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io_ddr.vhd 23.57 KiB
-- Copyright (C) 2014
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <>
-- JIVE (Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe) <>
-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <>.

-- Purpose: Provide streaming interface to DDR memory
-- Description:
--   The write FIFO and read FIFO take care of the clock domain crossing that
--   is needed if the ctlr_clk is not used for the data path. Furthermore the
--   FIFO takes care of repacking the user write and read data into the
--   typically wider data width c_ctlr_data_w = 256 for DDR3.
--   The DDR access starts after a dvr_en pulse. The access can be write or
--   read as defined by dvr_wr_not_rd. The size of the access depends the
--   address range given by dvr_start_address and dvr_nof_data. The
--   dvr_done goes high when the access has finished and it goes low when a
--   new access starts.
--   The dvr_wr_flush_en pulse is recognized only between DDR accesses so when
--   the dvr_done is active, otherwise the dvr_wr_flush_en is ignored. The
--   dvr_wr_flush_en pulse can be used to flush the write FIFO to avoid that is
--   runs full in case a next write access will not happen soon enough. A next
--   DDR write access can start on the next valid, sop or sync dependent on
--   g_wr_flush_mode.
--   The c_rd_fifo_af_margin needs to be large enough to fit a number of read
--   bursts that may be pending in the DDR controller command queue depth.
--   A new rd access can start when ctlr_rd_src_in.ready indicates that there
--   is sufficient space in the read FIFO to store g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize
--   words. Due to the DDR controller command queue there can be more rd
--   bursts already be pending. Therefore the c_rd_fifo_af_margin needs to be
--   large enough to fit a number of read bursts.

-- Usage:
-- . The dvr interface could be connected to a MM register. The DDR memory
--   may then be used to capture (large) blocks of streaming data that can
--   offline be read via a DP-MM interface (eg. like in bn_capture). During
--   the read access the streaming write data then is flushed.
-- . The dvr interface could be connected to a DP sequencer that can write
--   blocks to DDR and read back from DDR. The DP sequencer uses signals
--   from its input DP interface. For write access the dvr_en could relate
--   to the sop and the dvr_nof_data then equals the nof data from sop to eop.
--   The dvr_done can be treated as xon. The dvr_wr_not_rd selects between
--   the write stream to DDR access or the read stream from DDR access. For a
--   read access the sequencer needs to generate the dvr signals itself.
-- . The dvr interface is mapped on the t_mem_ctlr_mosi/miso interface:
--     dvr_miso.done     <= dvr_done              -- Requested wr or rd sequence is done
--     dvr_en            <= dvr_mosi.burstbegin
--     dvr_wr_not_rd     <= dvr_mosi.wr           -- No need to use dvr_mosi.rd
--     dvr_start_address <= dvr_mosi.address
--     dvr_nof_data      <= dvr_mosi.burstsize
--     dvr_wr_flush_en   <= dvr_mosi.flush
-- Block diagram:
--                          ctlr_wr_fifo_src      ctlr_wr_snk   ctlr_tech_mosi
--                      ________      .   ______    .   _______   .   ______
--   wr_fifo_usedw <---|dp_fifo |     .  |dp    |   .  |       |  .  |      |
--   wr_sosi --------->|dc_mixed|-+----->|flush |----->| io    |  .  | tech |
--   wr_clk  --------->|widths  | |      |      |      | ddr   |  .  | ddr  |
--                     |________| |      |______|<--\  | driver|  .  |      |
--                                |                 |  |       |  .  |      |
--                                | ctlr_wr_flush_en|  |       |  .  |      |
--           ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out |       ______    |  |       |  .  |      |
--                                \----->|io_ddr|---/  |       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_clk ------------>               |driver|      |       |  .  |      |<--- phy_in
--   dvr_wr_flush_en ----*-------------->|flush |      |       |---->|      |---> phy_ou
--                                 /---->|ctrl  |<--\  |       |<----|      |<--> phy_io
--                                 |/--->|______|   |  |       |  .  |      |
--                                 ||               |  |       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_en            --*---------+|---------------|->|       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_wr_not_rd     --*----------+---------------|->|       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_done          <-*--------------------------+--|       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_start_address --*---------------------------->|       |  .  |      |
--   dvr_nof_data      --*---------------------------->|       |  .  |      |
--                      ________                       |       |  .  |      |
--   rd_clk  --------->|dp_fifo |                      |       |  .  |      |
--   rd_sosi <---------|dc_mixed|<---------------------|       |  .  |      |
--   rd_fifo_usedw <---|widths  |                   .  |_______|  .  |______|---\
--                     |________|                   .             .             |
--                                                ctlr_rd_src   ctlr_tech_miso  |
--                                                                              |
--   ctlr_clk /------ctlr_clk_in ------->                                       |
--            \------ctlr_clk_out-----------------------------------------------/
--     * = clock domain crossing between dvr_clk and ctlr_clk clock domains.
-- Remarks:
-- . If the dvr_clk=ctlr_clk then the clock domain crossing logic defaults
--   to wires. However dvr_clk could also be the dp_clk or the mm_clk and then
--   the clock domain crossing logic is needed.
-- . Externally connect ctlr_clk = ctlr_clk_in = ctlr_clk_out
-- . Typically wr_clk = rd_clk = dp_clk.
-- . To achieve maximum DDR access rate the g_wr_data_w and g_rd_data_w
--   typically already need to be equal to the c_ctlr_data_w, because the
--   DP clk for wr_clk and rd_clk can typically not run much faster than the
--   ctlr_clk. Therefore in practise the mixed width FIFO will often be used
--   as equal width FIFO.
-- . The main PHY signals are carried by phy_ou and phy_io. The phy_in signals
--   are typically not needed.
-- . If ctlr_clk is used as dp_clk and connected to wr_clk, rd_clk and dvr_clk
--   then still the io_ddr_driver and a equal width rd FIFO are needed. The rd
--   FIFO is needed because the DDR controller does not have flow control
--   during the read burst. The wr FIFO is not needed provide that the user
--   write source does support flow control. If the user write source does not
--   support flow control then the wr FIFO is needed and io_ddr needs to be
--   used.
-- . The flushing does ensure that the write FIFO does not run full. If the
--   write input FIFO is a mixed width FIFO with narrow write data, then it
--   may not be possible to read the FIFO empty, because a wide data word
--   can only be read when it is complete. Typically this behaviour is fine
--   in applications, so no need to try to somehow flush an incomplete last
--   wide word from the FIFO.
-- . The flush control uses ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out and not the wr_sosi, because
--   dp_flush needs to be at the read side of the FIFO.
-- . The dvr_wr_flush_en is mapped to the dvr_mosi.flush in the
--   t_mem_ctlr_mosi. This is a bit awkward, because flush is not an Avalon
--   MM interface signal. However some external control needs to decide on
--   the need to flush or not, because that cannot be decided internally? An
--   option could be to automatically trigger a flush event when the write
--   FIFO runs almost full as indicated by wr_siso.ready. This scheme would
--   require that there is never a need to flush as long as the FIFO has not
--   run full.

