SW-610: fixed messagebus test which failed if ran in parallel in multiple...
SW-610: fixed messagebus test which failed if ran in parallel in multiple builds-with-tests. The problem was a too largs messagebody filling the broker queue. Reduced the bodies size to 2^16+1.
@@ -468,7 +468,9 @@ class SendReceiveMessage(unittest.TestCase):
Test send/receive of an RequestMessage, containing a large string
content=100000*'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'#large enough string, but not too big to overload the broker buffers
content=((2**16)+1)*'a'# test if the messages can handle a string with more than 2^16 chars which is aparently a probly for some brokers of messaging libs.
# so, we need a large enough string, but not too big to overload the broker buffers when running multiple tests at the same time
'large_string':100000*'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'#large enough string, but not too big to overload the broker buffers
'large_string':((2**16)+1)*'a'# test if the messages can handle a string with more than 2^16 chars which is aparently a probly for some brokers of messaging libs.
# so, we need a large enough string, but not too big to overload the broker buffers when running multiple tests at the same time