr(c_pfb_index).im/re
-- in u_fsub in decimal radix and analog format to check that subband
-- phase is g_subband_weight_phase phase as set by the subband weight.
-- phase is g_co_subband_weight_phase phase as set by the subband weight.
-- - Raw: pfb_sosi_arr = atan2(-65195 / 0) = -90 degrees
-- - Weighted: fsub_sosi_arr = atan2(-56457 / 32598) = -60 degrees
-- --> rotated expected g_subband_weight_phase = -60 - -90 = +30 degrees.
-- --> rotated expected g_co_subband_weight_phase = -60 - -90 = +30 degrees.
-- Usage:
-- > as 7 # default
......@@ -79,15 +79,17 @@ USE unb2c_board_lib.unb2c_board_pkg.ALL;
ENTITY tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub IS
g_sp : NATURAL := 3; -- signal path index in range(S_pn = 12)
g_wg_ampl : REAL := 0.5; -- WG normalized amplitude, use same WG settings for both polarizations (g_sp and c_cross_sp)
g_subband : NATURAL := 102; -- select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz
g_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 1.0; -- subband weight normalized gain, for co-polarization in g_sp
g_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 30.0; -- subband weight phase rotation in degrees, for co-polarization in g_sp
g_use_cross_weight : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
g_cross_weight_gain : REAL := 0.5; -- subband weight normalized gain, for cross polarization of g_sp
g_cross_weight_phase : REAL := 30.0; -- subband weight phase rotation in degrees, for cross polarization of g_sp
g_read_all_SST : BOOLEAN := TRUE -- when FALSE only read SST for g_subband, to save sim time
g_sp : NATURAL := 3; -- signal path index in range(S_pn = 12) of co-polarization
g_co_wg_ampl : REAL := 0.5; -- WG normalized amplitude, use same WG settings for both polarizations (g_sp and c_cross_sp)
g_cross_wg_ampl : REAL := 0.4; -- WG normalized amplitude, use same WG settings for both polarizations (g_sp and c_cross_sp)
g_cross_wg_phase : REAL := 90.0; -- WG phase in degrees for cross-sp, relative to co-sp
g_subband : NATURAL := 102; -- select subband at index 102 = 102/1024 * 200MHz = 19.921875 MHz
g_co_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 1.0; -- subband weight normalized gain, for co-polarization in g_sp
g_co_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 30.0; -- subband weight phase rotation in degrees, for co-polarization in g_sp
g_use_cross_weight : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
g_sp_cross_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 0.5; -- subband weight normalized gain, for cross polarization of g_sp
g_sp_cross_subband_weight_phase : REAL := -10.0; -- subband weight phase rotation in degrees, for cross polarization of g_sp
g_read_all_SST : BOOLEAN := TRUE -- when FALSE only read SST for g_subband, to save sim time
END tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub;
......@@ -97,6 +99,8 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub IS
CONSTANT c_unb_nr : NATURAL := 0; -- UniBoard 0
CONSTANT c_node_nr : NATURAL := 0;
CONSTANT c_init_bsn : NATURAL := 17; -- some recognizable value >= 0
-- signal path index of cross-polarization
CONSTANT c_cross_sp : NATURAL := sel_a_b(g_sp MOD c_sdp_N_pol = 0, g_sp + 1, g_sp - 1);
CONSTANT c_id : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) := "00000000";
......@@ -122,46 +126,62 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub IS
-- WG
CONSTANT c_bsn_start_wg : NATURAL := c_init_bsn + 2; -- start WG at this BSN to instead of some BSN, to avoid mismatches in exact expected data values
-- .ampl
CONSTANT c_wg_ampl : NATURAL := NATURAL(g_wg_ampl * REAL(c_sdp_FS_adc)); -- in number of lsb
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_power : REAL := REAL(c_wg_ampl**2) / 2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_ast : REAL := c_exp_sp_power * REAL(c_nof_clk_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_co_wg_ampl : NATURAL := NATURAL(g_co_wg_ampl * REAL(c_sdp_FS_adc)); -- in number of lsb
CONSTANT c_cross_wg_ampl : NATURAL := NATURAL(g_cross_wg_ampl * REAL(c_sdp_FS_adc)); -- in number of lsb
CONSTANT c_exp_co_sp_power : REAL := REAL(c_co_wg_ampl**2) / 2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_sp_power : REAL := REAL(c_cross_wg_ampl**2) / 2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_co_sp_ast : REAL := c_exp_co_sp_power * REAL(c_nof_clk_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_sp_ast : REAL := c_exp_cross_sp_power * REAL(c_nof_clk_per_sync);
-- . freq
CONSTANT c_subband_freq : REAL := REAL(g_subband) / REAL(c_sdp_N_fft); -- normalized by fs = f_adc = 200 MHz is dp_clk
-- . phase
CONSTANT c_subband_phase : REAL := 0.0; -- wanted subband phase in degrees = WG phase at sop
