- May 14, 2019
Jan David Mol authored
SW-699: Make notifications unconfigurable, greatly reducing complexity of the higher abstraction layers.
- May 13, 2019
Jan David Mol authored
SW-699: Use a single broker and bus (exchange), and make service names unconfigurable (fixed in Service and RPC). Greatly reduces configuration size.
- May 10, 2019
Jan David Mol authored
- May 08, 2019
Thomas Jürges authored
- May 06, 2019
Thomas Jürges authored
Auke Klazema authored
Auke Klazema authored
Jan David Mol authored
ROHD-1729: uploadMetadata: use db credentials from config file. Properly install config files for this module in CMake.
Auke Klazema authored
- May 01, 2019
Jan David Mol authored
SW-657: Python programs can be started as parameter to python/python2/python3. Let SoftwareMonitor recognise them properly
- Apr 30, 2019
Jörn Künsemöller authored
Thomas Jürges authored
Thomas Jürges authored
Jan David Mol authored
SW-693: Do not depend C++ code on a pure-python package, as our CMake does not support that (well, LCS/Common does not)
Jan David Mol authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: added test to prove that proton is not thread-safe. Running the PingPongTester results in eratic behaviour, either deadlocking, of crashing proton. Now let's find a solution!
- Apr 29, 2019
Thomas Jürges authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: locking. logging. added test to reconnect to frombus if not receiving new jobs when the jobmanager says there are jobs to do
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: added connection error handling + auto reconnect. Limited the number of threads for the buslisteners because of proton multithreading issues
Jan David Mol authored
SW-657: Use scu001/199 directly for LCS/Messaging/python, to avoid relying on qpid infrastructure for our services.
Jan David Mol authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
- Apr 26, 2019
Mattia Mancini authored
Mattia Mancini authored
Mattia Mancini authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: a bit more logging, so we can see the autocleanupservice is listening and handling ingest notification messages
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: number of threads needs to be 1 because of the way we use proton, otherswise one thread can receive a message and another thread can ack it, and then mayhem starts
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jan David Mol authored
Thomas Jürges authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
Jan David Mol authored
Jorrit Schaap authored
SW-657: simple priority sorting for new python3 changes, simplified canProduceNextJob method to simple lookup of a single scheduled job
Jorrit Schaap authored