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Commit 277ea6b1 authored by Eric Kooistra's avatar Eric Kooistra
Browse files

Remove g_technology, because it is c_tech_select_default.

parent f581db6b
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1 merge request!339Resolve L2SDP-959
Pipeline #55534 passed
......@@ -50,17 +50,15 @@
-- is assumed that the reorder_col source is always fast enough. The reorder_col sink could
-- support the input_siso signal, e.g. based on store_done and retrieve_done.
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_col is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
-- when true adapt output RL to 1 else the output RL is equal to c_retrieve_lat=2 which
-- is fine if no flow control is needed.
g_use_output_rl_adapter : boolean := false;
......@@ -168,7 +166,6 @@ begin
u_store_buf : entity common_lib.common_paged_ram_r_w
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_str => "use_adr",
g_data_w => c_store_buf.dat_w,
g_nof_pages => c_data_nof_pages,
......@@ -193,7 +190,6 @@ begin
u_select_buf : entity common_lib.common_ram_crw_crw
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_ram => c_select_buf,
g_init_file => g_select_file_name
......@@ -46,17 +46,15 @@
-- . Verified in tb_reorder_col_wide_row_select.vhd via reorder_col_wide_select
-- that has g_nof_inputs instances of reorder_col_select.
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_col_select is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_dsp_data_w : natural := 18; -- complex data width, = c_data_w / 2
g_nof_ch_in : natural := 1024;
g_nof_ch_sel : natural := 12;
......@@ -132,7 +130,6 @@ begin
u_store_buf : entity common_lib.common_paged_ram_r_w
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_str => "use_adr",
g_data_w => c_store_buf.dat_w,
g_nof_pages => c_data_nof_pages,
......@@ -30,17 +30,15 @@
-- Remarks:
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_col_wide is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_wb_factor : natural := 4;
g_dsp_data_w : natural := 18; -- complex data width, = c_data_w / 2
g_nof_ch_in : natural := 256;
......@@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ begin
gen_reorder_col_arr : for I in 0 to g_wb_factor - 1 generate
u_reorder_col : entity work.reorder_col
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_dsp_data_w => g_dsp_data_w,
g_nof_ch_in => c_nof_ch_in,
g_nof_ch_sel => c_nof_ch_sel,
......@@ -28,17 +28,15 @@
-- Remarks:
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_col_wide_select is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_nof_inputs : natural := 6;
g_dsp_data_w : natural := 18; -- complex data width, = c_data_w / 2
g_nof_ch_in : natural := 1024;
......@@ -77,7 +75,6 @@ begin
gen_nof_input : for I in 0 to g_nof_inputs - 1 generate
u_reorder_col_select : entity work.reorder_col_select
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_dsp_data_w => g_dsp_data_w,
g_nof_ch_in => g_nof_ch_in,
g_nof_ch_sel => g_nof_ch_sel,
......@@ -46,17 +46,15 @@
-- Remarks:
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_matrix is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_nof_inputs : natural := 24;
g_nof_internals : natural := 64;
g_nof_outputs : natural := 64;
......@@ -118,7 +116,6 @@ begin
u_input_reorder : entity work.reorder_row
generic map(
g_technology => g_technology,
g_nof_inputs => g_nof_inputs,
g_nof_outputs => g_nof_internals,
g_dsp_data_w => g_dsp_data_w,
......@@ -148,7 +145,6 @@ begin
u_ss_wide : entity work.reorder_col_wide
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_wb_factor => g_nof_internals,
g_dsp_data_w => g_dsp_data_w,
g_nof_ch_in => g_frame_size_in,
......@@ -176,7 +172,6 @@ begin
u_output_reorder : entity work.reorder_row
generic map(
g_technology => g_technology,
g_nof_inputs => g_nof_internals,
g_nof_outputs => g_nof_outputs,
g_dsp_data_w => g_dsp_data_w,
......@@ -31,17 +31,15 @@
-- Remarks:
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_row is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_dsp_data_w : natural := 16;
g_frame_size : natural := 256;
g_nof_inputs : natural := 8;
......@@ -109,11 +107,11 @@ architecture str of reorder_row is
signal r, rin : reg_type;
signal reorder_in_dat : std_logic_vector(g_nof_inputs * c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_out_dat : std_logic_vector(g_nof_outputs * c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_select : std_logic_vector(c_mem_dat_w_dp - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_in_dat : std_logic_vector(g_nof_inputs * c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_out_dat : std_logic_vector(g_nof_outputs * c_data_w - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_select : std_logic_vector(c_mem_dat_w_dp - 1 downto 0);
--SIGNAL reorder_select : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_outputs*c_select_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
signal reorder_chan_cnt : std_logic_vector(c_select_buf_dp.adr_w - 1 downto 0);
signal reorder_chan_cnt : std_logic_vector(c_select_buf_dp.adr_w - 1 downto 0);
......@@ -165,7 +163,6 @@ begin
u_select_buf : entity common_lib.common_ram_crw_crw_ratio
generic map(
g_technology => g_technology,
g_ram_a => c_select_buf_mm,
g_ram_b => c_select_buf_dp,
g_init_file => g_ram_init_file
......@@ -31,17 +31,15 @@
-- Remarks:
-- in_select always has to be defined on the same clock cycle as the in_sosi data.