CONSTANT c_subband_freq : REAL := REAL(g_subband) / REAL(c_sdp_N_fft); -- normalized by fs = f_adc = 200 MHz is dp_clk
CONSTANT c_wg_latency : INTEGER := c_diag_wg_latency - 0; -- -0 to account for BSN scheduler start trigger latency
CONSTANT c_wg_phase_offset : REAL := 360.0 * REAL(c_wg_latency) * c_subband_freq; -- c_diag_wg_latency is in dp_clk cycles
CONSTANT c_wg_phase : REAL := c_subband_phase + c_wg_phase_offset; -- WG phase in degrees
CONSTANT c_co_wg_phase : REAL := c_wg_phase;
CONSTANT c_cross_wg_phase : REAL := c_wg_phase + g_cross_wg_phase;
CONSTANT c_subband_phase_offset : REAL := -90.0; -- WG with zero phase sinus yields subband with -90 degrees phase (negative Im, zero Re)
CONSTANT c_co_subband_phase : REAL := c_subband_phase_offset + c_co_wg_phase;
CONSTANT c_cross_subband_phase : REAL := c_subband_phase_offset + c_cross_wg_phase;
CONSTANT c_pol_index : NATURAL := g_sp MOD c_sdp_Q_fft;
CONSTANT c_pfb_index : NATURAL := g_sp / c_sdp_Q_fft; -- only read used WPFB unit out of range(c_sdp_P_pfb = 6)
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_ampl_raw : REAL := REAL(c_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wpfb_subband_sp_ampl_ratio;
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_tuple : t_real_arr(0 TO 3) := func_sdp_subband_equalizer(
c_exp_subband_ampl_raw, c_subband_phase, g_subband_weight_gain, g_subband_weight_phase,
c_exp_subband_ampl_raw, c_subband_phase, g_cross_weight_gain, g_cross_weight_phase);
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_ampl_weighted : REAL := sel_a_b(g_use_cross_weight, c_exp_subband_tuple(0), c_exp_subband_ampl_raw * g_subband_weight_gain);
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_power_raw : REAL := c_exp_subband_ampl_raw**2.0; -- complex signal ampl, so power is A**2 (not A**2 / 2 as for real)
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_power_weighted : REAL := c_exp_subband_ampl_weighted**2.0; -- complex signal ampl, so power is A**2 (not A**2 / 2 as for real)
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_sst_raw : REAL := c_exp_subband_power_raw * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_sst_weighted : REAL := c_exp_subband_power_weighted * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_pol_index : NATURAL := g_sp MOD c_sdp_Q_fft;
CONSTANT c_pfb_index : NATURAL := g_sp / c_sdp_Q_fft; -- only read used WPFB unit out of range(c_sdp_P_pfb = 6)
CONSTANT c_exp_co_subband_ampl_raw : REAL := REAL(c_co_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wpfb_subband_sp_ampl_ratio;
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_raw : REAL := REAL(c_cross_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wpfb_subband_sp_ampl_ratio;
CONSTANT c_exp_co_subband_ampl_weighted : REAL := c_exp_co_subband_ampl_raw * g_co_subband_weight_gain;
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_weighted : REAL := c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_raw * 1.0; -- unit gain, this is co gain for cross sp
CONSTANT c_exp_jones_subband_tuple : t_real_arr(0 TO 3) := func_sdp_subband_equalizer(
c_exp_co_subband_ampl_raw, c_co_subband_phase, g_co_subband_weight_gain, g_co_subband_weight_phase,
c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_raw, c_cross_subband_phase, g_sp_cross_subband_weight_gain, g_sp_cross_subband_weight_phase);
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_subband_ampl_weighted : REAL := sel_a_b(g_use_cross_weight, c_exp_jones_subband_tuple(0), c_exp_co_subband_ampl_weighted);
CONSTANT c_exp_co_subband_power_raw : REAL := c_exp_co_subband_ampl_raw**2.0; -- complex signal ampl, so power is A**2 (not A**2 / 2 as for real)
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_power_raw : REAL := c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_raw**2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_subband_power_weighted : REAL := c_exp_sp_subband_ampl_weighted**2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_power_weighted : REAL := c_exp_cross_subband_ampl_weighted**2.0;
CONSTANT c_exp_co_subband_sst_raw : REAL := c_exp_co_subband_power_raw * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_sst_raw : REAL := c_exp_cross_subband_power_raw * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_subband_sst_weighted : REAL := c_exp_sp_subband_power_weighted * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
CONSTANT c_exp_cross_subband_sst_weighted : REAL := c_exp_cross_subband_power_weighted * REAL(c_nof_block_per_sync);
-- . expected limit values, obtained with print_str() for g_subband = 102,
-- g_wg_ampl = 1.0, g_subband_weight_gain = 1.0, g_subband_weight_phase = 30.0
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB : REAL := 70.0; -- < 74.913
