- Aug 03, 2006
Ruud Overeem authored
Ruud Overeem authored
Ruud Overeem authored
Created parset file for child is now copied to other machine if necc.
Ruud Overeem authored
Made serviceBroker client suitable to connected to serviceBrokers at several machines. Extended the SB protocol with re-register events to update a restarted service- Broker with the port that are already in use. Banned 'localhost' from the code. Remove (IN) and (OUT) from the signal names of the framework. They only work confusing.
- Aug 02, 2006
Marcel Loose authored
Yet another iteration in the long way to a new BBSControl ;-). Most significant changes: - Added execute() and getAllSteps() methods to BBSStep classes. - Tried to restructure SC_Simple.cc (for what it's worth); don't know if I broke anything, 'cause I can't test the darn thing. I may have to ditch it anyway, sooner or later.
blaakmeer authored
Changed the existing code to compile with the new protocol. Some parts of the protocol have not been implemented yet in RA
blaakmeer authored
Integration with MACScheduler
Joris van Zwieten authored
- updated test files
blaakmeer authored
First integration steps with MACScheduler
- Aug 01, 2006
Joris van Zwieten authored
- because the prediffer now takes the meta data straight from the MS, the station names no longer match those in the vis.des file. therefore, the test files had to be modified. The difference in station names is a quirk of makems.cc.
Joris van Zwieten authored
- Updated prediffer such that it no longer needs a vis.des file in the MS.
Ruud Overeem authored
Made programs compatible with CodeLoggingProcessor.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added heartbeat task.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added code to update the PVSS Dynamic String Array 'activeObservations'.
- Jul 31, 2006
pompert authored
Additions: -Dialog to host the Step Explorer panel -Further implemented the BBSStep class
- Jul 28, 2006
Ruud Overeem authored
Aips++ is in another directory.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added unit 'period' to unit-table.
Ruud Overeem authored
Make prototype files for the online- and offline-controller and gave them a place in the tree.
Ruud Overeem authored
Fixed bug in TCPSocket that caused a 'disconnect' when the 'connect' call returned the error EISCONN (already connected). This can occure when you call open twice on the same port.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added support for starting the childcontrollers.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added some debug lines.
Ruud Overeem authored
Added definition for the online- and offline controllers.
Ruud Overeem authored
Moved StationInfo from deployment to APLCommon to avoid too many dependancies with OTDB.
Ger van Diepen authored
Look in Makefile.am to test if a test program really has to be built
blaakmeer authored
Implemented CS1 main view
Ger van Diepen authored
Fixed probem in BBSrun
- Jul 27, 2006
wierenga authored
Fix the clock initialization sequence. Because the TDS_RESULT register was not cleared before reading back an expected result the "RSU clear" was done while the i2c sequence towards the clock board had not yet completed. Now because the TDS_RESULT register is cleared before reading the i2c result the driver waits for the correct result before proceeding to do an RSU clear.
blaakmeer authored
Modified Software overview panel
Marcel Loose authored
Moved infiniteRecursionCheck() to BBSMultiStep class, because that's where it acutally belongs; it doesn't make sense to do this check on a BBSSingleStep, does it?
Marcel Loose authored
* Moved all code into namespace BBS. * Added check for infinite recursion in BBSMultiStep definition.
- Jul 26, 2006
Ruud Overeem authored
First (tryout) version of component file for ACC.
Ruud Overeem authored
The ObservationController still used the ObservationController.conf file during startup in stead of the ObservationController[x]{y} file in /opt/lofar/share. Introduced timers for the claim/prepare/start and stop events. Supporting changes of these times in PVSS.
Ruud Overeem authored
Ruud Overeem authored
ChildControl now creates a good parsetfile for the child process it should start. It contains the parameters of the child and all Observation-related parameters. What is left to be done is copying the file to another machine when necessary.
pompert authored
Additions: -BBS Strategy Step Tree browser now loads steps present in the BBS OTDB tree -Name field in the Step Explorer to make it possible to specify its Step Identifier
Ruud Overeem authored
Entered default values for claimPeriod and preparePeriod.
Ruud Overeem authored
When a task cannot find the parsetfile argv[0].parset during the init-phase the task no longer aborts, it just gives a debug-message in the logfile. This is neccesary for the controlleris since the controllers need an observai- tion-related (and instance-related) parsetfile that has the treeID and the instanceNr mangled in its name. The controllers theirselves know which parset file to open and do this in the constructor, so the task will still abort if the right parset file can not be found.
Marcel Loose authored
Added a variant file for dop131
Joris van Zwieten authored
- fixed tBandpass.run to conform to the test environment.
Marcel Loose authored
Use directory $prefix (if defined) to locate lofarinit.sh; otherwise use LOFAR/LCS/Tools/src as fallback.