library IEEE, technology_lib, tech_ddr_lib, common_lib, dp_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use common_lib.common_pkg.all;
use common_lib.common_mem_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.all;
use technology_lib.technology_pkg.all;
use tech_ddr_lib.tech_ddr_pkg.all;
use dp_lib.dp_stream_pkg.all;

entity io_ddr is
    g_sim_model               : boolean := false;  -- when FALSE use IP and external DDR3 model, else when TRUE: use fast behavioural model, requires no external memory (uses memory array).
    g_technology              : natural := c_tech_select_default;
    g_tech_ddr                : t_c_tech_ddr;
    g_cross_domain_dvr_ctlr   : boolean := true;  -- use TRUE when MM clock is used for the access control, use FALSE when ctlr_clk_in=ctlr_clk_out is used to avoid extra latency
    g_wr_data_w               : natural := 32;
    g_wr_fifo_depth           : natural := 256;  -- defined at DDR side of the FIFO, >=16 and independent of wr burst size, default >= 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K so c_ctlr_data_w=256b will require 8 M9K
    g_rd_fifo_depth           : natural := 256;  -- defined at DDR side of the FIFO, >=16 AND > max number of rd burst sizes (so > c_rd_fifo_af_margin), default >= 256 because 32b*256 fits in 1 M9K so c_ctlr_data_w=256b will require 8 M9K
    g_rd_data_w               : natural := 32;
    g_wr_flush_mode           : string := "VAL";  -- "VAL", "SOP", "SYN"
    g_wr_flush_use_channel    : boolean := false;
    g_wr_flush_start_channel  : natural := 0;
    g_wr_flush_nof_channels   : positive := 1
  port (
    -- DDR reference clock
    ctlr_ref_clk       : in    std_logic;
    ctlr_ref_rst       : in    std_logic;