CONSTANT c_exp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB : REAL := 90.0; -- < 96.284
-- g_co_wg_ampl = 1.0, g_co_subband_weight_gain = 1.0, g_co_subband_weight_phase = 30.0
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB : REAL := 70.0; -- < 74.913
CONSTANT c_exp_sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB : REAL := 90.0; -- < 96.284
TyPE t_slv_64_subbands_arr IS ARRAY (INTEGER RANGE <>) OF t_slv_64_arr(0 TO c_sdp_N_sub-1);
-- . Subband weights for selected g_sp
CONSTANT c_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * COS(g_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * SIN(g_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_co_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_co_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * COS(g_co_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_co_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_co_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * SIN(g_co_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
-- . Subband weights cross for selected g_sp
CONSTANT c_cross_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_cross_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * COS(g_cross_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_cross_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_cross_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * SIN(g_cross_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_sp_cross_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_sp_cross_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * COS(g_sp_cross_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
CONSTANT c_sp_cross_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := INTEGER(g_sp_cross_subband_weight_gain * REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight) * SIN(g_sp_cross_subband_weight_phase * MATH_2_PI / 360.0));
-- MM
-- . Address widths of a single MM instance
......@@ -169,13 +189,13 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub IS
-- . Address spans of a single MM instance
CONSTANT c_mm_span_reg_diag_wg : NATURAL := 2**c_addr_w_reg_diag_wg;
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2 : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SOURCE_V2";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SCHEDULER";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_WG";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "RAM_EQUALIZER_GAINS";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_source_v2 : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SOURCE_V2";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_bsn_scheduler_wg : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_BSN_SCHEDULER";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_WG";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "RAM_EQUALIZER_GAINS";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains_cross : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "RAM_EQUALIZER_GAINS_CROSS";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_dp_selector : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_DP_SELECTOR";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_ram_st_sst : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "RAM_ST_SST";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_reg_dp_selector : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "REG_DP_SELECTOR";
CONSTANT c_mm_file_ram_st_sst : STRING := mmf_unb_file_prefix(c_unb_nr, c_node_nr) & "RAM_ST_SST";
-- Tb
SIGNAL tb_end : STD_LOGIC := '0';
......@@ -194,32 +214,33 @@ ARCHITECTURE tb OF tb_lofar2_unb2c_sdp_station_fsub IS
SIGNAL sp_subband_ssts_arr2 : t_slv_64_subbands_arr(c_sdp_N_pol-1 DOWNTO 0); -- [pol][sub]
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_sum_arr : t_real_arr(c_sdp_N_pol-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 0.0);
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_sst : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_leakage : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB : REAL := 0.0; -- signal to noise (leakage) ratio
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_cross : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_crosstalk : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB : REAL := 0.0; -- signal to noise (crosstalk) ration
SIGNAL exp_subband_ampl : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL exp_subband_power : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL exp_subband_sst : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL stat_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_longword_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL exp_sp_subband_ampl : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL exp_sp_subband_power : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL exp_sp_subband_sst : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL exp_cross_subband_sst : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL stat_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_longword_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