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_row_select is
generic (
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_dsp_data_w : natural := 16; -- complex data width, = c_data_w / 2
g_nof_inputs : natural := 8;
g_nof_outputs : natural := 16;
......@@ -75,18 +75,16 @@
-- . g_use_complex = TRUE : c_data_w = g_nof_streams*g_in_dat_w*c_nof_complex
-- Remarks:
library IEEE, common_lib, technology_lib, dp_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use work.reorder_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
entity reorder_transpose is
g_technology : natural := c_tech_select_default;
g_pipeline_input : natural := 0; -- choose 0 to have orignal version -r < 19416, choose 1 does not seem to help timing closure (erko)
g_pipeline_output: natural := 0; -- choose 0 to have orignal version -r < 19416, choose 1 does not seem to help timing closure (erko)
g_nof_streams : natural := 4;
......@@ -311,7 +309,6 @@ begin
u_single_ss : entity work.reorder_col
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_dsp_data_w => c_data_w_pre,
g_nof_ch_in => c_nof_ch_in,
g_nof_ch_sel => c_nof_ch_sel,
......@@ -375,7 +372,6 @@ begin
u_sync_bsn_fifo : entity common_lib.common_fifo_sc
generic map (
g_technology => g_technology,
g_use_lut => true, -- Make this FIFO in logic, since it's only 2 words deep.
g_reset => false,
g_init => false,
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-- > Stop the simulation manually in Modelsim by pressing the stop-button.
-- > Evalute u_dr_mem_ctrl/u_io_driver/ctlr_mosi in the WAVE window for wr and rd activity.
library IEEE, common_lib, mm_lib, diag_lib, dp_lib, io_ddr_lib, technology_lib, tech_ddr_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, mm_lib, diag_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
......@@ -43,11 +43,8 @@ use mm_lib.mm_file_unb_pkg.all;
use mm_lib.mm_file_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use diag_lib.diag_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
use tech_ddr_lib.tech_ddr_pkg.all;
use work.reorder_pkg.all;
entity tb_mms_reorder_rewire is
generic (
g_nof_streams : positive := 8;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-- > Stop the simulation manually in Modelsim by pressing the stop-button.
-- > Evalute u_dr_mem_ctrl/u_io_driver/ctlr_mosi in the WAVE window for wr and rd activity.
library IEEE, common_lib, mm_lib, diag_lib, dp_lib, io_ddr_lib, technology_lib, tech_ddr_lib;
library IEEE, common_lib, mm_lib, diag_lib, dp_lib, io_ddr_lib, tech_ddr_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ use mm_lib.mm_file_unb_pkg.all;
use mm_lib.mm_file_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;
use diag_lib.diag_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
use tech_ddr_lib.tech_ddr_pkg.all;
use work.reorder_pkg.all;
......@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ use work.reorder_pkg.all;
entity tb_reorder_transpose is
generic (
g_wr_chunksize : positive := 176; -- 256;
......@@ -342,7 +340,6 @@ begin
u_ddr_mem_ctrl : entity io_ddr_lib.io_ddr
generic map(
g_technology => c_tech_select_default, -- : NATURAL := c_tech_select_default;
g_tech_ddr => c_tech_ddr, -- : t_c_tech_ddr;
g_cross_domain_dvr_ctlr => false, -- TRUE, -- : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
g_wr_data_w => c_data_w, -- : NATURAL := 32;
0% Loading or .
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