    -- DDR controller clock domain
    ctlr_clk_out       : out   std_logic;
    ctlr_rst_out       : out   std_logic;

    ctlr_clk_in        : in    std_logic;  -- connect ctlr_clk_out to ctlr_clk_in at top level to avoid potential delta-cycle differences between the same clock
    ctlr_rst_in        : in    std_logic;  -- connect ctlr_rst_out to ctlr_rst_in at top level

    -- MM clock + reset
    mm_rst             : in    std_logic := '1';
    mm_clk             : in    std_logic := '0';

    -- MM interface
    reg_io_ddr_mosi    : in    t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst;  -- register for DDR controller status info
    reg_io_ddr_miso    : out   t_mem_miso;
    state_vec          : out   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

    -- Driver clock domain
    dvr_clk            : in    std_logic;
    dvr_rst            : in    std_logic;

    dvr_miso           : out   t_mem_ctlr_miso;
    dvr_mosi           : in    t_mem_ctlr_mosi;

    -- Write FIFO clock domain
    wr_clk             : in    std_logic;
    wr_rst             : in    std_logic;

    wr_fifo_usedw      : out   std_logic_vector(ceil_log2(g_wr_fifo_depth * (func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_tech_ddr) / g_wr_data_w) ) - 1 downto 0);  -- for monitoring purposes
    wr_sosi            : in    t_dp_sosi;
    wr_siso            : out   t_dp_siso;
    ctlr_wr_flush_en_o : out   std_logic;

    -- Read FIFO clock domain
    rd_clk             : in    std_logic;
    rd_rst             : in    std_logic;
    rd_fifo_usedw      : out   std_logic_vector(ceil_log2(g_rd_fifo_depth * (func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_tech_ddr) / g_rd_data_w) ) - 1 downto 0);
    rd_sosi            : out   t_dp_sosi;
    rd_siso            : in    t_dp_siso;

    term_ctrl_out      : out   t_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol;
    term_ctrl_in       : in    t_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol := c_tech_ddr3_phy_terminationcontrol_rst;

    -- DDR3 PHY external interface
    phy3_in            : in    t_tech_ddr3_phy_in := c_tech_ddr3_phy_in_x;
    phy3_io            : inout t_tech_ddr3_phy_io;
    phy3_ou            : out   t_tech_ddr3_phy_ou;

    -- DDR4 PHY external interface
    phy4_in            : in    t_tech_ddr4_phy_in := c_tech_ddr4_phy_in_x;
    phy4_io            : inout t_tech_ddr4_phy_io;
    phy4_ou            : out   t_tech_ddr4_phy_ou;

    -- DDR Calibration result
    ddr_cal_ok         : out   std_logic := '0' 
end io_ddr;

architecture str of io_ddr is
  constant c_wr_use_sync       : boolean := sel_a_b(g_wr_flush_mode = "SYN", true, false);
  constant c_wr_use_ctrl       : boolean := sel_a_b(g_wr_flush_mode = "SOP", true, false);
  constant c_wr_fifo_use_ctrl  : boolean := c_wr_use_sync or c_wr_use_ctrl;

  constant c_ddr_nofbytes_w          : natural := func_tech_ddr_module_nofbytes_w(g_tech_ddr);  -- log2(number of bytes)
  constant c_ddr_gigabytes           : integer := func_tech_ddr_module_gigabytes(g_tech_ddr);  -- units value GiByte when value > 1 or 2**value GiByte when value < 0
  constant c_ctlr_nof_bytes_per_word : natural := func_tech_ddr_ctlr_ip_data_w(g_tech_ddr) / c_byte_w;  -- unit byte

  constant c_ctlr_address_w    : natural := func_tech_ddr_ctlr_address_w(g_tech_ddr);
  constant c_ctlr_data_w       : natural := func_tech_ddr_ctlr_data_w(g_tech_ddr);
  constant c_wr_fifo_depth     : natural := g_wr_fifo_depth * (c_ctlr_data_w / g_wr_data_w);  -- get FIFO depth at write side

  constant c_wr_fifo_af_margin : natural := 8 + 1;  -- use 8 (>= 4 default) to be safe and use +1 to compensate for latency introduced by registering wr_siso.ready due to RL=0

