par nrAnaBeams I int - 10 100 1 - 'Number of analog beams in this observation'
par nrBeamformers I int - 10 100 0 - 'Number of beamformers in this observation'
par nrPolarisations I pint - 10 100 '1|2;2' - 'Number of polarisations to use in this observation'
par nrSlotsInFrame I int - 10 100 62 - '???'
par nrSlotsInFrame I int - 10 100 61 - '???'
par referencePhaseCenter I vdbl - 10 100 '[3826577.110, 461022.900, 5064892.758]' - 'Constant value: phase center of LOFAR'
par existingStations I vtext - 10 100 '["CS001","CS002","CS003","CS004","CS005","CS006","CS007","CS017","CS021","CS024","CS026","CS028","CS030","CS031","CS101","CS103","CS201","CS301","CS302","CS401","CS501","RS106","RS205","RS208","RS306","RS307","RS503","DE601","DE602","DE603"]' - 'Constant value: stations that can be used'
par existingAntennaFields I vtext - 10 100 '["LBA","HBA","HBA0","HBA1"]' - 'Constant value: names of all antennafields'