The TMSS project is developing a new software application for the specification, scheduling, and administration of LOFAR observations.
See the TMSS Software Design for more details.
Getting Started
To make changes in the Lofar Repo you need a JIRA-ticket, which are for TMSS typical identified as TMSS-[ID]. For example TMSS-179. Get the code to your local Linux machine
git clone
cd lofar
git checkout -b TMSS-179 master
Now you can make changes in your local TMSS-[ID] branch. When committing changed don't forget to add TMSS-[ID] in your comment
git commit -m "TMSS-179: A pretty nice feature"
Before you can build the TMSS component, you need to install some packages, like The Django and Postgress. Also you need to be sure that some environment variables are set correctly.
The next example shows install of packages in CentOs. You can do the same for Ubuntu with apt-install, some package names are different
Old Centos 7.6 dependencies
This might no longer work, the ci images have been updated to Ubuntu 22.04
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y cmake gcc-c++ make log4cplus log4cplus-devel python3 python3-libs python3-devel boost readline-devel boost-devel binutils-devel boost-python36 boost-python36-devel gettext which openldap-devel npm nodejs git java-11-openjdk
yum erase -y postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-devel
yum install -y
yum install -y postgresql96 postgresql96-server postgresql96-devel
For install postgresql-server > 9.2 on Centos7 you need to check how to to it.
Ubuntu 22.04 dependencies
Install the packages as listed in docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_base_ubuntu
and docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_tmss
Install pip modules as listed in docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_tmss
Setting the path
cd $/HOME/lofar
mkdir -p build_tmss/gnucxx11_opt
cd $HOME/lofar/build/gnucxx_opt
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/casacore/lib:`pwd`/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/casacore/bin:`pwd`/bin:`pwd`/sbin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/casacore/lib:`pwd`/lib/python3.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
Installing and running TMSS
Build and install TMSS
cd $/HOME/lofar/build_tmss/gnucxx11_opt
make -j $(nproc)
make install
Running TMSS
Now run a TMSS instance on your local machine:
cd installed
# That's $HOME/lofar/build/gnucxx11_opt/installed
source ./
tmss_test_environment -p 8000
Ok, TMSS should be running, check it at:
Running TMSS with MAC Scheduler
One of the clients of TMSS is the MAC Scheduler. The MAC Scheduler will poll TMSS for new observations.
The MAC Scheduler will be build in a docker container. The next steps gives the "MAC build" instructions on your local machine cd to you local source root (that's $HOME/lofar in examples used on this page)
docker build -t ci_base -f Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_base .
docker build -t ci_mac -f Docker/lofar-ci/Dockerfile_ci_mac .
docker run --rm -it --net=host -v $HOME/lofar:$HOME/lofar ci_mac
Now you're running the ci_mac image with your local sources mounted into it. That way you can use your favorite editor on your local machine, and commit changes to git from your local machine using your own credentials etc.Ok, let's build MACScheduler:
Run in the ci_mac docker container, make sure you use another build folder:
cd $HOME/lofar
mkdir -p build_mac/gnucxx11_opt
cd build_mac/gnucxx11_opt
cmake -DBUILD_PACKAGES=MainCU -DUSE_LOG4CPLUS=false -DWINCC_ROOT_DIR=/opt/WinCC_OA/3.14/ -DBLITZ_ROOT_DIR=/opt/blitz/ ../..
make -j 5
make install
Now it's build (in the container) Let's run it (in the container)
cd installed
source ./
Continuous Integration
Every commit/push of code to the remote repo branch in gitlab will result in starting the Continuous Integration gitlab 'build' pipeline which is described in .gitlab-ci.yml This pipeline consist of 6 main stages:
- Prepare
- LTA docker image
- SAS docker image
- Build
- LTA ingest
- RA Services
- Unit test
- LTA ingest
- RA Services
- Integration Test
- LTA ingest
- RA Services
- Create Docker Container
- TMSS and push to Nexus Repository
- Deploy (manual action)
- TMSS Test
- TMSS Acceptance
Unit Test
Unit Test can be run with the command ctest
that's how the 'build' pipeline will execute it.
For development convenience, it is also possible to run the TMSS python unittest in PyCharm IDE.
See the TMSS landscape overview.
Integration Test
Integration tests are python unit test with @integration_test
The session authentication test is a typical integration test for TMSS.
Continuous Delivery
The Deployment can only be executed manually by pushing the button after the gitlab pipeline has executed most relevant stages of the pipeline successfully.
Test Deployment
Currently, TMSS has no test or acceptance environments, any references to them should be ignored as they do not exist anymore (2023-04-21).