  constant c_nof_rd_bursts_max : natural := sel_a_b( = "DDR3", 1, 3);  -- max number of rd bursts in queue, derived empirically from simulation, seems fixed 1 for DDR3 and seems to match (g_tech_ddr.command_queue_depth-1)/2 for DDR4
  constant c_rd_fifo_af_margin : natural := 8 + c_nof_rd_bursts_max * g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize;  -- use 8 (>= 4 default) to be safe and use sufficient extra margin to fit one or more rd burst accesses of g_tech_ddr.maxburstsize each

  constant c_mem_reg_adr_w     : natural := 2;
  constant c_mem_reg_dat_w     : natural := 32;
  constant c_mem_reg_nof_data  : natural := 4;
  constant c_mem_reg_io_ddr    : t_c_mem := (c_mem_reg_rd_latency, c_mem_reg_adr_w , c_mem_reg_dat_w , c_mem_reg_nof_data, 'X');

  signal ctlr_dvr_miso         : t_mem_ctlr_miso;
  signal ctlr_dvr_mosi         : t_mem_ctlr_mosi;

  signal ctlr_tech_mosi        : t_mem_ctlr_mosi := c_mem_ctlr_mosi_rst;
  signal ctlr_tech_miso        : t_mem_ctlr_miso := c_mem_ctlr_miso_rst;

  signal ctlr_wr_flush_en      : std_logic := '0';

  signal wr_fifo_snk_in        : t_dp_sosi;

  signal ctlr_wr_fifo_src_in   : t_dp_siso;
  signal ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out  : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst;

  signal ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in  : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst;

  signal ctlr_wr_snk_out       : t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rdy;  -- default xon='1'
  signal ctlr_wr_snk_in        : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst;

  signal ctlr_rd_src_in        : t_dp_siso;
  signal ctlr_rd_src_out       : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst;

  -- Monitor only
  signal ctlr_wr_fifo_usedw    : std_logic_vector(ceil_log2(g_wr_fifo_depth) - 1 downto 0);  -- read  side depth of the write FIFO
  signal ctlr_rd_fifo_usedw    : std_logic_vector(ceil_log2(g_rd_fifo_depth) - 1 downto 0);  -- write side depth of the read  FIFO
  signal reg_rd_arr            : std_logic_vector(c_mem_reg_io_ddr.nof_dat - 1 downto 0);
  signal wr_fifo_full          : std_logic;
  signal wr_fifo_full_reg      : std_logic;
  signal rd_fifo_full          : std_logic;
  signal rd_fifo_full_reg      : std_logic;

  signal dp_flush_snk_in       : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst;

  signal ctlr_rst_out_i        : std_logic;
  signal mm_reg_io_ddr         : std_logic_vector(c_mem_reg_nof_data * c_mem_reg_dat_w - 1 downto 0);
  ctlr_wr_flush_en_o <= ctlr_wr_flush_en;

  u_io_ddr_cross_domain : entity work.io_ddr_cross_domain
  generic map (
    g_cross_domain => g_cross_domain_dvr_ctlr,
    g_delay_len    => c_meta_delay_len
  port map(
    -- Driver clock domain
    dvr_clk                => dvr_clk,
    dvr_rst                => dvr_rst,

    dvr_done               => dvr_miso.done,
    dvr_en                 => dvr_mosi.burstbegin,
    dvr_wr_not_rd          => dvr_mosi.wr,
    dvr_start_address      => dvr_mosi.address,
    dvr_nof_data           => dvr_mosi.burstsize,
    dvr_wr_flush_en        => dvr_mosi.flush,

    -- DDR controller clock domain
    ctlr_clk               => ctlr_clk_in,
    ctlr_rst               => ctlr_rst_in,

    ctlr_dvr_done          => ctlr_dvr_miso.done,
    ctlr_dvr_en            => ctlr_dvr_mosi.burstbegin,
    ctlr_dvr_wr_not_rd     => ctlr_dvr_mosi.wr,
    ctlr_dvr_start_address => ctlr_dvr_mosi.address,
    ctlr_dvr_nof_data      => ctlr_dvr_mosi.burstsize,
    ctlr_dvr_wr_flush_en   => ctlr_dvr_mosi.flush

