CONSTANTc_sdp_stat_nof_hdr_fields:NATURAL:=1+3+12+4+20+1;-- 608b; 19 32b words
-- hdr_field_sel bit selects where the hdr_field value is set:
-- . 0 = data path controlled, value is set in sdp_statistics_offload.vhd, so field_default() is not used.
-- . 1 = MM controlled, value is set via MM or by the field_default(), so any data path setting in
@@ -230,8 +231,9 @@ PACKAGE sdp_pkg is
-- could still be changed via MM without having to recompile the FW.
-- . Typically only use data path controlled if the value has to be set dynamically, so dependent
-- on the state of the FW.
-- . If a data path controlled field is not set in the FW, then it defaults to 0, e.g. udp_checksum,
-- so this is equivalent to using MM controlled and field_default(0).
-- . If a data path controlled field is not set in the FW, then it defaults to 0 by declaring
-- hdr_fields_in_arr with all 0. Hence e.g. udp_checksum = 0 can be achieve via data path
-- and default hdr_fields_in_arr = 0 or via MM controlled and field_default(0).
-- eth ip udp app
CONSTANTc_sdp_stat_hdr_field_sel:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sdp_stat_nof_hdr_fields-1DOWNTO0):="1"&"101"&"111011111001"&"0100"&"0100"&"000000010"&"1000000"&"0";-- current