-- . Selector
SIGNAL sst_offload_weighted_subbands : STD_LOGIC;
-- . Subband equalizer
SIGNAL sp_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_subband_weight_val : STD_LOGIC := '0';
SIGNAL cross_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL cross_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL cross_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL cross_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL cross_subband_weight_val : STD_LOGIC := '0';
SIGNAL sp_co_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_co_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_co_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_co_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_co_subband_weight_val : STD_LOGIC := '0';
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_weight_re : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_weight_im : INTEGER := 0;
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_weight_gain : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_weight_phase : REAL := 0.0;
SIGNAL sp_cross_subband_weight_val : STD_LOGIC := '0';
-- DUT
SIGNAL ext_clk : STD_LOGIC := '0';
......@@ -304,9 +325,10 @@ BEGIN
-- Raw or weighted subbands
exp_subband_ampl <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_subband_ampl_raw, c_exp_subband_ampl_weighted);
exp_subband_power <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_subband_power_raw, c_exp_subband_power_weighted);
exp_subband_sst <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_subband_sst_raw, c_exp_subband_sst_weighted);
exp_sp_subband_ampl <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_co_subband_ampl_raw, c_exp_sp_subband_ampl_weighted);
exp_sp_subband_power <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_co_subband_power_raw, c_exp_sp_subband_power_weighted);
exp_sp_subband_sst <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_co_subband_sst_raw, c_exp_sp_subband_sst_weighted);
exp_cross_subband_sst <= sel_a_b(sst_offload_weighted_subbands = '0', c_exp_cross_subband_sst_raw, c_exp_cross_subband_sst_weighted);
-- MM slave accesses via file IO
......@@ -355,17 +377,17 @@ BEGIN
-- g_sp is co-polarization
v_offset := g_sp * c_mm_span_reg_diag_wg;
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 0, 1024*2**16 + 1, tb_clk); -- nof_samples, mode calc
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 1, INTEGER(c_wg_phase * c_diag_wg_phase_unit), tb_clk); -- phase offset in degrees
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 1, INTEGER(c_co_wg_phase * c_diag_wg_phase_unit), tb_clk); -- phase offset in degrees
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 2, INTEGER(REAL(g_subband) * c_sdp_wg_subband_freq_unit), tb_clk); -- freq
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 3, INTEGER(REAL(c_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wg_ampl_lsb), tb_clk); -- ampl
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 3, INTEGER(REAL(c_co_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wg_ampl_lsb), tb_clk); -- ampl
IF g_use_cross_weight THEN
-- c_cross_sp is cross-polarization for g_sp, use same WG settings for c_cross_sp as for g_sp
v_offset := c_cross_sp * c_mm_span_reg_diag_wg;
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 0, 1024*2**16 + 1, tb_clk); -- nof_samples, mode calc
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 1, INTEGER(c_wg_phase * c_diag_wg_phase_unit), tb_clk); -- phase offset in degrees
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 1, INTEGER(c_cross_wg_phase * c_diag_wg_phase_unit), tb_clk); -- phase offset in degrees
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 2, INTEGER(REAL(g_subband) * c_sdp_wg_subband_freq_unit), tb_clk); -- freq
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 3, INTEGER(REAL(c_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wg_ampl_lsb), tb_clk); -- ampl
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_reg_diag_wg, v_offset + 3, INTEGER(REAL(c_cross_wg_ampl) * c_sdp_wg_ampl_lsb), tb_clk); -- ampl
-- Read current BSN
......@@ -390,27 +412,29 @@ BEGIN
mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains, v_addr, rd_data, tb_clk);
v_re := unpack_complex_re(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
v_im := unpack_complex_im(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
