- Jul 31, 2012
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
- Jul 30, 2012
Joris van Zwieten authored
Task #3223: Cleaned up Demixer.cc, removed boost::multi_array dependency, several other source files cleaned up and documented.
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Menno Norden authored
Andre Offringa authored
Andre Offringa authored
Andre Offringa authored
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: We need to set 'outputs' field 'ok' when we're exiting early because our output file already exists.
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: Do not let the DPPP recipe clobber its output by default. This is needed if we want to do a re-run to process missing Measurement Sets.
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: The target pre-processing pipeline now also creates different instrument- and sky-models for the DPPP and BBS run.
Jan David Mol authored
- Jul 29, 2012
Sven Duscha authored
- Jul 27, 2012
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: Reverted commit r21701. Don't know if it's really needed, and it doesn't seem to work the way I thought
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: Updated dppp node script; now uses temporary MS-file as working copy (if needed); skips processing if output file already exists.
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: Create separate sourcedb and parmdb for DPPP and BBS run, instead of overwriting them. This is needed when we want to re-run part of the calibrator pipeline.
Marcel Loose authored
Task #2942: We also need to store self.outputs in the statefile. Otherwise we won't get the correct outputs back for a skipped recipe.
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
- Jul 26, 2012
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
- Jul 25, 2012
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Jan David Mol authored
Jan David Mol authored
Task #3446: Keep memory usage under control for beam formed data, and explictly list what flat memory is used for
Ruud Overeem authored
The SQL function must be added to the database and the OLD SETSCHEDULE FUNCTION MUST BE REMOVE MANUALLY! The C++ interface changed from ptimes to strings. The Java interface remains unchanged.
- Jul 24, 2012
Jan David Mol authored
Jan David Mol authored
Andre Offringa authored
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Marcel Loose authored
- Jul 23, 2012
Marcel Loose authored
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Marcel Loose authored
Marcel Loose authored
Task #3250: Include the new ApplCommon/LofarDirs.h header file when using any of the LOFAR_*_LOCATION preprocessor variables.
Marcel Loose authored
Alexander van Amesfoort authored
Alexander van Amesfoort authored