  p_wr_fifo_snk_in : process (wr_sosi)
    wr_fifo_snk_in <= wr_sosi;
    if c_wr_use_sync = true then
      -- Work around : Transport sync via sop through the dp_fifo_dc_mixed_widths
      wr_fifo_snk_in.sop <= wr_sosi.sync;
      wr_fifo_snk_in.eop <= '0';
    end if;
  end process;

  u_wr_fifo : entity dp_lib.dp_fifo_dc_mixed_widths
  generic map (
    g_technology        => g_technology,
    g_wr_data_w         => g_wr_data_w,
    g_rd_data_w         => c_ctlr_data_w,
    g_use_ctrl          => c_wr_fifo_use_ctrl,
    g_wr_fifo_size      => c_wr_fifo_depth,
    g_wr_fifo_af_margin => c_wr_fifo_af_margin,
    g_rd_fifo_rl        => 0
  port map (
    wr_rst         => wr_rst,
    wr_clk         => wr_clk,
    rd_rst         => ctlr_rst_in,
    rd_clk         => ctlr_clk_in,

    snk_out        => wr_siso,
    snk_in         => wr_fifo_snk_in,
    wr_ful         => wr_fifo_full,
    wr_usedw       => wr_fifo_usedw,
    rd_usedw       => ctlr_wr_fifo_usedw,
    rd_emp         => OPEN,

    src_in         => ctlr_wr_fifo_src_in,
    src_out        => ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out

  u_dp_flush : entity dp_lib.dp_flush
  generic map (
    g_ready_latency => 0,
    g_framed_xon    => c_wr_fifo_use_ctrl,  -- stop flushing when flush_en is low and a sop (or sync via sop) has arrived
    g_framed_xoff   => false  -- immediately start flushing when flush_en goes high
  port map (
    rst      => ctlr_rst_in,
    clk      => ctlr_clk_in,

    snk_in   => ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out,
    snk_out  => ctlr_wr_fifo_src_in,

    src_out  => ctlr_wr_snk_in,
    src_in   => ctlr_wr_snk_out,

    flush_en => ctlr_wr_flush_en

  p_ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in : process (ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out)
    ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in <= ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out;
    if c_wr_use_sync = true then
      -- Work around : Transport sync via sop through the dp_fifo_dc_mixed_widths
      ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in.sync <= ctlr_wr_fifo_src_out.sop;
      ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in.sop  <= '0';
    end if;
  end process;

  u_io_ddr_driver_flush_ctrl : entity work.io_ddr_driver_flush_ctrl
  generic map (
    g_mode          => g_wr_flush_mode,
    g_use_channel   => g_wr_flush_use_channel,
    g_start_channel => g_wr_flush_start_channel,
    g_nof_channels  => g_wr_flush_nof_channels
  port map (
    rst              => ctlr_rst_in,
    clk              => ctlr_clk_in,

    -- Inputs
    dvr_en           => ctlr_dvr_mosi.burstbegin,
    dvr_wr_not_rd    => ctlr_dvr_mosi.wr,
    dvr_wr_flush_en  => ctlr_dvr_mosi.flush,
    dvr_done         => ctlr_dvr_miso.done,
    ctlr_wr_sosi     => ctlr_wr_flush_snk_in,

    -- Output
    ctlr_wr_flush_en => ctlr_wr_flush_en,
    state_vec        => state_vec

  assert g_rd_fifo_depth > c_rd_fifo_af_margin report "io_ddr: rd FIFO depth must be > almost full margin." severity FAILURE;

  u_rd_fifo : entity dp_lib.dp_fifo_dc_mixed_widths
  generic map (
    g_technology        => g_technology,
    g_wr_data_w         => c_ctlr_data_w,
    g_rd_data_w         => g_rd_data_w,
    g_use_ctrl          => false,
    g_wr_fifo_size      => g_rd_fifo_depth,
    g_wr_fifo_af_margin => c_rd_fifo_af_margin,  -- >=4 (required by dp_fifo)
    g_rd_fifo_rl        => 1
  port map (
    wr_rst   => ctlr_rst_in,
    wr_clk   => ctlr_clk_in,
    rd_rst   => rd_rst,
    rd_clk   => rd_clk,

    snk_out  => ctlr_rd_src_in,
    snk_in   => ctlr_rd_src_out,

    wr_ful   => rd_fifo_full,
    wr_usedw => ctlr_rd_fifo_usedw,
    rd_usedw => rd_fifo_usedw,
    rd_emp   => OPEN,