sp_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_subband_weight_gain <= SQRT(REAL(v_re)**2.0 + REAL(v_im)**2.0) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_subband_weight_phase <= atan2(Y => REAL(v_im), X => REAL(v_re)) * 360.0 / MATH_2_PI;
sp_subband_weight_val <= '1';
sp_co_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_co_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_co_subband_weight_gain <= COMPLEX_RADIUS(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im)) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_co_subband_weight_phase <= COMPLEX_PHASE(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im));
sp_co_subband_weight_val <= '1';
proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
ASSERT sp_subband_weight_re = c_sdp_unit_sub_weight REPORT "Default sp_subband_weight_re /= c_sdp_unit_sub_weight" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_weight_im = 0 REPORT "Default sp_subband_weight_im /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_co_subband_weight_re = c_sdp_unit_sub_weight REPORT "Default sp_co_subband_weight_re /= c_sdp_unit_sub_weight" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_co_subband_weight_im = 0 REPORT "Default sp_co_subband_weight_im /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
-- . write
v_weight := pack_complex(re => c_subband_weight_re, im => c_subband_weight_im, w => c_sdp_W_sub_weight); -- c_sdp_W_sub_weight = 16 bit
v_weight := pack_complex(re => c_co_subband_weight_re, im => c_co_subband_weight_im, w => c_sdp_W_sub_weight); -- c_sdp_W_sub_weight = 16 bit
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains, v_addr, v_weight, tb_clk);
proc_common_wait_cross_clock_domain_latency(c_tb_clk_period, c_ext_clk_period, c_common_cross_clock_domain_latency*2);
-- . read back
mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains, v_addr, rd_data, tb_clk);
v_re := unpack_complex_re(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
v_im := unpack_complex_im(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
sp_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_subband_weight_gain <= SQRT(REAL(v_re)**2.0 + REAL(v_im)**2.0) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_subband_weight_phase <= atan2(Y => REAL(v_im), X => REAL(v_re)) * 360.0 / MATH_2_PI;
ASSERT sp_subband_weight_re = c_subband_weight_re REPORT "Readback sp_subband_weight_re /= c_subband_weight_re" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_weight_im = c_subband_weight_im REPORT "Readback sp_subband_weight_im /= c_subband_weight_im" SEVERITY ERROR;
sp_co_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_co_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_co_subband_weight_gain <= COMPLEX_RADIUS(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im)) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_co_subband_weight_phase <= COMPLEX_PHASE(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im));
proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
ASSERT sp_co_subband_weight_re = c_co_subband_weight_re REPORT "Readback sp_co_subband_weight_re /= c_co_subband_weight_re" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_co_subband_weight_im = c_co_subband_weight_im REPORT "Readback sp_co_subband_weight_im /= c_co_subband_weight_im" SEVERITY ERROR;
IF g_use_cross_weight THEN
-- Cross-polarization subband weight for g_sp
......@@ -420,27 +444,29 @@ BEGIN
mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains_cross, v_addr, rd_data, tb_clk);
v_re := unpack_complex_re(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
v_im := unpack_complex_im(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
cross_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
cross_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
cross_subband_weight_gain <= SQRT(REAL(v_re)**2.0 + REAL(v_im)**2.0) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
cross_subband_weight_phase <= atan2(Y => REAL(v_im), X => REAL(v_re)) * 360.0 / MATH_2_PI;
cross_subband_weight_val <= '1';
sp_cross_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_cross_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_cross_subband_weight_gain <= COMPLEX_RADIUS(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im)) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_cross_subband_weight_phase <= COMPLEX_PHASE(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im));
sp_cross_subband_weight_val <= '1';
proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
