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  • ro/lofar
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Commits on Source (19)
with 1293 additions and 17 deletions
......@@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ dockerize_TMSS:
- cd SAS/TMSS/backend/test/oidc/docker-test-mozilla-django-oidc
- docker build -t tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA -f dockerfiles/oidc_testprovider .
- docker tag tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA nexus.cep4.control.lofar:18080/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker push nexus.cep4.control.lofar:18080/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker tag tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA nexus.cep4.control.lofar:18080/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker push nexus.cep4.control.lofar:18080/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker tag tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA $CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker push $CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
- docker logout $CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY
interruptible: true
......@@ -286,10 +286,11 @@ deploy-tmss-test:
- chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "supervisorctl -u user -p 123 stop TMSS:*"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker pull ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker pull ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker tag ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_testprovider:latest"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker tag ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY}/tmss_django:latest"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker pull ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker pull ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker tag ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_testprovider:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_testprovider:latest"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker tag ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA nexus.cep4.control.lofar:18080/tmss_django:latest"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "docker tag ${CI_NEXUS_REGISTRY_LOCATION}/tmss_django:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA tmss_django:latest"
- ssh lofarsys@scu199.control.lofar "supervisorctl -u user -p 123 start TMSS:*"
- dockerize_TMSS
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ par _hostname I text - 10 0 'CCU001'
par applications I vtext - 10 0 ["CorrAppl"] - "The applications the controller should manage."
par applOrder I vtext - 10 0 ["CorrAppl"] - "The application depencies if any!"
par inspectionProgram I text - 100 0 '' - "Script to start the inspection"
par inspectionHost I text - 100 0 'master.cep4.control.lofar' - "Machine the inspection-script should be started"
par inspectionHost I text - 100 0 'head.cep4.control.lofar' - "Machine the inspection-script should be started"
uses CorrAppl 4.0.0 development 1 "CN Application"
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ node PythonControl 4.0.0 development 'node constraint' "Controller for the o
par _hostname I text - 100 0 'CCU001' - "Machine the PythonController should run on"
par pythonProgram I text - 100 0 '' - "Python script to start"
par pythonHost I text - 100 0 'master.cep4.control.lofar' - "Machine the Pythonscript should be started"
par pythonHost I text - 100 0 'head.cep4.control.lofar' - "Machine the Pythonscript should be started"
par canCommunicate I bool - 10 0 'true' - "Temp flag to tell MAC if the current PythonController can respond to CONTROL_xxx messages"
par softwareVersion I text - 100 0 '' - "the LOFAR software version to use for the pipeline (literally the sub-directory name in lofar_versions)"
......@@ -102,15 +102,17 @@ def runCommand(cmdline, input=None):
stdin=subprocess.PIPE if input else None,
# Feed input and wait for termination
logger.debug("runCommand input: %s", input)
stdout, _ = communicate_returning_strings(proc, input)
stdout, stderr = communicate_returning_strings(proc, input)
logger.debug("runCommand output: %s", stdout)
if stderr:
logger.warn("runCommand stderr output: %s", stderr)
# Check exit status, bail on error
if proc.returncode != 0:
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ class RAtoOTDBTranslator():
# (Inspection plots from station subband stats are independent from this and always avail.)
if any(key.endswith('.locations') and 'CEP4:' in val for key, val in list(parset.items())):"CreateParset: Adding inspection plot commands to parset")
parset[PREFIX+'ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionHost'] = 'head01.cep4.control.lofar'
parset[PREFIX+'ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionHost'] = 'head.cep4.control.lofar'
parset[PREFIX+'ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionProgram'] = ''
#special case for dynspec projects for Richard Fallows
......@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ def getTaskLogHtml(task_id):
cmd = []
if task['type'] == 'pipeline':
cmd = ['ssh', 'lofarsys@head01.cep4.control.lofar', 'cat /data/log/pipeline-%s-*.log' % task['otdb_id']]
cmd = ['ssh', 'lofarsys@head.cep4.control.lofar', 'cat /data/log/pipeline-%s-*.log' % task['otdb_id']]
cmd = ['ssh', 'mcu001.control.lofar', 'cat /opt/lofar/var/log/mcu001\\:ObservationControl\\[0\\]\\{%s\\}.log*' % task['otdb_id']]
......@@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ def can_run_anywhere_within_timewindow_with_sky_constraints(scheduling_unit: mod
Checks whether it is possible to place the scheduling unit arbitrarily in the given time window, i.e. the sky constraints must be met over the full time window.
:return: True if all sky constraints are met over the entire time window, else False.
# TODO: remove this shortcut after demo
return True
constraints = scheduling_unit.draft.scheduling_constraints_doc
if not "sky" in constraints:
return True
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class TMSSDynamicSchedulingMessageHandler(TMSSEventMessageHandler):
if models.Setting.objects.get(name=models.SystemSettingFlag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value).value:
logger.warning("Skipping update of dynamic schedule because the setting %s=%s", models.SystemSettingFlag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value, models.Setting.objects.get(name=models.Flag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value).value)
logger.warning("Skipping update of dynamic schedule because the setting %s=%s", models.SystemSettingFlag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value, models.Setting.objects.get(name=models.SystemSettingFlag.Choices.DYNAMIC_SCHEDULING_ENABLED.value).value)
except Exception as e:
# just continue processing events. better luck next time...
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#TODO: remove after demo
from lofar.common.test_utils import skip_integration_tests
if skip_integration_tests():
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ def _convert_to_parset_dict_for_observationcontrol_schema(subtask: models.Subtas
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl._hostname"] = 'CCU001'
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl.applOrder"] = '["CorrAppl"]'
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl.applications"] = '["CorrAppl"]'
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionHost"] = 'head01.cep4.control.lofar'
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionHost"] = 'head.cep4.control.lofar'
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.OnlineControl.inspectionProgram"] = ''
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.StationControl._hostname"] = parset["Observation.VirtualInstrument.stationList"]
parset[prefix+"ObservationControl.StationControl.aartfaacPiggybackAllowed"] = False
......@@ -758,11 +758,11 @@ def create_cleanup_subtask_from_task_blueprint(task_blueprint: TaskBlueprint) ->
subtask_data = {"start_time": None,
"stop_time": None,
"state": SubtaskState.objects.get(value=SubtaskState.Choices.DEFINING.value),
"task_blueprint": task_blueprint,
"specifications_template": subtask_template,
"specifications_doc": subtask_specs,
"cluster": Cluster.objects.get(name=cluster_name)}
subtask = Subtask.objects.create(**subtask_data)
# step 2: create and link subtask input
# for this cleanup subtask an 'input' seems a bit weird, but it actually makes sense!
This diff is collapsed.