    src_in   => rd_siso,
    src_out  => rd_sosi

  u_io_ddr_driver : entity work.io_ddr_driver
  generic map (
    g_tech_ddr => g_tech_ddr
  port map (
    rst        => ctlr_rst_in,
    clk        => ctlr_clk_in,

    dvr_miso   => ctlr_dvr_miso,
    dvr_mosi   => ctlr_dvr_mosi,

    wr_snk_in  => ctlr_wr_snk_in,
    wr_snk_out => ctlr_wr_snk_out,

    rd_src_out => ctlr_rd_src_out,
    rd_src_in  => ctlr_rd_src_in,

    ctlr_miso  => ctlr_tech_miso,
    ctlr_mosi  => ctlr_tech_mosi

  u_tech_ddr : entity tech_ddr_lib.tech_ddr
  generic map (
    g_sim_model            => g_sim_model,
    g_technology           => g_technology,
    g_tech_ddr             => g_tech_ddr
  port map (
    -- PLL reference clock
    ref_clk         => ctlr_ref_clk,
    ref_rst         => ctlr_ref_rst,

    -- Controller user interface
    ctlr_gen_clk    => ctlr_clk_out,
    ctlr_gen_rst    => ctlr_rst_out_i,
    ctlr_gen_clk_2x => OPEN,
    ctlr_gen_rst_2x => OPEN,

    ctlr_mosi       => ctlr_tech_mosi,
    ctlr_miso       => ctlr_tech_miso,

    term_ctrl_out   => term_ctrl_out,
    term_ctrl_in    => term_ctrl_in,

    -- DDR3 PHY interface
    phy3_in         => phy3_in,
    phy3_io         => phy3_io,
    phy3_ou         => phy3_ou,
    -- DDR4 PHY interface
    phy4_in         => phy4_in,
    phy4_io         => phy4_io,
    phy4_ou         => phy4_ou

  ctlr_rst_out <= ctlr_rst_out_i;
  ddr_cal_ok   <= ctlr_tech_miso.done;

  u_wr_fifo_full : entity common_lib.common_switch
  generic map(
    g_priority_lo => true
  port map(
    rst         => ctlr_rst_in,
    clk         => ctlr_clk_in,
    switch_high => wr_fifo_full,
    switch_low  => reg_rd_arr(3),
    out_level   => wr_fifo_full_reg

  u_rd_fifo_full : entity common_lib.common_switch
  generic map(
    g_priority_lo => true
  port map(
    rst         => ctlr_rst_in,
    clk         => ctlr_clk_in,
    switch_high => rd_fifo_full,
    switch_low  => reg_rd_arr(3),
    out_level   => rd_fifo_full_reg

  mm_reg_io_ddr <= RESIZE_UVEC(rd_fifo_full_reg & wr_fifo_full_reg, c_mem_reg_dat_w) &
                   RESIZE_UVEC(ctlr_wr_fifo_usedw, c_mem_reg_dat_w) &
                   RESIZE_UVEC(ctlr_rd_fifo_usedw, c_mem_reg_dat_w) &
                   RESIZE_UVEC(TO_SVEC(c_ddr_gigabytes, 8) &
                               TO_UVEC(c_ctlr_nof_bytes_per_word, 8) &
                               ctlr_tech_mosi.wr & ctlr_tech_miso.rdval & ctlr_tech_miso.cal_fail      & ctlr_tech_miso.cal_ok &
                               ctlr_rst_out_i    & ctlr_wr_flush_en     & ctlr_tech_miso.waitrequest_n & ctlr_tech_miso.done, c_mem_reg_dat_w);

  u_reg_map : entity common_lib.common_reg_r_w_dc
  generic map (
    g_cross_clock_domain => true,
    g_in_new_latency     => 0,
    g_readback           => false,
    g_reg                => c_mem_reg_io_ddr,
    g_init_reg           => (others => '0')
  port map (
    -- Clocks and reset
    mm_rst      => mm_rst,
    mm_clk      => mm_clk,
    st_rst      => ctlr_rst_in,
    st_clk      => ctlr_clk_in,

    -- Memory Mapped Slave in mm_clk domain
    sla_in      => reg_io_ddr_mosi,
    sla_out     => reg_io_ddr_miso,

    -- MM registers in st_clk domain
    reg_wr_arr  => OPEN,
    reg_rd_arr  => reg_rd_arr,
    in_new      => '1',
    in_reg      => mm_reg_io_ddr,
    out_reg     => open
end str;