ASSERT cross_subband_weight_re = 0 REPORT "Default cross_subband_weight_re /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT cross_subband_weight_im = 0 REPORT "Default cross_subband_weight_im /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_weight_re = 0 REPORT "Default sp_cross_subband_weight_re /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_weight_im = 0 REPORT "Default sp_cross_subband_weight_im /= 0" SEVERITY ERROR;
-- . write
v_weight := pack_complex(re => c_cross_subband_weight_re, im => c_cross_subband_weight_im, w => c_sdp_W_sub_weight); -- c_sdp_W_sub_weight = 16 bit
v_weight := pack_complex(re => c_sp_cross_subband_weight_re, im => c_sp_cross_subband_weight_im, w => c_sdp_W_sub_weight); -- c_sdp_W_sub_weight = 16 bit
mmf_mm_bus_wr(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains_cross, v_addr, v_weight, tb_clk);
proc_common_wait_cross_clock_domain_latency(c_tb_clk_period, c_ext_clk_period, c_common_cross_clock_domain_latency*2);
-- . read back
mmf_mm_bus_rd(c_mm_file_ram_equalizer_gains_cross, v_addr, rd_data, tb_clk);
v_re := unpack_complex_re(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
v_im := unpack_complex_im(rd_data, c_sdp_W_sub_weight);
cross_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
cross_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
cross_subband_weight_gain <= SQRT(REAL(v_re)**2.0 + REAL(v_im)**2.0) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
cross_subband_weight_phase <= atan2(Y => REAL(v_im), X => REAL(v_re)) * 360.0 / MATH_2_PI;
ASSERT cross_subband_weight_re = c_cross_subband_weight_re REPORT "Readback cross_subband_weight_re /= c_cross_subband_weight_re" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT cross_subband_weight_im = c_cross_subband_weight_im REPORT "Readback cross_subband_weight_im /= c_cross_subband_weight_im" SEVERITY ERROR;
sp_cross_subband_weight_re <= v_re;
sp_cross_subband_weight_im <= v_im;
sp_cross_subband_weight_gain <= COMPLEX_RADIUS(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im)) / REAL(c_sdp_unit_sub_weight);
sp_cross_subband_weight_phase <= COMPLEX_PHASE(REAL(v_re), REAL(v_im));
proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_weight_re = c_sp_cross_subband_weight_re REPORT "Readback sp_cross_subband_weight_re /= c_sp_cross_subband_weight_re" SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_weight_im = c_sp_cross_subband_weight_im REPORT "Readback sp_cross_subband_weight_im /= c_sp_cross_subband_weight_im" SEVERITY ERROR;
......@@ -498,7 +524,7 @@ BEGIN
-- sinus, so most power will be in 1 subband.
sp_subband_sst <= TO_UREAL(sp_subband_ssts_arr2(c_pol_index)(g_subband));
-- Subband power of g_subband in c_cross_sp
sp_subband_sst_cross <= TO_UREAL(sp_subband_ssts_arr2(not_int(c_pol_index))(g_subband));
sp_cross_subband_sst <= TO_UREAL(sp_subband_ssts_arr2(not_int(c_pol_index))(g_subband));
proc_common_wait_some_cycles(tb_clk, 1);
-- The sp_subband_sst_leakage shows how much power from the input sinus at a specific
......@@ -533,61 +559,67 @@ BEGIN
print_str(". c_wg_ampl = " & int_to_str(c_wg_ampl));
print_str(". c_exp_sp_power = " & real_to_str(c_exp_sp_power, 20, 1));
print_str(". c_exp_sp_ast = " & real_to_str(c_exp_sp_ast, 20, 1));
print_str(". c_co_wg_ampl for g_sp = " & int_to_str(c_co_wg_ampl));
print_str(". c_cross_wg_ampl for c_cross_sp = " & int_to_str(c_cross_wg_ampl));
print_str("Subband selector:");
print_str(". sst_offload_weighted_subbands = " & sl_to_str(sst_offload_weighted_subbands));
print_str(". sst_offload_weighted_subbands = " & sl_to_str(sst_offload_weighted_subbands));
print_str("Subband weight:");
print_str(". sp_subband_weight_gain = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_weight_gain, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_subband_weight_phase = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_weight_phase, 20, 6));
print_str("Subband weights for g_sp:");
print_str(". sp_co_subband_weight_gain = " & real_to_str(sp_co_subband_weight_gain, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_co_subband_weight_phase = " & real_to_str(sp_co_subband_weight_phase, 20, 6));
IF g_use_cross_weight THEN
print_str(". cross_subband_weight_gain = " & real_to_str(cross_subband_weight_gain, 20, 6));
print_str(". cross_subband_weight_phase = " & real_to_str(cross_subband_weight_phase, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_cross_subband_weight_gain = " & real_to_str(sp_cross_subband_weight_gain, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_cross_subband_weight_phase = " & real_to_str(sp_cross_subband_weight_phase, 20, 6));
print_str("SST results:");
print_str(". exp_subband_ampl = " & int_to_str(NATURAL(exp_subband_ampl)));
print_str(". exp_subband_power = " & real_to_str(exp_subband_power, 20, 1));
print_str(". exp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(exp_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". exp_sp_subband_ampl = " & int_to_str(NATURAL(exp_sp_subband_ampl)));
print_str(". exp_sp_subband_power = " & real_to_str(exp_sp_subband_power, 20, 1));
print_str(". exp_sp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(exp_sp_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". exp_cross_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(exp_cross_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst / exp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst / exp_subband_sst, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst / exp_sp_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst / exp_sp_subband_sst, 20, 6));
print_str(". sp_cross_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_cross_subband_sst, 20, 1));
print_str(". sp_cross_subband_sst / exp_cross_subband_sst = " & real_to_str(sp_cross_subband_sst / exp_cross_subband_sst, 20, 6));
IF g_read_all_SST THEN
-- Log WPFB details, these are allready verified in tb of wpfb_unit_dev.vhd, so here
-- quality indicators like leakage and crosstalk are also reported out of interest.
print_str("SST quality indicators");
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_leakage = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_leakage, 20, 0));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB, 20, 3));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_crosstalk = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_crosstalk, 20, 0));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_db = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_db, 20, 3));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_leakage = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_leakage, 20, 0));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB, 20, 3));
IF NOT g_use_cross_weight THEN
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_crosstalk = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_crosstalk, 20, 0));
print_str(". sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_db = " & real_to_str(sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_db, 20, 3));
-- Verify SST
-- Verify expected subband power based on WG power for g_sp
ASSERT sp_subband_sst > c_lo_factor * exp_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst < c_hi_factor * exp_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst > c_lo_factor * exp_sp_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst < c_hi_factor * exp_sp_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
IF g_use_cross_weight THEN
-- Verify expected subband power based on WG power for c_cross_sp
-- The other WPFB input WG at c_cross_sp is used as cross polarization input, with default
-- unit co-polarization subband weight and zero cross-polarization subband weight.
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_cross > c_lo_factor * c_exp_subband_sst_raw REPORT "Wrong subband power for cross SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(c_cross_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_cross < c_hi_factor * c_exp_subband_sst_raw REPORT "Wrong subband power for cross SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(c_cross_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_sst > c_lo_factor * exp_cross_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for cross SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(c_cross_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_cross_subband_sst < c_hi_factor * exp_cross_subband_sst REPORT "Wrong subband power for cross SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(c_cross_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
IF g_read_all_SST THEN
-- Verify expected SNR quality measures
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_leakage = 0.0 OR sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB > c_exp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB REPORT "Wrong too much leakage for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_crosstalk = 0.0 OR sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB > c_exp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB REPORT "Wrong too much crosstalk for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_leakage = 0.0 OR sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB > c_exp_sp_subband_sst_leakage_snr_dB REPORT "Wrong too much leakage for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
IF NOT g_use_cross_weight THEN
ASSERT sp_subband_sst_crosstalk = 0.0 OR sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB > c_exp_sp_subband_sst_crosstalk_snr_dB REPORT "Wrong too much crosstalk for SP " & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_sp) SEVERITY ERROR;
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